This is going to be a rant

Mika September 15, 2023 1:55 am

I'm gonna recommend everyone that doesn't enjoy these types of contents and they want healthy stories to move to webtoon app. It's free, full of great stories with great plot lines and/or fluffy cute webtoons.
Or you can just open your eyes read the hashtags before starting a piece of media.
First I want to say all you "woke" people's moral high ground is very questionable considering we are on an ILLEGAL WEBSITE.
Secondly, yes I enjoy this. Yes I have issues and I'm working on it. No I do not think this is romantic. No I do not condone rape or any form of SA in real life. No I am not delusional about jaekyung's character nor do I find him remotely attractive(but that's just my personal preference. PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO FIND WHATEVER FUCKED SHIT THEY WANT ATTRACTIVE BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING 2D CHARACTER MADE OF PIXELS!!!!!)
okay so now that we talked about the important things, I'm gonna say why I enjoy this because some people seem baffled!
First of all I want to say that having a rape kink is a valid thing. The reasons may differ for anyone and mine is very personal and triggering to talk about, but I have it. I am well aware of CNC(consensual non consent) for real life situations. But fiction can help with the cathartic feeling.
Second of all this story is angsty af. Angst and tragedy has been huge genres in the history of literature and people enjoy it because at the end of the day they know it's not real and that helps with the brain processing real life sadness.
This manhwa and something like ptotn address real societal issues and your need to cancel or censor these types of media doesn't erase it from real life. People in power and people with shit loads of money will abuse their power and people that are in tough spots will let them do it because they have no choice.
Yet OBVIOUSLY because this is a fictional piece of media it will have a happy ending and the shitty situation will turn for the better and a cheesy romance will be the outcome of their interactions.
This is not a psychological story nor did it ever pretend to be so it will not end in a dark heavy and real way as it shouldn't. You are NOT reading a documentary you are reading bl written by women on an ILLEGAL WEBSITE.
If you were so well educated to tell people what they are allowed to enjoy you must have read about why when and how bl started. Bl started as a way of women dealing with heavy misogyny. In a cathartic way for them to make men go through what many of them have experienced and maybe get a happy ending out of it. At the end of the day pain is what drives people to create art be it enjoyable to you or not. Bl genre as a whole never pretended to be the truth of gay people. It was always written by women and FOR women. It's fictional and people are allowed to create whatever nonsense they want as fiction. You won't see people complaining about a superhero media being defiant of physics laws, because it was never a physics documentary to begin with.
If you are at the end of my rant I just want you to know that you shouldn't try to judge other people's taste to help you feel good about yourselves! Just be true to yourself and if you like it accept the labels that comes with it! And if you don't then that means this was never meant to please you, the world doesn't revolve around you. For every content there is an audience and censorship is wrong even if it is based on morality because people will always find ways to justify their reasons for censoring things they don't like whether you and I agree with the reasons or not.

    toilet terrorist September 15, 2023 9:20 pm
    I think since you back out. I am right. I think you are distorting facts. I wouldn’t treat you like I am treating thisislele. You are not a hater. It is your personal problem not my problem. No. Not some, all... BelovedRose

    Me not replying anymore doesnt mean you've won, im not so willing to discuss because you've been verbally abusive to others and i dont want to repeat myself. You've also come across as somewhat patronising, falsly assuming and accusing me in the same comment. You shouldn't take this as an 'im right you're wrong' type of situation, this isnt a debate nor an arguement its a discussion. View it as such. I'll bite for now.

    Sigh, Ok listen. The reason why BL content that trivilaises or normalises rape in anyway is harmful because it can desensitise people to male victims of sexual violence. Ive already said this, im not acting like jinx is the sole contributor to rape culture but media (tv, art, books, novels etc) are one of, if not the biggest contributors to rape culture. There are many that do worse but my discussion is revolved around jinx primarily. Being desensitised is not ok, its a problem. We should be upset about this even while acknowledging its not real because the way ournbrains process fiction is extremely similar to how we process reality. Meaning that a desensitisation to fictional sexual violence of men can leak into our real perceptions. We should be sensitive about it because it is a sensitive topic, discussions like these are important.

