Are you? Why would I be upset at you? You have done nothing. What is this? Come try to get a raise to feel better about yourself. I am not from your generation. You are reading my comments wrong. You are a cyber bully and I have gave you a chance. I have been civil and tried a conversation. You made it clear it is not.

also, if you didn’t take any of this personally, why would you take your time to reply then? genuine question. because most “adults” would just move on with their day. i really TRULY do not understand how anything i’ve said has been a personal attack to you. sure i made some assumptions earlier, im sorry about that- but again, for the millionth time, we don’t know each other personally. all we are to each other are just random strangers online on our screens. you say over and over you aren’t taking any of this personally and that none of it effects you when you are clearly replying and showing your distaste toward me/what i’ve said. idk man, if THIS is cyberbullying/a personal attack, then EVERYTHING ANYONE SAYS is a personal attack

They are gaslighting and just talking shit now. They are messing with us. They are not having a conversation with us. They are being pos. They think we are responding by what they are saying to feel better about themselves. But they fail to see they are not trolling us. We are just sharing and talking to them. They are trolling (antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content).
Saying we are angry- antagonizing us.
They don’t see us having a conversation. They think we are overreacting when we are not.
They are cowards.

gaslighting? this is OUR perspective. you looked really fucked to us, that’s it. you can think you’re not and disagree. your perspective can be different from ours- gaslighting is pretending something has or hasn’t happened and trying to manipulate the other party into thinking otherwise. we haven’t done shit- we just said WE THINK you’re a little wack after seeing your comments

? i’m not doing any sort of cyber bullying at all tho… i’m still talking civilly to you and i genuinely don’t see when you gave me this said “chance”. in any case, i don’t even know how you want me to respond too. what are you expecting out of me? you’re claiming i’m such a villain when all i’ve done is said i THINK you’re going a little bonkers rn. disagree? okay, then move on.

I am relaxed. I am not upset. My emotions are not in my comments. You just want me to be upset. There is nothing there to be upset at. Why be upset at a coward using stupid tactics to get me mad to feeling better about themselves? Lol call outs and those phrases are not anything indication. Hahaha. What a joke. I think I said you felt threatened to be attacked me and acting like this. Hahahaha. What you are saying makes no sense is quoting research. What a joke. Look it up. By the way you saying it makes no sense is you trying to discredit me. You are following check all the boxes for a trolling. If you are saying I am obsessed over nothing. You are clueless. I am not obsessed. You are trying to gaslight me. I am blocking you for trolling but responding to your other comments. Maybe if they are worth it.

there is no wanting you to be upset??? realistically, if you were calm you would literally just move on… any other person who would see your current comments would think you’re upset too with how adamantly you need to tell us you aren’t upset. and i’m not even trying to discredit you either. being emotional (rn i’m not saying you are or aren’t) doesn’t mean the things you’ve said before still don’t hold their value… you’re twisting my words tms (sorry for replying to u, i’m trying to reply to the thread in general)

I don’t take this personally. I thought I was engaging in a real conversation. You asking that question shows your ignorance and lack of sincerity here. Most adults who love conversations would have a conversation and not move on when they could be talking to other readers about a story. You act like it is a waste of time to share and talk about a story. That is all I wanted was peace and a conversation here. However I got pathetic cowardly trolls. So it is a waste of time talking to them. You are a troll of course you don’t want to see the attacks. I am not taking this seriously or personally. It is not that deep. I am seeing what you say and calling it out. It is your choice to words and actions. It had nothing to do you or a “distaste” of you. Now more gaslighting.

That is your problem. You judged me to be fucked. But I just normal and talk facts. I am being natural and chilled.
When you judge others, you don’t define them, you define yourself.
You are saying your fucked.
Why judge me?
1. It Helps Us Feel Superior
Tearing other people down is one the most common ways people prop themselves up. By judging others harshly, we compare ourselves to them and feel superior. Compared to their lives, their behavior, they’re physique, we look pretty good!
2. It Uncovers Our Own Faults
More often than not, we are bothered by the qualities of others that we choose not to see in ourselves. We ridicule, judge and shame another’s habits, appearance or lifestyle choices because they are the very ones we dislike in ourselves. For those lacking in self-awareness and insight, they don’t even realize this is the case.
3. It Makes Us Feel Part of a Group
You are just trying to tear me down. Never going to work. I seen what you were trying to do since the beginning. I pity you.

I have have chilled. The callouts don’t mean I am not. Yes, I said your comment was being abusive but it was said as matter as fact. I been trying to be civil. There was nothing ironic with me calling out gaslighting.
Gaslighting = gaslighting.
No rape = no rape. So when it is your actions you deny it?
Abusive behavior = abusive behavior.
I don’t lie or manipulate people. I am not you. If I say something is abusive, it is abusive. Check yourself. Instead of denying it. I was serious.

Hello we are a page. This page as about a story. It has a section for topics. The topics are where you talk and communicate with other readers about the story. You can make friends with them. You can learn different things about them.
When you want to enjoy something you would go to the topics to discuss with them.
Realize how stupid “ realistically, if you were calm you would literally just move on… any other person who would see your current comments would think you’re upset “ sound.
Realistically, if you are calm a person would be in the topic talking and seeking communication.
None of my comment suggested I am upset. That is you wanting me to be upset by your comments. I am not. You are wrong. You shouldn’t be focused on how someone feels or saying if you were calm you would move on- leave. Again with control and getting me to leave. You words and actions mean you are trying to discredit me (research) research > your opinion.
The one twisting words here is you. I am not twisting anything. Stop.
Yo what's with the comments section? Why the big drama?