Hey. They’re ass many delusional snowflakes here. What is sjw?
Torakaze explained this manhwa to me because I seen one of his topics. His topic was warning people about the snowflakes here in a discreet way but he never thought it was this bad. He was hesitant to tell me because I am a rape survivor.
That is how I read the manhwa. I didn’t like the manhwa or Jaekyung. His SA abusive behavior reminded me of mine. As I left this Manhwa I wrote a topic and saying this was not rape. I was attacked. Tora let it be known I was a rape survivor and I was still attacked. The snowflakes has continued to attack us. They have told Tora and TMSM to go kill themselves. They even pretend to be the victims when they are the villains here.
So after over a month of snowflakes TMSM is right they are more toxic than the story. I think I don’t give the story a chance or JK. I am going to give him a second chance. Help me be team JK? I think TMSM is going to start defending JK and the ones that like him. They are allowed to like him.
After hearing Tora and TMSM I think I didn’t give JK a real chance. He is a better man than the snowflakes.
I'm done arguing with the delusional and the sjw snowflakes. I'll just mind my business and support my man now