It is “healthy and common” to read this type of fantasies. Haters be gone!

Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 6:05 pm

There are many haters malicious attacks people who enjoy this story and toxic stories. They are insanely staying each chapter attacking people, thinking they are stopping abuse as they are abusive as they are “forcing” themselves to be here an illegal website. They want to harm innocent people. Their hate isn’t natural.
Reading these stories are no different from reading horror stories or murder stories. They are fantasy stories, not real. I am going to have to find some on SA and abuse.
I know many people and it seems many are haters see jinx has rape. If you read the story carefully and correctly it’s is SA and abusive. It does come across as rape but the next part changes it or as a whole changes it. Most that says it is rape provides non-jinx details.
—— research

“Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.”

“As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.”

“In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.”

“And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.

After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.”
“ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.

"That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”

She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.

“ Why do women read erotic fiction?

Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”

—- me again.

It’s a fantasy. Not reality. haters would do best to stop confusing the two.

I will block the haters, after mocking them. They need to leave. They are being snowflakes. Or complain about the story stop attacking others and stop trying to make people wrong for enjoying this story.

Ps. I don’t. I think the story is dull. It could be better. But I simp Dan. Team Dan. I don’t find JK hot.

    Drug store September 14, 2023 7:33 pm
    False moral *. They are not moral when they are abusive and toxic towards others. They are continuously abusive to a rape survivor while denying them being a rape survivor. They are only pretending to have mor... Tmsmyz

    Prostitution is rape, if the only thing that's making you have sex with people is money so you don't end up fucking homeless it's coercion, Dan needs the money and housing and the ml is taking advantage of that. Stop trying to excuse this shit and maybe actually understand that sex workers do it for money so they don't fucking die, Dan quite literally has no other choice because he needs the money

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 8:09 pm
    Prostitution is rape, if the only thing that's making you have sex with people is money so you don't end up fucking homeless it's coercion, Dan needs the money and housing and the ml is taking advantage of that... Drug store

    You are blocked. If you go back. I posted rape is a form of SA. I get for you. 

    Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape. 


    Prostitution is sexual abuse because prostitutes are subjected to various sexual acts that in any other context, perpetrated against any other woman, would be labeled assaultive, or, at the very least, unwanted and coerced.

    Whoops. Prostitution can be rape but is labeled as sexual abuse. However, if it is like Dan agreeing to have sex and it was wanted not coerced it wouldn’t be sexual abuse. That statement I posted was conditional-referring to women that were subjected to unwanted and coercion. If they were rape they were rape. That uke in chapter 2 was a “ prostituting” himself out to he was not raped or SA. He craved for more. JK was going to call for someone else when Dan said no. That uke same thing.

    It is not absolute. It is conditional.

    The first one was money for sex.
    The second one was a Job and money for sex. Then it added (hospital bill) and added (home). You are missing more here. This can’t be label prostitution. It is a contract relationship between them. Someone else said it better. It is a paid relationship- transactional.
    If you have to lie you already lost. Homeless didn’t happen until after both deals. It wasn’t a factor. So no coercion on having sex or be homeless. The ML isn’t taking advantage. He was clueless on everything until after the deals. I never excused anything. Stop falsely accusing me. Stop making up BULLSHIT. This has not thing to do with sex workers or sex workers dying in real life. Learn how to differentiate between fantasy and reality. Dan isn’t a sex worker. You don’t know if Dan would die or not. He is 29 and he had multiple jobs. He chose this. He has many other choices.
    I read Jinx. I will not be fooled by your pathetic attempt to convince to believe your fan fictions. I subscribe to jinx, not your pathetic fan fictions.

    I said I don’t like Jk and I find the story dull. For haters not to make that stupid joke “ Don’t excuse it”. I said what it is. SA and abusive. I excuse nothing. Thanks for sharing your details of your fan fiction and stupidity with me. You are the weakest link, bye bye.

    BelovedRose September 16, 2023 12:08 pm

    vvvkkkvvv I do apologize to you. You may get a lot of unwanted spam.
    A little background: I am a rape survivor. I made a topic and was attacked. I left. During that period the OP, TMSM was told to kill himself twice by Hater HELPMELMAO. They stalked us. We never them. They act like a victim when they are a foul mouthed aggressor. So TMSM told HELPMELMAO they lost the right to talk about and to them. HELPMELMAO didn’t listen and stalked topics and made a topic. Tora came in. He asked HELPMELMAO to leave them alone, but got stalked. I came in HELPMELMAO told me and TORA to kill ourselves that is one of the reasons why this topic happened.

