Dan loves Joo!!!! The only thing Dan wished for was for Joo to start using condoms, because it’s messy cleaning up his back-end after fucking. My baby Dan don’t want Heesung, Dan wants that Joo dick…..and Joo loves Dan. I love this, Arthur, and her work is worth every penny
@meruemshuu Deadbrain mf who block anyone you're the coward talking about snowflakes while you're the biggest one plus you're corney asf get a life bittch
Dan loves Joo!!!! The only thing Dan wished for was for Joo to start using condoms, because it’s messy cleaning up his back-end after fucking. My baby Dan don’t want Heesung, Dan wants that Joo dick…..and Joo loves Dan. I love this, Arthur, and her work is worth every penny