The comment section is so annoying

Robbit September 13, 2023 10:04 pm

People defending Jae are the most annoying and weirdest people cause Jae has nothing going for him. It’s already been 30+ chap and nothing changed and he just keeps on getting worse and rapes Dan like literally every chap. We all knew mingwa wasn’t the best writer but at least bj Alex had a somewhat healthy couple and touched on the struggles of queer relationships but this “comeback” story just seems like a fast cash grab cause fan girls always go crazy for these type of stories. Jae is a horrible person and it’s okay to admit that but riding for him purely cause of his looks is so corny and sad. Y’all really don’t got no standard cause he looks like any other bl top and he got a nasty personality like ew. Him and Dan are going to be end game and people will gloss all over his criminal actions cause he “changed” like always anyways the art still amazing tho and still curious how it goes with the actor dude so let’s just wait

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:05 am
    Tbh i never reply or comment on this website nor am i active but this is bullshit, this manwha completely feeds into romanticizing abuse and rape, pushing him and blackmailing him into sex IS RAPE. Having sex w... Pee

    There is no rape. There is no reason for you to write this. You are only personal attacking them on nonsense. Blackmailing him? If you have to lie about the truth then you really lost. Read chapter 6. Jk isn’t a rapist. They have the right to talk. You can’t shut them up. You can leave. That last sentence is you describing yourself. That comment is you taking the L.

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:05 am
    sure dude Ore no Jack

    Serious dude.

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:08 am
    Yeah actually this is fiction but SO MANY FUKIN DAMN PEOPLE HAVE WEIRD MINDSET DEFENDING JAEKYUNG. They defend him they think what he does is ok while obviously it is not. The characters are not real but the mi... Asamilee

    I don’t know who defends Jaekyung like you said. I don’t defend him. I defend the story. But they have the right too. It is you that has the weird mindset and can’t differentiate between reality and fantasy or let people have their opinions.

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:10 am
    Tbh i never reply or comment on this website nor am i active but this is bullshit, this manwha completely feeds into romanticizing abuse and rape, pushing him and blackmailing him into sex IS RAPE. Having sex w... Pee

    This is cyber bullying btw. Talk about the story not the readers.

    Daemon September 14, 2023 2:11 am
    You are out of line. I really don’t want to write you a long message explaining everything and you write “TL:DR” or some other nonsense. You are coming into a situation at that is over a month long. She... Tmsmyz

    Why am I not surprised you used the term gaslight? I'll bet a hundred bucks you couldn't explain what that means without posting a link or copy pasting some definition. Bitch isn't that vulgar? Says who? Now you can even decide what insults are worth getting angry about. Maybe if you pointed out the cyber bullies or if I saw them commenting under someone else's comments and provoking them like I saw you and especially Rose do, I'd tell them to touch grass too. You called me delusional, pathetic, wrote fucking bullshit and what was that? Oh yes, tried to control her by *suggesting* she consider therapy or dealing with her obvious trauma another way. And now you're saying you didn't attack me? I think you're attacking me. Boy I wish I could blatantly lie without considering the receipts above? Who is them? I'm one of whom, exactly? Who do you think is out to get you? I'm not calling anyone out, you vainglorious buffoon, I'm mostly baffled and very amused by this witch hunt. Love your pseudo-psychology BTW, very . . . fitting, I'd say

    Asamilee September 14, 2023 2:15 am
    This is cyber bullying btw. Talk about the story not the readers. Tmsmyz

    The fact you saying this is not rape prove that u r defending him. Did Jaekyung stop when Dan said NO to sexual activities? NO => this is rape

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:18 am
    This is cyber bullying btw. Talk about the story not the readers. Tmsmyz

    idgaf, if the readers are weird assholes im gonna say smth, its mostly the authors fault for profiting off of this disgusting shit but its also readers who promote and enjoy it enough for the author to make more no matter if its pirated or not. im not targetting a certain person im calling the whole community out cuz majority of yall got ur morals all messed up

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:19 am
    I genuinely think you need therapy. I haven't even read this manga in ages but curiously checked out the comments. You're replying under every comment calling out the SA and rape and abuse, and having the onlin... Daemon

    I debating on sharing the background information. I read this to see if I was wrong.
    Dealing with the haters/cyber bullies for over month you mirror their comment. The you need therapy is a form of control to feel superior over your opponent. The gaslighting with Rose being under all the comments. More gaslighting with someone thinking this rape makes them a horrible person. Talk about twisting her words. Then a facade of caring. “Get off the internet for a while”- control and a way to feel superior. Pushing the person’s opinion you don’t want to hear of the page so you can play. I don’t see a genuine response or person. I see abusive behavior trying to control others trying to shut her up while trying to feel better about themselves. It is kind of sadistic. It is power and control. It is immature and showing insecurities. No reason to explain the background information to a bad faith actor who wouldn’t care.