    Now HELPMELMAO is still lying about us. Gyayoucorpus is encouraging immature childish bullying behavior.


    The first hater Thisislele hates me because I behaved like a cyber bully to them and revealed they were a rape apologist. They better stop their side nonsense if they don’t want more replies from me. We want peace and be left alone. I think for each time they spread misinformation or nonsense I will post information here. Like how to be a better person. Read comprehension skills. What it means to be a troll. If the article is 5 pages long I can do it sentence by sentence. I will never run out of material to post. Tmsm will just keep posting this.we will keep telling the truth. They will not stop us. We just want them to leave us alone. Share the page or leave. If they can’t handle differentq POVs they need to leave. Don’t worry. Tmsm will block all haters including new accounts. They’ve forgotten about this post and I can “spam” them for their misinformation cyber bullying.

    vvvkkkvvv September 16, 2023 12:56 pm
    Hello! vvvkkkvvv I do apologize to you. You may get a lot of unwanted spam. A little background: I am a rape survivor. I made a topic and was attacked. I left. During that period the OP, TMSM was told to kill ... BelovedRose

    It's okay, no need to apologize, while I am not involved deeply in this matter I saw that Tmsm is being attacked and I felt like saying something. I'm sure that these individuals that are attacking you have mental issues that they have to work on as it's not normal and healthy to tell someone to kill themselves online over porn manwha. It just seems so surreal to me. There is no way they can affect the actual production of the manwha by arguing on illegal website. Stay strong Don't let the bullies get to you.

    Morning Diamonds October 12, 2023 12:58 am

    Tmsm see if you can find research on men instead of women. Same thing in this case IMO but whatever.

    HertaHSR February 13, 2024 2:51 am

    Just putting this here.


    Empowered Guardian (MD) February 13, 2024 3:05 am

    TM you did not have KSpacesystem's new account blocked.
    They are adding dehumanizing Dan as a rape.
    Adding thoughts as rape.
    Jaekyung grabbing Dan is rape.

    All of that can be debunked.

    Instead of fighting hard to debunk what we say in different ways why don't they ask us to explain?

    Most of the fandom does not think it is rape. Only the minority, the haters think it is rape.
    The haters need to stop forcing "it is rape" on us. They showed they don't understand the story, characters, or what rape is. ( Yes some genuine readers see it as rape but they are not forcing it down someone throats and cyberbullying others over an opinion)
    Jaekyung has not raped Dan is not an opinion.
    The story's true POV should be allowed. If you think it is rape you are missing things in the story. You can view it as rape.

    Stop making this a fascist page.

    Empowered Guardian (MD) February 13, 2024 3:12 am

    Since Herta or Amber had to comment on a buried topic made in September.
    This has been used in a current attack on us.
    The articles used are facts. We don't think anything of it.
    TM never voiced his opinions or agreed with it. He presented facts. It was very scholarly-like.

    So saying he believes this or calling him a rape apologist is projecting ideas about the person's beliefs and character. Rape apologist is used wrongly and whoever said it is the rape apologist hiding themselves by attacking others they perceive to be different.

    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors February 13, 2024 3:26 am
    TM you did not have KSpacesystem's new account blocked. They are adding dehumanizing Dan as a rape. Adding thoughts as rape. Jaekyung grabbing Dan is rape. All of that can be debunked. Instead of fighting har... Empowered Guardian (MD)

    I am seeing sexual abuse, abuse, sexual coercion, ans some comments or thoughts that don’t prove anything.
    I can’t believe you did not say anything about the consent part.
    Shows you they don’t read what you post.
    No person is ever required to have sex with someone else. Jaekyung can’t take away Dan’s consent. No one is able too. Consent can be given and withdrawn at any point. They don’t read the story to understand it.

    MangagoTherapist May 5, 2024 1:29 am

    I believe you need help my ungood sir. Would you indulge in a session? Reddit has seen ur comments (600k ppl) and they are confused. I think they hate you. Defend yourself my ungood sir! They are calling you a pedo! Are you a pedo!

