Exactly. I find it amusing some of these hypocrites leave these comments her thinkin they are better people for disliking Jinx when they are in an illegal site reading it and is STILL reading it even though they said they "HATE" it. Like, gtfo if you want. You think the author will care for your opinion when you don't even buy their work and spread hate here? Lmao, think again.

Mary (watching an old pirate movie): OMG! That wicked pirate is so handsome! I wish he’d take me prisoner and force me to BLANK him before he rips off my clothes and BLANKS me and then BLANK BLANKETY BLANK BLANK!
John (wide-eyed beside her): You want somebody to forcibly rape you?!
Mary: What? NO! Who would want that?!
John: But you just said—
Mary: Not in real life, silly! I just like imagining a pirate… forcing me… a proper upstanding lady… and I can’t help it, but OMG he’s rough and HOT, and I don’t want him to, but I DO and it feels so good—
John: OK! OK! I get it. It’s some weird sex fantasy.
Mary: It’s NOT weird. You know John… it’s almost Halloween. Let’s go get you a pirate costume!
John: Oh yeah? If I dress up as a pirate, is it ok if I call you my wench?
Mary: No. Call me your SAUCY wench.

I think we might have a misunderstanding... do you see anyone defending rape here? Because I don't!
There is a HEAVY difference between talking about the need for content like this to exist, and about saying that rape is okay. NONE of the people that enjoy this manhwa think rape is good. Nobody is arguing that.
Go search about rape kink and why it exists in the first place. And why some people may need FICTIONAL depictions of it in the form of pornographic media.
I really doubt the possibility of someone(specifically a man) comings across this manhwa, reading the story and going like wow! so that's how romance and consent works and then goes out there and rapes people. Rapists rape people even when they KNOW it has legal consequences for them. A rapist will do it whether it's "normalized" by manhwa! or not.
I also have a hard time believing that the existence of content like this would make people believe that rape is okay. It may or may not alter a young person's view of a toxic relationship but they shouldn't be reading this adult manhwa in the first place and honestly I believe today's younger generation to be a lot smarter and more educated than we were when we were growing up with wattpad, ao3 and twilight :)
Knowing that rape is bad is sort of like basic human decency and no amount of media can or will normalize rape. Ya'll need to actually think about the reasons of things before jumping to lable people as some monsters that defend rape?? :)

I didn't talk about the origin of bl being by women for women to say shrug shit off! If you read my essay here you would see. I used it as a counter argument about normalizing rape or promoting it. It is written by a woman and the readers are mostly women. Women don't do most of the rape in the world yet they are mostly victims of it. Rapist women will not find a gay comic depicting rape inspiring! That's all I'm getting at.
But yeah I am saying don't like it don't read it as I said if you don't like something it was never created to cater to your wants and needs.

Yes, you are spreading rape apologist ideals and literally saying its okay and normal to enjoy rape. Nobody needs fictional depictions of rape, there is no psychological bases to back that claim. Especially depictions in this graphic and normalizing manner.
The brain cannot differentiate fiction and reality when it comes to abstract concepts like morality.
I reccomend reading the article, "Most of the Mind Can’t Tell Fact from Fiction" by Jim Davies, a world renowned psychology professor who specializes in researching this phenomenon
Here's some studies as well,
Thompson J, Teasdale B, van Emde Boas E, Budelmann F, Duncan S, Maguire L, Dunbar R. Does believing something to be fiction allow a form of moral licencing or a 'fictive pass' in understanding others' actions?
Yanyan Zhou, Tuo Liu, (Harry) Yaojun Yan & Bryant Paul (2021) Pornography Use, Two Forms of Dehumanization, and Sexual Aggression
Palermo AM, Dadgardoust L, Arroyave SC, Vettor S, Harkins L. J. Sex. Aggress.
Romero-Sánchez, M., Carretero-Dios, H., Megías, J. L., Moya, M., & Ford, T. E. (2017). Sexist humor and rape proclivity

