dohyeok never blackmailed or threatened suha, why are you making it up? manipulation is not the same as those two mentioned above, stop trying to make hyeok out to be a rapist. in the present, he did the same but all of these times suha had the opportunity to refuse, he didn't refuse because he was written to be the pitiful MC and hyeok the evil villain. we know how consent works and that suha did consent to it because he was delusional about getting hyeok's love, that doesn't mean it was rape.

Dawg what, suha was most definitely a victim, manipulation to consent is still rape, suha didn’t want to have sex with dohyeok he said no to his advances multiple times until he was either physically harmed or his lover was in some sort of danger(being drugged and having his job at risk) “consent” under distress is not actual consent, that’s like saying someone being threatened and them saying “yes” is proper consent

What story did you read? He definitely blackmailed and threatened him, specifically with saying if you come with me I won’t harm the director. I didn’t like the first couple either but Suha has been a victim in every relationship of this story and it’s cause the people he grew up around are entitled shits.

i was only talking about the past, even in the present suha still had multiple chances to refuse him. i do know that suha didn't deserve what happened to him but manipulation with words isn't rape, just because suha was dumb and delusional about hyeok loving him doesn't mean he was raped. and yes, in the present, i will agree with the blackmailing part but suha left so nothing happened to him.

we read the same story, and hyeok wasn't a rapist in it, nor did he ever insinuate gangrape. in my previous response i mentioned that yes hyeok did blackmail him in the present, but suha left, and he also had plenty of chances to leave even in the past so don't make hyeok out to be a rapist because he never forced himself on suha.

do you not understand how emotional and mental abuse works? the amount of victim blaming you are doing is insane, suha didn’t want what happened to him, he “agreed” out of distress or extreme pressure wether it be from the situation(his bf being drugged) or the very obvious power dynamic, also you keep saying he did it cuz “he wanted dohyeok’s love” what are you talking about, they have been broken up and he was in a committed relationship

I understand, what YOU don't get is that those are not the same as rape as you claim. i am not saying what suha went through is 100% his fault, was he manipulated? yes but it was still consensual and he had the chance to leave whenever he wanted, as shown in the side stories. also, the 'jiwoon being drugged' incident is from the present, i was only talking about the past, which is why is said he wanted hyeok's love and that's why he did it. i won't deny it, in the present hyeok did try to blackmail suha by drugging jiwoon but suha left last minute and ultimately nothing happened. hyeok also never physically forced himself on him so no, he is not a rapist, especially in the past.

I think what is so disappointing in your reply is that there likely is more people who agree with what you are saying. Sometimes it can be helpful putting yourself in the victims shoes to understand that there is more to it than what you see. Your view is very black and white so this thread can probably end here, but rape is very nuanced and coercion, blackmail, giving consent and then withdrawing it, feeling pressured etc is all rape. And you say he could ‘walk away at any point’ is just untrue. The major plot of the story is red head guy doing all he can to get suha and keep him even though Suha didn’t want him. Walking away was not a permanent option. If this was happening in real life I just know the comments would be different.

if you can't differentiate between fiction and reality then that is your personal problem. this is not a real life situation, this story isn't even psychological, the point is my suha IS a very black and white story with mediocre writing at best, and that's why it should be criticized on that basis too. you think the author wrote their past with all of what you said in mind? suha was most definitely a victim but he had plenty of options where he could leave. he didn't because he is a fictional character whose every thought and action is written by the author, and so he makes stupid decisions and we can do nothing but sympathize because all he wanted was hyeok's love. even if you consider their past as suha being raped, it still wouldn't make it ok for hyeok to go through what he did.

This conversation was never about differentiating between fact or fiction. This was about someone saying a character never did something the he in fact did. That the major conflict of the story was the he DID do that. All i’m saying is your points on why Suha didn’t have to go through what he did are ridiculous and I couldn’t fathom this being said to someone in real life and if it was that is apart of victim blaming culture. Point blank period. Agree or don’t but it’s just a fact. The story is just story but the situations could happen.
Now if you want to criticize the story cause of its shitty writing that’s fine. I agree, I honestly hate this story but that is a totally different point from what this thread was about which was that reluctance is technically consent which is true.
man I’m all for like f-ed up sexy BL but idk I’m just not vibing with the second couple, the author said in their note after the main story ended that DH wasn’t gonna get a redemption but this kinda feels like that regardless of how suha feels now this is still kinda shitty of his friend 2 do lol, also saw some ppl saying DH didn’t rape suha and that’s just straight up not true, just cuz suha “agreed” doesn’t mean it wasn’t under distress or blackmail, that’s not consent that’s still rape guys, idc about rape in yaoi but seeing ppl straight up ignore how proper consent works is a lil concerning lol