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 10:39 pm
    I believe you need help my ungood sir. Would you indulge in a session? Reddit has seen ur comments (600k ppl) and they are confused. I think they hate you. Defend yourself my ungood sir! They are calling you a ... MangagoTherapist

    Wait wtf fr??

    Safety Sentinel May 15, 2024 10:40 pm
    I believe you need help my ungood sir. Would you indulge in a session? Reddit has seen ur comments (600k ppl) and they are confused. I think they hate you. Defend yourself my ungood sir! They are calling you a ... MangagoTherapist

    He literally admitted it too saying pedophilia is 13 and below It links back to his account

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 10:52 pm

    Please be advised that there have been individuals engaging in cyberstalking and disseminating false information. These people have been making defamatory statements and unfounded allegations. It is important to be aware that any abusive remarks or accusations do not originate from their targets.

    It has come to our attention that multiple accounts are impersonating those targeted, with one instance involving an attempt to falsely label a user in a highly inappropriate manner. The motivations behind such actions are unclear, but they underscore the need for healing and resolution.

    Despite our efforts to maintain a respectful environment, these individuals persists in harmful conduct, including impersonation and the spread of misinformation. This behavior has led to an untenable situation for those affected and hinders constructive dialogue.

    We urge the community to remain vigilant and to disregard any negative commentary that may arise from these activities. The well-being of our community members is of utmost importance, and we are committed to sharing our experiences to raise awareness of this issue.

    We advocate for the individuals in question to seek appropriate assistance to overcome their past challenges and to cease the cycle of harassment and defamation. It is our collective responsibility to foster a safe and supportive space for all members.

    Abusive behavior in any form is unacceptable, and we stand in solidarity with those who have been unjustly targeted. We appreciate the community’s understanding.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 11:00 pm

    In light of recent events, it’s important to address the accusations and misunderstandings that have arisen. In March, MD took steps to create a safe space by changing his username to reflect a commitment to protecting individuals within our community. Despite these efforts, he has been subjected to mockery and false allegations by an individual known as Baileybot and the cyberstalkers.

    It has been claimed that MD engaged in inappropriate communication with a minor. However, this is factually incorrect, as evidenced by the empty direct messages (DMs) which were promptly shown to the community. The accusation that messages were deleted is unfounded and contradicts the evidence presented. He provided numbers. Baileybot can't provide the right numbers without photoshop. If numbers would be provided it would be to one of the impersonators copying MD.

    Baileybot has misattributed the actions of an impersonator to MD. This impersonator, who has admitted to both the impersonation and to making inappropriate comments, is not affiliated with MD. Their actions should not be conflated with MD’s character or intentions.

    Requesting a picture does not inherently label someone as a pedophile. Pedophilia is a serious and specific accusation that involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It’s crucial to use such terms accurately and responsibly, as misusing them can cause significant harm and misunderstanding. While the cyberstalker’s admission to asking for a picture is concerning, it does not automatically equate to pedophilia without further context and evidence.

    The shifting narratives and inconsistent details provided by the accusers point to a pattern of gaslighting and misinformation. It’s crucial to differentiate between the actions of impersonators and the real MD, who has been transparent and cooperative throughout this ordeal.

    We urge the community to critically evaluate the claims made and to seek verifiable evidence before drawing conclusions. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that discussions remain grounded in truth and that we avoid jumping to conclusions based on unverified or manipulated information.

    MD’s clarification regarding the legal definition of pedophilia was not an attempt to justify any behavior but to correct a misused term. It’s vital that we use such terms accurately to avoid causing unnecessary harm or confusion. Currently, there are false allegations circulating that conflate the actions of five or more individuals, all being wrongfully attributed to ‘MD.’ These claims inaccurately suggest that a single person was responsible for an event that is now being associated with multiple people. This misrepresentation is creating confusion and unfairly implicating ‘MD’ in activities they did not engage in.

    We hope that this statement provides clarity and encourages a move towards healing and understanding. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of accusations and to focus on building a community based on trust and respect.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 11:09 pm
    I believe you need help my ungood sir. Would you indulge in a session? Reddit has seen ur comments (600k ppl) and they are confused. I think they hate you. Defend yourself my ungood sir! They are calling you a ... MangagoTherapist

    We knew you were a cyberstalker from what you said. TM blocked you the day of your message. If you are not one of them. Why do you believe gaslighting coming from cyberstalkers?