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:20 am
    Yeah actually this is fiction but SO MANY FUKIN DAMN PEOPLE HAVE WEIRD MINDSET DEFENDING JAEKYUNG. They defend him they think what he does is ok while obviously it is not. The characters are not real but the mi... Asamilee

    ya! i agree, i do understand its fiction but i do believe in some cases it can feed into reality...but whether it does or not jae is still messed up and so are anyone who defends his ugly ass. Rape and abuse is real and even when its fictionalized its never good to romanticize it especially when the author is profiting off of it

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:23 am
    I debating on sharing the background information. I read this to see if I was wrong. Dealing with the haters/cyber bullies for over month you mirror their comment. The you need therapy is a form of control to... Tmsmyz

    if ur a jk defender this whole paragraph is giving hypocritical to the max lmao idek what yall r arguing over but no one here needs therapy for what ive seen, theyre just dumb

    Asamilee September 14, 2023 2:26 am
    idgaf, if the readers are weird assholes im gonna say smth, its mostly the authors fault for profiting off of this disgusting shit but its also readers who promote and enjoy it enough for the author to make mor... Pee

    Agree. So many people supporting this shit make me feel disgusted

    Daemon September 14, 2023 2:26 am
    I debating on sharing the background information. I read this to see if I was wrong. Dealing with the haters/cyber bullies for over month you mirror their comment. The you need therapy is a form of control to... Tmsmyz

    Why are so pressed over the therapy comment? Its not anything to be ashamed of and most people do need it. I should know, its literally my job and I go to therapy as well. Also, I think you really need to Google what gaslighting means. You keep using that word but I dont think it means what you think it means. Haters? Oh my lord. I can't believe this. I refuse believe this an adult. Ain't no way. Rose did say BTW that someone claiming this is rape makes them a terrible person. I'd look for a link but I'm too lazy at. Pushing the what for what? Bestie, I can't understand what you're saying if half the world's are missing. If you think this is abusive behaviour I cannot take you seriously anymore. You're right I don't really care. I feel more pity and sympathy but somehow your constantly waffing is lessening that as well

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:27 am
    There is no rape. There is no reason for you to write this. You are only personal attacking them on nonsense. Blackmailing him? If you have to lie about the truth then you really lost. Read chapter 6. Jk isn�... Tmsmyz

    Are you stupid???? You clearly only know one type of rape, consenting once does not mean he can just attack the poor guy any time he wants. When you are in a relationship you are not consenting for sex anywhere anytime, same with prostitutes. I am not trying to attack anyone i think everyone defending it is being dumb and idgaf if its cyber bullying or not it is clearly rape and you are in denial it is quite sad

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:30 am
    Why are so pressed over the therapy comment? Its not anything to be ashamed of and most people do need it. I should know, its literally my job and I go to therapy as well. Also, I think you really need to Googl... Daemon

    ur so real for this oh my god finally someone said it

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:30 am
    Why am I not surprised you used the term gaslight? I'll bet a hundred bucks you couldn't explain what that means without posting a link or copy pasting some definition. Bitch isn't that vulgar? Says who? Now yo... Daemon

    You like to play games. I am not playing. Thanks for supporting my last comment to you when I was giving you a second chance. I am not google. Ask the modern world about why Bitch isn’t vulgar. And I am not the modern world. That is doubling down on bad faith behavior. Can you talk to me or you are going to make up things to attack me with? I will go back to my first comment to you. Stop being dishonest about Rose. I am not responding to rest of the nonsense in your comment. This is not a real conversation to even try. You made it clear since your first comment this isn’t a conversation. I am not interested in your cyber attacks.

    Pee September 14, 2023 2:32 am
    Agree. So many people supporting this shit make me feel disgusted Asamilee

    for real its very concerning

    Tmsmyz September 14, 2023 2:35 am
    The fact you saying this is not rape prove that u r defending him. Did Jaekyung stop when Dan said NO to sexual activities? NO => this is rape Asamilee

    I am defending the story. If you read the story carefully it will debunk rape. I stand with the story. I subscribe to jinx not your fan fictions. You are cherry picking to your pov. You can see rape as the element is there but look at what happens next or see the full scene.
    There is not rape. He did not rape him. It is like you are claiming it is incest. I am saying it is not incest. It is not defending him. It is defending the story. You can see incest. But the story isn’t incest. The story isn’t rape. It is SA and abusive. I don’t defend him. What nonsense.

    Daemon September 14, 2023 2:35 am
    You like to play games. I am not playing. Thanks for supporting my last comment to you when I was giving you a second chance. I am not google. Ask the modern world about why Bitch isn’t vulgar. And I am not ... Tmsmyz

    I didn't say you were Google. I told you to Google. And you not doing so and digging your heels in makes it clear you don't know what you're talking. I am part of the modern world. Bitch is very much a vulgar insult. Only close friends use that term for each other, not strangers. You're asking me to talk to you well what was all this, then? Telepathy? When was I dishonest about Rose? Tell me that and if I'm wrong I'll accept it. Cyber attacks? Bestie, you're giving yourself far too much importance. And what about you insulting me? Are you not gonna answer to that? I know you're not gonna respond to the rest of my comment because you have no rebuttal

    Daemon September 14, 2023 2:37 am
    ur so real for this oh my god finally someone said it Pee

    Their violent attitudes toward therapy are low-key kind of indicative of how they feel about those who are actually going to therapy.

    San September 14, 2023 2:38 am

    But all those issues are why we read each week...think about, this happen everyday in reality we just busy reading manga and minding our business but you letting Jea get to you