No, I think the stronger the attachment he has the more insecure and unstable he starts to get. Yuri has a very small support system, basically just a few friends and his cousin, even those relationships he rarely feels he can open up to them.
Seonwoo is one of the few people who has seen all extreme sides of him and still been willing to accept him. But the fact that Seonwoo nearly left seems to have really traumatized him and he's waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Seonwoo to leave him just like his cousin.
I can kind of understand his thinking, even if it does not excuse his actions. He definitely needs therapy to explore his obsessive and insecure attachment. He's under no obligation to help Yuri, considering it's a lot of pressure for anyone to be the object of someone's obsessive love, but hopefully Seonwoo is able to be patient enough to help him realize he needs help.
Was yuri always this bad? Like omg is he annoying