The bare bones of the matter is, nobody needs this content. Normalizing it in the context of this webtoon or any for that matter, chips away at your sensitization of sexual violence. Especially as a Yaoi reader, this involves male victims which already lack the support and understanding of the general public

OK first I want to thank you for the article recommendations I will definitely check them out. this is an area I lack knowledge in.
Second (TW) I didn't want to talk about this originally and I don't think this would concern you but I feel the need to explain why I believe it is okay to enjoy this type of content.
TW again. Throughout my life from age 11, I have been SA ed. Even though the actual experience have been and will always be horrendous and has left me with heavy ptsd I do feel the need to have rape pornography. I have a rape kink and as a victim I definitely don't need or will feel guilty about having that kink :)
Sexual kinks are not what it seem. Bdsm(unrelated to jinx yet honorably mentioned by me)and CNC both rely on trauma yet they can help people with getting over their trauma. All I'm saying is for me and probably alot of other people there is a reason why they read this and enjoy it. Also the reason the op that started all this drama existed. Which was to comfort people like me who do in fact enjoy this and want to find some peace and like minded people.

Also this is kind of unrelated but because you seem like a reasonable and educated individual I wanted to give a little piece of granny advice.
I live in a country with heaaaaavy censorship and literal morality police! As someone that has dealt with that sort of political and cultural environment I don't recommend you seeking the complete removal of anything be it immoral, disgusting or overall damaging to society. The solution to getting a desensitized society is better parenting.
That sort of mindset(censorship of any kind of media) creates a dictatorship in the long run. I won't get further into that.
And honestly bad things are engraved in humanity and you can never lessen or even prevent them from happening. You may find this nihilistic which kinda is but it's what I came to believe after having my hopes in humanity crushed multiple times.

I only read your first paragraph. Look up what a rape apologist is. And read this. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14448911/
There are many haters malicious attacks people who enjoy this story and toxic stories. They are insanely staying each chapter attacking people, thinking they are stopping abuse as they are abusive as they are “forcing” themselves to be here an illegal website. They want to harm innocent people. Their hate isn’t natural.
Reading these stories are no different from reading horror stories or murder stories. They are fantasy stories, not real. I am going to have to find some on SA and abuse.
I know many people and it seems many are haters see jinx has rape. If you read the story carefully and correctly it’s is SA and abusive. It does come across as rape but the next part changes it or as a whole changes it. Most that says it is rape provides non-jinx details.
—— research
“Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.”
“As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.”
“In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.”
“And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.
After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.”
“ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.
"That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”
She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.
“ Why do women read erotic fiction?
Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”
—- me again.
It’s a fantasy. Not reality. haters would do best to stop confusing the two.
I will block the haters, after mocking them. They need to leave. They are being snowflakes. Or complain about the story stop attacking others and stop trying to make people wrong for enjoying this story.
Ps. I don’t. I think the story is dull. It could be better. But I simp Dan. Team Dan. I don’t find JK hot.

Genuinely, thank you. I feel like women especially dont understand how impactful it can really be. BL and Yaoi was used as a way to escape misogyny and became an outlet for all these horrific things women have to go through but instead of it ending in misery they gave it happy endings as a way to cope. And now its coming to light how this can harm male victims of sexual violence and women do not want to loose the thing they have been relying on for escape. Which is understandable but sadly very damaging. There has now been an environment created that downplays male victims sexual violence and their experiences which is the exact thing women wanted to escape from in the first place. Its sad how something as seemingly small as fiction can have a bigger impact when used for the wrong reasons.

