Lmao showing who's the dumbfck lol the whole point was yuri was traumatized with how he tried to be kind with the students that were bullied for being ugly.
It doesn't make the victims ugly dumbass it's ACCORDING to those bullies, they're ugly! You don't understand a thing seriously!
You're the ugly one dumbfck

By how much the author makes the other characters constantly point out him being “ugly” it’d be normal for them to describe him that way n at first the way he was drawn he was made out to be butt fucking ugly I’m ngl but he’s still cute although some of his facial expressions throw me tf off but that’s nothing to go crazy over he’s not the prettiest pearl on the necklace that’s completely fine, chill…
It's sad how you described jaerim from 'never understand' as ugly uke. 'ugly' where? Who? You?