No. He is not. Jaekyung never rape Dan. That is the real story’s POV. Now you are at my mercy. You did not think that through. You are on my topic. You are blocked. You can’t respond. Now I can explain how you are wrong and in many detail comments if I wanted and you can’t do anything about it.
Lol. Hate is a joke.

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more.
In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx?
He grabs him and tosses him on the bed = abusive.
“HOLD STILL BEFORE I BREAK YOUR ANKLE.” Sounds like a threat but more likely a warning.
Skipping some lines. “…DON'T EXPECT TO BE
SENT HOME SAFE AND SOUND.” He makes a threat.
Dan remembers the uke being slammed in the wall— abusive
“THEN... HOW DO I DO THIS.” If this continued it would been raped because he threatened him into it. BUT skipping some lines.
“IF EVEN THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THEN JUST GET THE FUCK OUT.” This is the second time Jaekyung told him to leave. Dan could leave.
Dan consented and it had nothing to do with the threats or being forced into it.
IN NOW... Dan is consenting.
Dan stops consenting. “S-STOP... DON'T”
Slam his head into the pillow- abusive.
“…AND I'LL SMASH YOUR HEAD IN.”- threatening.
First reading I was like this is rape. End of chapter 3.
Chapter 4. Dan isn’t saying anything and by Jaekyung he is tight. Verify Dan told him to put it in again “YOU TELL ME TO JUST PUT IT IN, AND THEN CLENCH UP SO TIGHT I CAN'T
EVEN DO IT.” Why didn’t Dan talk again. He is too tight to cause him to bleed. When Jaekyung noticed something is wrong. He stops. He turns Dan around “WHAT THE ARE YOU CRYING?”OVER THAT? I BARELY EVEN PUT IT IN! “ Look at that face. He is concerned. He wants sex. He does not want to rape the guy. If you think rape is sex. You need professional help.
“N-NO, THAT'S NOT WHY... Y-YOU JUST... STARTLED ME...”. This would not stop like no stop to someone. It would be a green light to many.
Jaekyung covers up his concern.
“NO... HIC-I CAN DO IT...” Dan consented again.
This is not rape.
No. Sir please. It is too deep.
A few panels Jaekyung will stop thrusting and bend over to talk to Dan. He stops. He listened.
He asked Dan how many guys had him before him.
Dan is saying no it is not like that. It takes a little jump. We don’t know if Jaekyung asked to continue or not.
Dan asked him to be a little gentler. He covers Dans mouth and finishes.
What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings.
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Jaekyung did not force him to engage. He did made threats but the one that count is invalid as he told him to go home and Dan chose to stay. There was no emotion force. No manipulation.
Then Dan returns to make another deal with him. Dan is a man and knew what kind of sex Jaekyung liked then. The second time I would say it comes close to rape is the penis sleeve.
You have to take consideration Dan’s character and Jaekyung’s character. The story is clear it is not rape. It does come close to it.

Torakaze(another reader): Is it rape? It comes close to rape. It is toxic but I don’t feel comfortable saying it is rape.
But if you say it is. Joe isn’t a rapist- look at from his side without knowing Dan’s thoughts or why he needs the money. If we call him a rapist then anyone can be a rapist at any given time and on someone’s thoughts?? I would be paranoid.
Joo wants sex. He is paying for sex like has been doing. If you think rape is sex - seek professional help. Dan consented to him and keeps consenting. They have a contract in chapter 6. He does say stop or no. Some no’s are answering questions but next he is consenting again. He is not voicing his feelings to Joo. He agreed to this. He knew. If you want to call it rape you can’t call Joo a rapist because he is clueless. As a rape crisis counselor it does come close to rape at times but the next scene changes it. As a whole of what is there no but if we add thoughts… but then in the real world wouldn’t we all be trouble
-yes judge I told him yes.
Yes judge I told him to put it in.
Yes I said no but I told him to go gentle after.
However I was thinking I don’t want this. I wanted to be done. I wanted him to stop as I verbally gave him consent, even after I took it away. Then judge I agree to a contract to have sex with him at anytime he wanted too. I am saying I am rape because I was thinking I didn’t want to.
The ones saying rape is harming real rape survivors. Joo is toxic but you got to look he stopped when he was crying and did stop at one of the times Dan said stop in their first time. Joo wants sex not rape. Rape is about power and control. I wonder if the author will have it revealed Dan don’t enjoy and Dan lied the first night to him a few times. Joo isn’t going to happy. Joo thinks Dan was had experience but Dan was an inexperienced virgin.
With all the facts from the story if you want to call it rape that is your opinion. With all the facts, Joo is not a rapist. Go back and read it without reading Dan’s thoughts. Read it as if you are in the room or Joo. Pay attention to Joo, especially when Dan is crying. Now we can talk about SA.
Hey I am more aligned with the story. Don’t like it don’t attack me. Remember to be civil and every one can have an opinion even if it is different from yours. Stop the absolute BS it is your opinion or be called a rape apologist and seek professional help that is just immature and insecure in your opinion. (Many attacked a rape survivor saying this wasn’t rape. It was disgusting to watch.)

Sexual assault is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It can occur when a person is forced, tricked or coerced into sexual behaviour without agreeing to it.
Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.

Bro. The one you are replying to “ Sexual assault is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It can occur when a person is forced, tricked or coerced into sexual behaviour without agreeing to it.
Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.
The first quote—- is from my conversation with pee. It is from pee’s article. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14444871/
The second quote I used first about a month ago. Only Tora has used it and he has said added “from a friend” before he posting that.
Tora is the researcher. I posted two of his posts. I plagiarized. Hehehe.
I only have one account.
I forgot to block you.

I am blocking the toxic people.
You got some of it.
The core reason is I am proving readers who enjoy toxic stories ammunition that supports themselves when dealing with snowflakes. Now they can copy and paste whatever in my topic and spread it. Or copy my url of my topic and drop next time they meet a snowflake.
This isn’t about engaging with the snowflakes.
What I did I hope will be used on different stories and different platforms for many years.
This is about empowering people who has felt wrong or guilty when it is healthy and common.
There are many haters malicious attacks people who enjoy this story and toxic stories. They are insanely staying each chapter attacking people, thinking they are stopping abuse as they are abusive as they are “forcing” themselves to be here an illegal website. They want to harm innocent people. Their hate isn’t natural.
Reading these stories are no different from reading horror stories or murder stories. They are fantasy stories, not real. I am going to have to find some on SA and abuse.
I know many people and it seems many are haters see jinx has rape. If you read the story carefully and correctly it’s is SA and abusive. It does come across as rape but the next part changes it or as a whole changes it. Most that says it is rape provides non-jinx details.
—— research
“Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.”
“As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.”
“In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.”
“And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.
After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.”
“ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.
"That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”
She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.
“ Why do women read erotic fiction?
Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”
—- me again.
It’s a fantasy. Not reality. haters would do best to stop confusing the two.
I will block the haters, after mocking them. They need to leave. They are being snowflakes. Or complain about the story stop attacking others and stop trying to make people wrong for enjoying this story.
Ps. I don’t. I think the story is dull. It could be better. But I simp Dan. Team Dan. I don’t find JK hot.