What even is going on rn

lovebug27 September 14, 2023 11:24 pm

Like i understand not liking the mahnwa and pointing out things that they find questionable in a reasonable way, but i literally don’t understand the hate this story is getting? I mean the story is toxic and not everyone likes this kind of stuff, still tho enjoy what you read and if not just like don‘t read it?

    toilet terrorist September 14, 2023 11:31 pm

    Probably cause Mingwa is a highly acclaimed and popular artist ( hate is somewhat ironic since BJ alex was just as bad) and the fact that the artstyle is extremely realistic. It humanises the characters way more, i think that a lot of commenters have become way less desensitised as of late to these kinds of themes (sexual violence, any form of abuse, exploitation). Though, i think the hate of Jinx should be directed to more horrendous shit like idk? Even if you dont love me? The ending of Profundis?? Not sure, the degree of how hated this is wild but its also extremely popular so there's likely more positivity than negativity overall, just not on this website. I only see positive reviews whenever i read in spanish so it really depends on the audience.

    Manhwaspicy September 14, 2023 11:42 pm
    Probably cause Mingwa is a highly acclaimed and popular artist ( hate is somewhat ironic since BJ alex was just as bad) and the fact that the artstyle is extremely realistic. It humanises the characters way mor... toilet terrorist

    Yes. The hate on Mangago is so severe. It's also because this became so popular that this could be some readers' first bl story.

    But apart from that, the hate at this point is becoming unnecessary. It also proves that those haters aren't genuine readers.

    Sac of ramen noodles September 14, 2023 11:49 pm
    Yes. The hate on Mangago is so severe. It's also because this became so popular that this could be some readers' first bl story.But apart from that, the hate at this point is becoming unnecessary. It also prove... Manhwaspicy

    Wait elaborate about how it proves haters aren’t genuine readers like what does this mean like how I don’t see the logic behind this?

    lovebug27 September 14, 2023 11:50 pm
    Probably cause Mingwa is a highly acclaimed and popular artist ( hate is somewhat ironic since BJ alex was just as bad) and the fact that the artstyle is extremely realistic. It humanises the characters way mor... toilet terrorist

    Thank you for elaborating! I dont wanna excuse the behaviour in this mahnwa, but just as you said: there are so many other popular stories out there with similar toxicity and this work just takes a whole lot of hate on this website that i just found it weird.

    toilet terrorist September 14, 2023 11:51 pm
    Yes. The hate on Mangago is so severe. It's also because this became so popular that this could be some readers' first bl story.But apart from that, the hate at this point is becoming unnecessary. It also prove... Manhwaspicy

    i think its cause everyone is voicing their opinions and its the same thing so its building up. I feel like if you already see a comment stating your opinion, you should just reply to it instead of making a whole seperate post to repeat the same damn sentence.
    This whole concept of a 'genuine reader' is funny to me though, you do realise atleast half the readers just want to see smut and dont give a rats ass about the plot right? I mean if people genuinely cared about a plot so much they wouldn't be reading stuff like Jinx that has been copy and pasted a million times. So many BL authors make up some random reason why the two love interests HAVE to have intercourse. Like the dude is gonna turn into a hairless wolf with no balls if he doesnt nut in someones ass before sunrise. If mingwa wasnt the artist of this in the first place, if definitely wouldnt be as popular as it is.

    Manhwaspicy September 14, 2023 11:59 pm
    Wait elaborate about how it proves haters aren’t genuine readers like what does this mean like how I don’t see the logic behind this? Sac of ramen noodles

    I'm talking about those who continue to hate every chapter and are still reading.

    Genuine reader: One who likes, highlights, engages, responds or shares the author’s work.

    Sac of ramen noodles September 15, 2023 12:02 am
    I'm talking about those who continue to hate every chapter and are still reading.Genuine reader: One who likes, highlights, engages, responds or shares the author’s work. Manhwaspicy

    Why is that a bad thing though like some people need to see how some thing ends??? like I hate the story with my core I genuinely do but I will stick to the end. I don’t know I may drop and then come back when it’s completed but I need to see the character development so although the story pisses me off I’m still going to read it…..