No problem! I'm sorry that happened to you, I'm a victim myself and do a lot of advocacy work IRL. You didn't understand the topic, which is okay. I've researched matters of sexual violence a lot and don't expect it from everybody. While it's important to acknowledge that some people have unique ways of coping with trauma, it's equally important to ensure that discussions or content related to these topics are handled with sensitivity and awareness.
It is crucial to avoid romanticizing narratives involving abuse and assault, where the abuser ultimately expresses remorse and love. The entire point of CNC is that its consensual and the transfer of power is out of trust. While in works like this, its important to keep in mind there is no consent.
You go from enjoying the suspense of true crime to sensationalizing crime when you downplay or excuse their actions. Same can be said here. I can root for Doctor Dan and pray that this new guy treats him well (probably won't but, whatever) without endorsing the rape element of the story. In every context, we should feel upset and discuss how fucked up what's happening is to make sure we're not desensitizing ourselves

Very true, i often see people accusing others of being 'unable to seperate fiction from reality' when they call out content that poorly presents what sexual violence and abuse in general is. Its not a matter of seperating fiction from reality but a matter of acknowledging that fiction and reality very frequently seep into each other and that certain content can have a larger impact on the reality of your own perceptions of sexual violence. Being desensitised is a clear indicator of that and we must always handle these sorts of topics with sensitivity, care, nuance, and awareness as you've said. Not being upset in any shape or form or not understanding why people are upset about what occurs in these sorts of works is not being mature and 'seperating reality from fiction' but an indicator that you actually cant properly seperate reality from fiction as it is impacting your sensitivity to that content and fankly, the ability to empathise with others.
I'm gonna recommend everyone that doesn't enjoy these types of contents and they want healthy stories to move to webtoon app. It's free, full of great stories with great plot lines and/or fluffy cute webtoons.
Or you can just open your eyes read the hashtags before starting a piece of media.
First I want to say all you "woke" people's moral high ground is very questionable considering we are on an ILLEGAL WEBSITE.
Secondly, yes I enjoy this. Yes I have issues and I'm working on it. No I do not think this is romantic. No I do not condone rape or any form of SA in real life. No I am not delusional about jaekyung's character nor do I find him remotely attractive(but that's just my personal preference. PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO FIND WHATEVER FUCKED SHIT THEY WANT ATTRACTIVE BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING 2D CHARACTER MADE OF PIXELS!!!!!)
okay so now that we talked about the important things, I'm gonna say why I enjoy this because some people seem baffled!
First of all I want to say that having a rape kink is a valid thing. The reasons may differ for anyone and mine is very personal and triggering to talk about, but I have it. I am well aware of CNC(consensual non consent) for real life situations. But fiction can help with the cathartic feeling.
Second of all this story is angsty af. Angst and tragedy has been huge genres in the history of literature and people enjoy it because at the end of the day they know it's not real and that helps with the brain processing real life sadness.
This manhwa and something like ptotn address real societal issues and your need to cancel or censor these types of media doesn't erase it from real life. People in power and people with shit loads of money will abuse their power and people that are in tough spots will let them do it because they have no choice.
Yet OBVIOUSLY because this is a fictional piece of media it will have a happy ending and the shitty situation will turn for the better and a cheesy romance will be the outcome of their interactions.
This is not a psychological story nor did it ever pretend to be so it will not end in a dark heavy and real way as it shouldn't. You are NOT reading a documentary you are reading bl written by women on an ILLEGAL WEBSITE.
If you were so well educated to tell people what they are allowed to enjoy you must have read about why when and how bl started. Bl started as a way of women dealing with heavy misogyny. In a cathartic way for them to make men go through what many of them have experienced and maybe get a happy ending out of it. At the end of the day pain is what drives people to create art be it enjoyable to you or not. Bl genre as a whole never pretended to be the truth of gay people. It was always written by women and FOR women. It's fictional and people are allowed to create whatever nonsense they want as fiction. You won't see people complaining about a superhero media being defiant of physics laws, because it was never a physics documentary to begin with.
If you are at the end of my rant I just want you to know that you shouldn't try to judge other people's taste to help you feel good about yourselves! Just be true to yourself and if you like it accept the labels that comes with it! And if you don't then that means this was never meant to please you, the world doesn't revolve around you. For every content there is an audience and censorship is wrong even if it is based on morality because people will always find ways to justify their reasons for censoring things they don't like whether you and I agree with the reasons or not.