    This is anecdotal evidence so take it as you will. I am a survivor of same sex CSA and im also a male. I can say that rape culture has impacted me a lot, i didnt come out about my sexual abuse to anybody other than my sister because of it. I can say that content like this definetly contributes to rape culture which harms survivors. Now, my points aren't automatically valid just because i experienced sexual abuse as a boy but your question is asking how content that contributes to raps culture it harms men is it not? Im saying it harmed me, im saying it harmed my dad, my friend, my cousin, my uncle and a stranger i dont know. There is no statisics on how many victims it impacts, because any man/boy who is subjected to sexual violence willbe impacted by rape culture. Its a societal issue fueled by media, culture and possibly religion (?). However, in our modern society its now primarily media, atleast where i live.

    Things that contribute to rape culture indirectly harm victims of sexual violence. My issue is not that Dan is being raped but that mingwa made the rapist his love interest and then makes Dan fall inlove with him despite the abuse. Of course, anybody can read this without endorsing the rape/abuse part of it or trivialising it but what mingwa is doing IS trivialising it. Having this be a romance and having Dan fall in love downplays the severity. Doing that isnt okay. I think this had been said on page 1 though. You should throughly look through it.

    thisislele September 15, 2023 10:38 pm
    Thisislele. I have no hatred. You are a rape apologist. Rape apologists can be actively dismantling rape culture. “ a rape apologist is not just someone who is outwardly aggressive towards survivors who spea... BelovedRose

    except i never attacked you or your "friend" until you started insulting me. i am not a rape apologist but you are an idiot. and being rude to you does not make anybody a rape apologist you fucking dumbass. youve been a raging bitch this whole fucking time and im sick of it. go fuck yourself. stop fucking talking to me and stop making shit up about me you fucking obsessed freak. the only BULLSHIT has been coming from you.

    BelovedRose September 15, 2023 10:51 pm
    Me not replying anymore doesnt mean you've won, im not so willing to discuss because you've been verbally abusive to others and i dont want to repeat myself. You've also come across as somewhat patronising, fal... toilet terrorist

    “Me not replying anymore doesnt mean you've won,”. ??????????? Huh?????

    “im not so willing to discuss because you've been verbally abusive to others”. Sigh. I am good natured. I know you seen what happened a month ago to now. You of all people should understand. “I have posted “ Haters/ trolls/ cyber bullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are haters loses my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language.” Many times. It is I have been verbally abused to haters. Thisislele is a rape apologist hater. They act like a monster be treated like a monster. They are not human. Now who is coming up with theories? I am not doing this real genuine people. You have been genuine and You hate JK. It is not hate on a character. I hated Jk. He reminded of me of my rapist.
    Don’t take how I been treating them and use it against me when you actions are different from themp. Also, you follow and talk to those monsters who are worst and actually treat others like this to feel better about themselves and harm them. HELPMELMAO as told 3 of us to go kill ourselves and harass us. Their real harassment is okay but my acting like them to defend us, isn’t okay?
    HELPMELMAO, thisislele= it is rape
    US = it is Sexual Assault not rape.
    You = it is rape.
    You say something to me. I don’t think you said anything to anyone that is equally or worse than I presented in my response. Is it because of they are liked minded?? Real verbal abuse is okay but mock verbal abuse isn’t acceptable. Condone haters, condemn their victims defending themselves against their actions by acting like them. Okay. They never went against you. You thought I would go against you for having different views. You don’t care unless you’re involved? Duly noted.
    I don’t know if I have accused or assumed. That is what came across. If I was thisislele or a hater I would keep it and pretend you’re delusional as they did with TMSM and you said nothing. Now you made me like thisislele. Should I be like them? Or be me? You would be okay with them not changing but this is about you.