    Manhwaspicy September 15, 2023 12:06 am
    i think its cause everyone is voicing their opinions and its the same thing so its building up. I feel like if you already see a comment stating your opinion, you should just reply to it instead of making a who... toilet terrorist

    “ I feel like if you already see a comment stating your opinion, you should just reply to it instead of making a whole seperate post to repeat the same damn sentence.”

    Exactly. but people purposely just want to stir shit up lol.

    “you do realise atleast half the readers just want to see smut and dont give a rats ass about the plot right?”

    Yes, but there are also genuine readers who love the author’s work and would love to see more. There are people who are here for just smut but that doesn't also dismisses the genuine readers entirely.

    But apart from that I agree with every other thing you said.

    toilet terrorist September 15, 2023 12:07 am
    I'm talking about those who continue to hate every chapter and are still reading.Genuine reader: One who likes, highlights, engages, responds or shares the author’s work. Manhwaspicy

    I dont think to be a genuine reader you have the like the authors work i mean you just have to be reading this sincerely and not for the troll but because youre genuinely interested in this work and whats going to happen. Saying that a genuine reader is someone who likes this work is a bad take, because being genuine isnt about liking or disliking something its about being unbiased and sincere. Constructive criticism exists.

    Manhwaspicy September 15, 2023 12:07 am
    Why is that a bad thing though like some people need to see how some thing ends??? like I hate the story with my core I genuinely do but I will stick to the end. I don’t know I may drop and then come back whe... Sac of ramen noodles

    Understandable. But with your points, you wouldn't be considered a genuine reader.

    Manhwaspicy September 15, 2023 12:10 am
    Why is that a bad thing though like some people need to see how some thing ends??? like I hate the story with my core I genuinely do but I will stick to the end. I don’t know I may drop and then come back whe... Sac of ramen noodles

    I have no problem with you hating tbh. My point is you just don't have to announce your hate every chapter by stating the obvious all over again. So yeah.

    Sac of ramen noodles September 15, 2023 12:10 am
    Understandable. But with your points, you wouldn't be considered a genuine reader. Manhwaspicy

    Why do I feel like this genuine reader term is like dumb a little bit?? Like what is this some competition to see who is the best or something like who is authentic and what not. Like you’re not allowed to hate a story and still continue to read it that makes you not genuine or something what the hell?? I hate vegetables but I still eat them am i not a genuine eater now

    Sac of ramen noodles September 15, 2023 12:12 am
    I have no problem with you hating tbh. My point is you just don't have to announce your hate every chapter by stating the obvious all over again. So yeah. Manhwaspicy

    Well all right I understand what you’re saying I still honestly don’t see the problem with that but I guess you can get irritated at repetitiveness.

    toilet terrorist September 15, 2023 12:19 am
    Why do I feel like this genuine reader term is like dumb a little bit?? Like what is this some competition to see who is the best or something like who is authentic and what not. Like you’re not allowed to ha... Sac of ramen noodles

    no you didnt savour every single bite

    Sac of ramen noodles September 15, 2023 12:20 am
    no you didnt savour every single bite toilet terrorist


    Manhwaspicy September 15, 2023 12:21 am
    Why do I feel like this genuine reader term is like dumb a little bit?? Like what is this some competition to see who is the best or something like who is authentic and what not. Like you’re not allowed to ha... Sac of ramen noodles

    Manhwaspicy September 15, 2023 12:25 am
    I dont think to be a genuine reader you have the like the authors work i mean you just have to be reading this sincerely and not for the troll but because youre genuinely interested in this work and whats going... toilet terrorist

    That's true. I was kind of hesitating to put “one who likes” but I just went with it anyway.

    jipp September 15, 2023 1:33 am
    Why is that a bad thing though like some people need to see how some thing ends??? like I hate the story with my core I genuinely do but I will stick to the end. I don’t know I may drop and then come back whe... Sac of ramen noodles
