Yes i think so too. I believe the reason why a lot of people think Jaekyung didnt rape Dan is because Dan agreed to a contract that said they have sex whenever Jaekyungs wants in exchange for money, but thats not true. No matter what your sex contract says, saying no is not something that can be signed away. Contract law isnt omnipontent, you cannot sign away fundemental human rights. It is not a concept that is legal because you are entitled to them no matter what you sign or say. Weaponising the fact that the contractee (Dan) clearly really needs the money as a way to get them to stop resisting is rape.
People aren't object nor property and we cant own them (legally) as such their consent can never be taken away from them. You cant put a contract on someones bodily autonomy nor can you force them in any way, shape or form to provide you the 'agreed apon' services. This is just me reiterating what i said but yeah.

Chapter 7-8?
Review Chapter 6.
Then read Dan’s lines carefully. ( He was not saying no to sex. He was saying no to the location. )
Then look up Sexual Assault. The textbook definition of rape will debunk it.
One of the haters was making this prostitution… I think the first deal fit but I wouldn’t call the second one prostitution. It is more of a contract relationship. But if you do.
Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.
Prostitution is sexual abuse because prostitutes are subjected to various sexual acts that in any other context, perpetrated against any other woman, would be labeled assaultive, or, at the very least, unwanted and coerced.
Sorry I am not Tora and I don’t think he has anything written out. If he did he lost it.

First and foremost, being paid for sexual acts is prostitution, a contract relationship is which you are paid for having sexual intercourse with someone else is prostitution. You can call it a contract relationship though, its all the same in this case.
I do see where you are coming from but not wanting to have sex in a certain place and then being forced (albeit not necessarily physically) to have sex there is inherently rape. Its not consensual sex because Dan did not consent to where it was happening correct? The textbook definiton of rape obviously doesnt apply here because rape is not a one fits all mold. I defined it as rape based on the definition of consent, Dan said he didnt want to do it there so even if he was saying no to the location specifically, this also means he was saying no to having sex in that location. Meaning that he did not want to have sex where he was, he was still, penetrated. Meaning this was rape. Unwanted penetration is rape, Dan made it clear it was unwanted but it still, occurred. Does this not put it in the category of rape? I'd like to hear more.

Robin- I suggest you to stop spreading misinformation. Unfortunately for you, Toilet and I have been talking over a month. He knows I am a genuine person that comes off too serious to him. I had him blocked and now he is unblocked because we worked it out. This is just a genuine conversation here and hopefully says that way. At the beginning, Toilet and I did not get along. He did start by saying he would bomb my toilet with me on it…. Lol and calling me something like goofy ass? Gooberass? G—-ass. Maybe he will remember.
Somewhere along the line, we worked it and we can get along because one topic that I know off. We can butt heads but we don’t hold grudges and move forward in life. Can’t you do the same? I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish here but stop dividing people and spreading misinformation.
Who joined that conversation?
Tora? OMG I would love to be him. Well really I would love to have his analysis skills. I want to meet him in person one day. I think I have a fetish for him today. lol.
You know, Toilet and Tora is back on some common ground.
Mi Amore? She is his real life friend. She is so sweet. Thanks for making this a great and safe place for her to feel comfortable to share her opinions and thoughts.
I don’t know who else you would say is me. Tell me how many accounts I have and who I am, I thought I only had this one. This joke has been used over month now. We don’t care if you want to make many people one person. Tora and Mi Amore are good people. You think it is an insult or something because you don’t like us. You are not exposing someone with alt accounts. Why can’t you just let there be peace and have civil conversation? What do you want to spread misinformation and stop genuine conversation?
Toilet asked a question.
My first comment was sharing information.
Toilet asked me a question with sharing information and no attacks. There was no degradation. No forcing a pov.
He can hate Jk and see it as rape.
I can think Jk is dull and see it as SA.
The opinions, I am interested in hearing them but I am not bothered by them.
It is hate and misinformation that I go after. Someone should not be told to go kill theirselves for loving this story or be called vile names.
Topics were created to promote bonding and genuine communication. This is what I seek and fight for. That is why I call out behaviors, so people can change it not come to thread with lies to cut communication.
Please stop cutting communication that this page desperately needs.

Yes it is a genuine discussion. You wrote it good. I think, depending on how, hahaha I don’t know how to word this right. ( 5 minutes later …lol) Depending on the the person handling it the convincing most likely would not start it.
I am trying to think of all the way someone can trying to convince someone.
I am getting to sleepy. Lol.
Don’t mind this comment. I will respond to your later and to the Spanish. I knew I forgot something.
Details from chapter 7-8 will take longer than I have. But the first part I can respond to fast. I am sorry if this sounds weird. For the second time…Would it be still prostitution because it is more than money? He is offered a PT Job. Then later living space, some of the medical bills, and the debt paid off. It is not just money for sex.
I do use JK’s true objective as a reason (hinted at) but hmmm…. I know to avoid that hehe.

Yeah, sorry if I came across too strong. I just think you're doing a good thing by plainly reminding people of the consequences of fiction, especially the source material. I know it probably doesn't matter to bring this up, but I am gay and I understand how bad it is to depict people from my community heteronormaive and abusive. I really appreciate reminding people that SA romanticization is bad, especially for a marginalized community.

Yeah because it is in exchange for sexual intercourse. If person A sleeps with Person B and in exchange is given benefits it is prostitution because person A is gaining some sort of benefit from selling their body to person B. Prostitution isnt always necessarily paid for with money, it can be materialistic things in general. A new job, a higher paying position, a chance to be on TV, a house, jewelry and even food. Anything that is of value to the person who prostitutes themselves can be considered a form of payment if they accept it.

TM (and Tora) wants to know how in-depth you want the shower scene? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Falled. Can they use other chapters or anything at their disposal. Muahahah. Failed again. They want to know how deep or vague you want it? You think this would be easy… I know what I want to ask and say but to get it be clear to you.
Maybe examples? Do you want number 1 or the last one.
1) Dan said no. Next sentence.
2) Dan said no on page two chapter 84. Next sentence.
Do you want links to the source instead?
TM said on the comment I am responding to…..he is going to look into it.I will DM the rest.

This is SM. Before someone says anything about alt account. Or you messed up. I have responded multiple times identifying myself as SM in the last few hours. We have always said this is a multi-person account. Two married men. I said TM not TMSM.
TM is busy cleaning the kitchen floor with my toothbrush. Notice I mentioned Tora he is off writing papers. Mi Amore will not talk to Toilet. Whoever else you think is us would have no reason to know what I said We only have one account. It was not a mistake.
Maybe I should make my own account and you will have one more account to worry about. Hehe.
How do yall look at that shower scene and not see rape? I genuinely want to hear someones opinion on this. Mine isnt going to change but thats not the reason im asking, im trying to understand peoples interpretations here.
My opinion cited and edited from womenslaw.org:
When a person says “No,” it means no – it doesn’t matter if s/he is a prostituted person or not. Even if s/he agrees to do one sexual act, if the payer forces him/her to do a different sexual act against his/her will, that is still rape. Prostituted people are much more likely to be raped than non-prostituted people. Using money as a weapon against them after they've clearly expressed they do not want intercourse is rape and sexual exploitation. Dan has been raped by Jaekyung 100% in chapter 8.