    “You shouldn't take this as an 'im right you're wrong' type of situation, “? Huh?? I am not a hater

    “this isnt a debate nor an arguement its a discussion. “ not a hater. I am friends with Tora and TMSM = conversations. I am not a hater. Lol you are a riot. Not trolling. I think you overreacted here. You were to serious. You follow the ones that make this page awful with their attacks. They try to make conversations into debates, arguments, and pure attacks and you do nothing or join in.

    Okay. I will go back and read over. I will be me. I will try to see your view. I don’t know how haters pretend to be right when they are wrong.
    While you are explaining it. There seems to be some things missing. I think I will ask Tora research this. He loves to research. Maybe he can fill in the gaps.

    Maybe we can discuss this here after or DM. If I don’t piss you off.

    “you should throughly look through it.” Again**

    Maybe he (Tora) can find better articles on what I am saying. Research is his thing.

    BelovedRose September 15, 2023 11:03 pm

    You reply is the first comment. You talked about TMSM making him the drama when he wants. You called TMSM a werido. He has a topic with 5 links and quotes but you claimed he wrote it. It was on women and sex fantasies and a few other things but you made it about sexual assault is different from rape. Rape is sexual assault but not all SA is rape. You asked a question trying to make it look like he was trying to downplay the abuse. He isn’t a rape apologist or denier. You degraded TMSM.
    You failed to see why there is a point to separate Rape and SA. You’re taunted and deflected. You are rude. You are argumentative. You get proven wrong and keep lying. Your name is thisislele. You know it is but you would fight saying it is not saying the other is making up things. You pretend they proved your point when it disproved you. TMSM was civil. Anyone can tell he was causally talking to you. When TMSM know it was just cyber bullying he started to call you out. You called TMSM an idiot. He was stupid. You attacked him. You gaslighted him.
    You were playing victim.

    “except i never attacked you or your "friend" until you started insulting me. “. Lying rape apologist says what?
    Werido. You are a werido. Verbal attack. The evidence is there. I am not two gay men. You are fucking dedicated to that sham.
    You are the fucking dumbass you can’t tell people apart. You can’t tell why you are a rape apologist when I told you. Returning what I said to you. You have no originality.
    I never made anything up. TMSM never made anything up. You are the bullshitter.
    You are the fucking obsessed fuck that will not go away. You can’t return with lies. You rape apologist bullshitter liar that is obviously obsessed with harming a rape survivor. I am trying to stop you but you are to stupid to see.

    toilet terrorist September 15, 2023 11:08 pm
    “Me not replying anymore doesnt mean you've won,”. ??????????? Huh????? “im not so willing to discuss because you've been verbally abusive to others”. Sigh. I am good natured. I know you seen what h... BelovedRose

    i dont really understand why you brought up others here, i say nothing because there is nothing to say. They are just cyberbulling people and the best way to combat it is to not respond or react. Attention is what they want. I apologise though, i only briefly skimmed though your conversations and saw very crude language so i had a misconception. Im sure HELPMELMAO has said horrible things to you, i have told them they need to tone it down and telling people to kts isnt ok. I apologise for that too.
    Im sure i didnt say you were a hater and i wasnt implying it, i was stating that this isnt a wrong or right situation thats it. Me not responding ≠ youre right, was my point.
    What did you feel was missing here? Is there something youre wanting me to look into that i haven't mentioned?

    thisislele September 15, 2023 11:13 pm reply is the first comment. You talked about TMSM making him the drama when he wants. You called TMSM a werido. He has a topic with 5 links a... BelovedRose

    that first comment was just my opinion on exactly what i thought was happening. i did not LIE, i made an ASSUMPTION they are not the same thing. and yeah i hyperfocused on the difference between rape and sexual assault bc the claim was that dan wasnt raped when he WAS and that was fucking infuriating. it DID seem like they were downplaying sexual assault to me. i did not degrade them, tell me when i did. i never failed to see the difference between sa and rape. but dan was raped. tm was rude FIRST so i responded. it's right fucking there in the comments. i didnt gaslight anybody learn what that fucking word means before using it dumb fuck. you are so fucking stupid it's absolutely infuriating. and stop calling me a rape apologist you're not even fucking using that word right. leave me the fuck alone!!!!

