damn never thought to find someone binge reading Avogado6's work on the same day as me... well first things first I'm sorry to hear that you had/(have) these thoughts... (I'm not very skilled at trying to comfort other people lol) but i feel like i can somewhat relate to what you've said tho... like i get very high expectations not from my parents but from other people around me as well... and the pressure and thought of having these expectations are kinda like a curse. sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you when nothing is going the right way or the way you want it to be. you feel like nothing is worth anything anymore, including the life of one self prolly... idk when it started for me but i began to lose many dreams i had, due to realization that dreams are just dreams not everything can become reality and now the main reason that keeps me living is kinda to pay back my parents for taking care of me, for loving me, for treating me right... it's not granted to have an ordinary "normal" family like mine and I'm really considering myself lucky actually... but when i see failure from myself, at that moment i feel like that I've lost all the reasons, because that failure will keep haunting me. "I could have done better." then i feel like garbage, have severe thoughts, etc.. Even though I can consider that i have a pretty "good" and "normal" life, these severe thoughts are trying to take me over... But I'm not letting them to do that, because as long as i have a reason to live... i will stay alive. (btw sorry for venting a bit, ik some ppl don't like this, but i thought maybe sharing smth from another person won't make one feel all too alone in this shitty world lol)
Omg thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate it! And also at a point, failure ends up being expected if you always continue to doubt yourself. Constantly pondering the thought of how you can improve is already evidence that you want to change as a person. Although you may believe that you got it luckier then others, you shouldn't undermine your situation either. My parents are always spewing bullshit like, "the african kids have it worse than you!!!!" But just cuz my situation isn't as severe doesn't mean I'm not also suffering too. Oh yeah, I also found it neat how you've found your purpose to keep on living, and I support you in that!!!
woww you actually have a great point about that own situations may seem not as bad as others, but still if you're suffering then you're obviously not feeling alright... i guess nowadays everyone just judges anyone. like it doesn't matter any other detail, but if you're not feeling happy then you're not okay. maybe people just shouldn't compare lives with other lives
I've been binge reading all of this mangaka's works and none of them made me cry a single drop of tears until this one cuz like this is too fucking real holy shit. I fucking live for my parents' expectations and as such whenever I fail to meet said expectations, I degrade myself and pin myself as worthless when I'm unable to help my parents even though they have been helping me my whole entire life. As a result, I always find myself entertaining the thought of killing myself. If my parents keep complaining about the fact that I don't take care of my health which causes them to spend a shitton of money, then wouldn't it be better if I was fucking dead? If I'm such a waste of money, then why do you continue to use your hard earned cash to keep letting me live?