No cap

aggravated seme September 17, 2023 3:11 am

Raven's younger brother is kind of annoying. I semi-hate when two characters are duplicates and the only difference is like a hair part. I'm sorry, I'm the scrooge

next chapter finna be wild though

    Mayo Nessa October 3, 2023 5:14 pm

    I get it. Younger bro feels like nothing. I'm not even talking about power levels. I mean he feels flat. There's nothing there. You can't root for him, you can't really sympathize, and his motivations feel lackluster. The way his character plays off is like a child throwing a tantrum. The only reason why I'm not writing him off yet is that the author has been doing well blindsiding me so far so I gotta keep the faith.

    aggravated seme October 7, 2023 5:00 am
    I get it. Younger bro feels like nothing. I'm not even talking about power levels. I mean he feels flat. There's nothing there. You can't root for him, you can't really sympathize, and his motivations feel lack... Mayo Nessa

    That's a good point. Maybe we'll learn something else about him but it's exhausting to wait and see in stories being oftentimes I find there's no "oh shit" or "aha" and I'm just made to root for some mediocre dude