    BelovedRose September 16, 2023 9:50 am

    thisislele September 14, 2023 6:20 pm ( TMSM Topic)

    hisislele September 14, 2023 11:05 pm

    Time stamps say Thisislele seen TMSM topic first. Then a few hours later lied about TMSM. They didn’t make an assumption because they made a response hours before on the topic they grossly misrepresented. TM NEVER downplayed SA. He would never do that. He actually cares about RAPE and SA SURVIVORS! A rape apologist saying he downplayed when there is no evidence. Lele did degrade him. It is in the second link.
    There is a difference between SA and rape. The difference has been posted. Lack of reading comprehension skills and needs to come back to reality. Rape attempts are SA but not rape. Someone being molested. There are many SA survivors that are not rape survivors. Dan was never raped. You want him to be raped. TM was blunt not rude. And no one deserved how you treated him. You gaslighted them. You are the one stupid. Your lies are not working. I am using the word correctly. You are a rape apologist. It is funny I am acting like a hater after meeting a hater. My behavior has been mocking a hater but you seem upset with the one that was true and not mocking. I meant that and it is funny how you are acting to it. It is as if it was true and you know it. We both know you are a rape apologist. You made that clear.

    synfull September 16, 2023 10:36 am
    Genuinely, thank you. I feel like women especially dont understand how impactful it can really be. BL and Yaoi was used as a way to escape misogyny and became an outlet for all these horrific things women have ... toilet terrorist

    No problem, and you're right! Its so common for misogynistic and hetero ideals to be pushed onto same sex couples. There's this transcendence into the real world with shipping real people and making gay relationships all about sex. It takes seconds to realize and fix that mentality but some women feel attacked when pointing things out how they're contributing to a much larger issue.

    Homosexual relationships have a higher rate of domestic violence (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine). This has been linked to how gay relationships are portrayed. In all transparency, some studies have shown the same levels of DV. But, the Northwestern University Feinberg study had the LARGEST data size and they found higher rates

    Here's a comprehensive study on attitudes in gay and lesbian relationships towards DV,
    Ana Maria R., & Caridade, Sónia Maria Martins. (2017). Violence in intimate relationship between same sex partners: prevalence study

    But, yeah, its crazy how hard people will fight when they think their Yaoi rights will be revoked

    synfull September 16, 2023 10:45 am reply is the first comment. You talked about TMSM making him the drama when he wants. You called TMSM a werido. He has a topic with 5 links a... BelovedRose

    Its obvious you have no intentions of having a decent convo. You should genuinely seek therapy. Its not normal to be this combative. You're accused of being a rape apologists so you throw baseless claims to get the heat off. You're called out for being disrespectful, so you deflect again. In all honesty, you're vile and disgusting. Seek help, get offline, and (most importantly) go fuck yourself.

    I'm a rape victim myself. In no way does that give me or anybody a pass...

    BelovedRose September 16, 2023 11:17 am
    Its obvious you have no intentions of having a decent convo. You should genuinely seek therapy. Its not normal to be this combative. You're accused of being a rape apologists so you throw baseless claims to get... synfull

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and you can’t read.
    It’s obvious you have no intentions of having a decent convo with only haters.. You should genuinely seek therapy. I don’t need. “It’s not normal to be this combative” I am only mocking haters who told me to go kill myself. You are not judging me. “You're accused of being a rape apologists so you throw baseless claims to get the heat off.” Maybe you should get the full picture before you make foolish assumptions.
    “You're called out for being disrespectful, so you deflect again. In all honesty, you're vile and disgusting.” You are vile and disgusting. Do you feel better about yourself? I was mocking haters. You don’t have a real picture and are cyber bullying.

