The author knows them than you

September 13, 2023 6:28 am

I'm happy that the wolf and rabbit ended up together lol idk about anyone opinion and your one sided opinion, idk why you guys forcing the wolf and snake. The rabbit deserve to be happy too, you guys being bias to snake when rabbit the one have most worse situation in this story and wolf likes rabbit romantically and only feel probably sympathy to snake and mistaking it as "liking". The author makes rabbit and wolf ended up for a reason lol

    Irene October 10, 2023 8:55 am

    There is no reason, toxic relationships aren't new to yaoi. BL authors don't need a "reason" to make the MC end up with the worst possible choice.

    LWT October 12, 2023 3:04 pm

    lol, but it's quite understandable abt why they say this though in my opinion since the whole story was really taking me on a wild ride and thank god when i read this it was finish or else i would be slightly hating on the rabbit.
    My thinking process:
    -Oh i ship the wolf and rabbit!
    -Ayo? Threesome hello?
    -Okay but actually threesome? Huh? This isnt what signed up for lmaoooo
    -Sheeessshh so lore tasty
    -So the snake and wolf are gonna end up tgt and the rabbit alone? i feel bad for him but his attitude is pretty wonky so it prob best for the wolf
    -Ayo, my man wolf not givin up on bunny huh? Respect bro go get him
    -Wait hold up is he gonna die shoot my heart im not ready cries*
    -Oh shit he's alive! OMIGAHSSS THE KID IS SOOOOO CUTE
    -Awwww they so cuteeeeee. So happy for them mannnn
    -Sex scene jumpscare lmao i thought they wouldnt be any sex but there it is whoo! great ending(?)

    Forgive me for rambling, and for being a tad inaccurate since i may have forgotten the whole entire plot, but whoever reads this long ass script hope yall find amusement in my rambling ig, i was laughing while writing this hehehehe...

    All in all, this bl story is very fresh and very memorable in my opinion, and though it was very tramatising and gorey(which almost made me want to stop reading), im glad i preservered since it really since a very good piece of work!!

    Quack November 5, 2023 7:53 pm

    Rabbit was mad annoying