    In light of recent events, it’s important to address the accusations and misunderstandings that have arisen. In March, MD took steps to create a safe space by changing his username to reflect a commitment to protecting individuals within our community. Despite these efforts, he has been subjected to mockery and false allegations by an individual known as Baileybot and the cyberstalkers.

    It has been claimed that MD engaged in inappropriate communication with a minor. However, this is factually incorrect, as evidenced by the empty direct messages (DMs) which were promptly shown to the community. The accusation that messages were deleted is unfounded and contradicts the evidence presented. He provided numbers. Baileybot can't provide the right numbers without photoshop. If numbers would be provided it would be to one of the impersonators copying MD.

    Baileybot has misattributed the actions of an impersonator to MD. This impersonator, who has admitted to both the impersonation and to making inappropriate comments, is not affiliated with MD. Their actions should not be conflated with MD’s character or intentions.

    Requesting a picture does not inherently label someone as a pedophile. Pedophilia is a serious and specific accusation that involves the sexual attraction to prepubescent children. It’s crucial to use such terms accurately and responsibly, as misusing them can cause significant harm and misunderstanding. While the cyberstalker’s admission to asking for a picture is concerning, it does not automatically equate to pedophilia without further context and evidence.

    The shifting narratives and inconsistent details provided by the accusers point to a pattern of gaslighting and misinformation. It’s crucial to differentiate between the actions of impersonators and the real MD, who has been transparent and cooperative throughout this ordeal.

    We urge the community to critically evaluate the claims made and to seek verifiable evidence before drawing conclusions. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure that discussions remain grounded in truth and that we avoid jumping to conclusions based on unverified or manipulated information.

    MD’s clarification regarding the legal definition of pedophilia was not an attempt to justify any behavior but to correct a misused term. It’s vital that we use such terms accurately to avoid causing unnecessary harm or confusion. Currently, there are false allegations circulating that conflate the actions of five or more individuals, all being wrongfully attributed to ‘MD.’ These claims inaccurately suggest that a single person was responsible for an event that is now being associated with multiple people. This misrepresentation is creating confusion and unfairly implicating ‘MD’ in activities they did not engage in.

    We hope that this statement provides clarity and encourages a move towards healing and understanding. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of accusations and to focus on building a community based on trust and respect.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me May 15, 2024 11:22 pm
    Since Herta or Amber had to comment on a buried topic made in September. This has been used in a current attack on us. The articles used are facts. We don't think anything of it. TM never voiced his opinions or... Empowered Guardian (MD)

    I forgot you had your name with (MD).
    By the way the last posts was from me, not MD.
    MD and TM will not be responding to the cyberstalkers.

    Safety Sentinel May 16, 2024 12:51 am

    I wanted to reach out to clear up any misunderstandings regarding the articles TM shared about rape fantasies. TM intentions in sharing those articles was to initiate a discussion about a complex and often misunderstood topic, not to endorse or condone any form of sexual violence or coercion
    We want to emphasize that we do not endorse or condone any form of sexual violence or coercion. To clarify that sharing these articles does not imply support for such actions. If anyone read this they would know this.

    I understand that the topic can be sensitive and I want to emphasize that his motivation for discussing it stems from a desire to speak out against injustice and empower those who may have been made to feel wrong or silenced. He observed numerous attacks on individuals based on assumptions that enjoying stories with or believed to having rape equates to condoning rape, which is a harmful misconception. By sharing these articles, he aimed to provide a foundation for understanding the diverse perspectives and psychological factors surrounding this issue.

    This topic was made after Rose, a rape survivor was told to go kill herself and the one that said it was someone who posted here. Instead of addressing that or being negative. TM attempted to resolve an issue to stop the hating on people and speak out against injustice. Rape fantasies are fantasies. It seems someone is blurring reality with fantasy.

    This research was purely educational, to shed light on the diverse perspectives and psychological factors surrounding this issue. Criticizing anyone for sharing factual information does not contribute constructively to the conversation or change the factual information. Now, this post has been misinterpreted or misrepresented by aggressors.

    This topic will not be removed. It is factual and to help many people. Most of all it was to stop the hate by understanding core facts.

    Thanks for your understanding