    Seek help, get offline, and (most importantly) go fuck yourself.

    I'm a rape victim myself. In no way does that give me or anybody a pass... I never asked for one. Stop being a rape apologist and also come back to reality. Seek professional help because that was delusional and who and what were you talking about.

    BelovedRose September 16, 2023 11:26 am
    Its obvious you have no intentions of having a decent convo. You should genuinely seek therapy. Its not normal to be this combative. You're accused of being a rape apologists so you throw baseless claims to get... synfull

    Read my first comment on page 3. Or well read all comments. I have posted “ Haters/ trolls/ cyber bullies once I am mistreated or it is known they are haters loses my respect. Blame the other haters. They will be met with their own toxic behavior in a more constructive manner. Speaking their language.” Many times. It is I have been verbally abused to haters.

    You are out of line. Do you feel better about yourself? You got everything wrong and tried to be superior righteous controlling bitch. You need professional help. Rape survivors don’t referred to themselves as victims. We are survivors not victims.

    thisislele September 16, 2023 12:02 pm
    Its obvious you have no intentions of having a decent convo. You should genuinely seek therapy. Its not normal to be this combative. You're accused of being a rape apologists so you throw baseless claims to get... synfull

    thank you! i feel like i’m going insane trying to talk to them!

    Mika September 16, 2023 5:58 pm
    i never see anybody acknowledge that at this point in time it’s just become women making stories about men raping other men as if that’s not so disgusting to see as a gay man but then they have them end up ... thisislele

    I totally understand where you are coming from but I believe you need to stop reading what is harming you instead of trying to cancel it's existence.
    I do know how it may affect gay men because I am a lesbian woman who watches porn XD
    But I just know that those videos are made for someone else's sexual fantasies however disgusting or disturbing it may be to me. I go find my own cup of tea in the huge pool that is porn industry.
    Another granny advice here, you shouldn't think about the creator of a good manga you see if it has become that traumatizing to you. Yet I need you to look with logic and see that a woman writing a great gay story( the ones that are good representations yet when you find out they were written by women it kinda triggers your ptsd) is the same as a male writer having a great female character in their book or vise versa.
    Or a writer from our age writing a historical story. It's not always that people have to have the same experiences personally to be able to write a good piece of work. Hope that helps.

    Mika September 16, 2023 6:14 pm
    A month I was attacked on here. I am a rape survivor. I left. I hated the story and seme then. I saying I don’t like it now and giving it a second chance. During this time period, the hate grow on here. My fr... BelovedRose

    Wow this gave me chills holly fuck! People are crazy... I'm really sorry you and your friend went through that I myself blocked the asshole that was just trying to annoy me and didn't have any actual points in their comment!
    And the thing you said about real readers being afraid to comment is sooooo real. Like when you go on other sites that are less known commenters are still the same old people that are just commenting funny things or cursing at characters for their wrong decisions which shows they are actually invested in the story! Mangago has become a place full of these types of internet bullies after the whole ptotn incident. They still come here to pirate but they bring their censorship mindset with them! I'm happy you decided to come back and defend yourself. Your decision gives courage to others like you♡♡♡♡

    thisislele September 16, 2023 7:06 pm
    I totally understand where you are coming from but I believe you need to stop reading what is harming you instead of trying to cancel it's existence.I do know how it may affect gay men because I am a lesbian wo... Mika

    my identity is not for het women to get off to, nor make money off of. especially if the content is harmful. it’s not comparable to a male author having a great female character, that’s just good writing. i’m talking about women who are attracted to men treating gay men like their kink or their fantasy. especially with yaoi and bl webtoons, so many of them are made just to be full of smut. it’s not just porn it’s in dramas a lot more now too. and it would be fine if it was just adding sex/steamy scenes to gay stories like so many straight stories have but most of the time it’s not. most gay content that i know of is made by women and most of that is made for women aswell. i want to consume gay content and feel represented, not sexualised by straight women.