I completely agree! Like in that time period her getting married is the equivalent of getting responsibilities (or in more blunt terms, it’s like getting a job as the lady of a house…) but she’s pretending to be ill in order to get out of it- basically saying “nah I don’t wanna get a job, I just wanna laze around and do nothing all day, big bro you keep being my guardian and providing for me so I can be lazy”. She comes across and irresponsible and, well, stupid to me personally. (Also poor big bro being traumatised by this situation thinking that he caused his sister to be disabled when she’s just throwing a temper tantrum…)

True. I mean it's fine if she doesn't want to get married. But at that time, it's not clear wether woman can get a job or something. I mean sometimes widow have to get another marriage if her husband is died or missing.
Yes, it's not fair. But unless someone made a change, nothing will ever change.
And sulking is definitely not doing any good for her.
I mean her brother is kinda harsh, but she's being selfish too. Yes, forcing her into marriage is crossing the line, but in that period of time, it's normal to her brother as a family patriarch to arranged marriage her engagement.
And it's not like she has other plan for her future, she's just want to read book. Maybe the second prince is fine with her reading books all the time? We'll never know because she's shut it down before tried to finding it out.