girl not everyone who disagrees with you is trying to personally attack you … you are def taking this all waaaayyy too personally. you seriously think i’m trying to go out of my way to target YOU?? your opinions/skewed ideas have nothing to do with who you are as a person. it’s generally just really weird to assume i’m some sort of hater too. all we’re doing is criticizing your POV and having a convo. looks like someone can’t really take any criticism/differing viewpoints without getting butthurt
Ranting? Look go find someone else to troll and lie to.
Ranting isn’t what I been doing. I have been working on my project
I can multitask and there are like three different people behind this account. More controlling comments. You can’t force me to leave. You leave.
I have been an adult here. You have not acted like any adult I know.
You are being a child who can’t handle the truth trying to push someone off line. You are being disgusting. Mommy I don’t want to hear to truth. I got to make him look insane and get him off line. Pathetic
woah… i worded one thing off and you got so mad … i srsly don’t understand how i’m disgusting. bc again, i never said you were outwardly wrong OR right. i didn’t agree or disagree. i was just concerned bc you are continuously typing more and more as we speak on a comment section literally only 2-3 other people are looking at in total. “i have to say the truth”. girl NO ONE ELSE IS LOOKING LMAO
? maybe i misread your emotions? my bad? lol. but u srsly need to relax… i think anyone w two eyes can see you’re upset if you’re literally trying to tell me to “get stuffed” and that “i’m a troll”
i never threatened anything to you (not that i care if you do to me) but your point about me trying to discredit you bc “i’m losing” really makes no sense. just bc i’m talking casually and not trying to write a college essay doesn’t mean i never said any valid points. and again, if you read, i seriously am not even agreeing or disagreeing with ANY of the original points you made. all i SUGGESTED (hint: not something you HAVE to do) that you might wanna stop commenting over and over bc it IN MY POV looks like you’re obsessing over nothing. but the thing is, that’s my PERSPECTIVE- if you don’t agree with it and you think you’re fine, then ok do ur thing! also being an adult has nothing to do with how formal you speak online…
I am telling the pov of the story. It is NOT my POV. It is yours that are skewed.
God you are one of those. How pathetic. This has nothing to do with a disagreement. A disagreement is a disagreement. A personal attack is a personal attack. Stop making personal attacks, a “disagreement”. Stop the personal attacks. I am not taking any thing personally. You wished because you want to feel better about yourself with your cyber bullying.
I am just calling you out. You must have a fucked up mind if you think your getting me or I am butthurt. You’re being a joke
You have no effect on me whatsoever. You are being insecure and weak. Only cowards act like you. You think I will be affected? With pathetic personal attacks. That last sentence don’t correspond to this situation or me. Oh I am a man.
YEAH IM SORRY OP- TBH U SHOULD DELETE THIS THREAD LOL- i feel bad for spamming you so much
and before tms dude claims i want to “hide the truth”, isn’t that you making an assumption? you just told me i was wrong for assuming your feelings, but if you assume i’m trying to “hide the truth” you’d be a hypocrite yourself. :o
i said girl as a gender neutral term- but that doesn’t really matter… i just can’t help but feel so flabbergasted rn that you find me suggesting you to take a break and go offline as cyber bullying… who, what, when, where, and why? “pathetic personal attacks” dude i’m replying to a random ass dude (you) online. how is this personal at all?
Yo what's with the comments section? Why the big drama?