I would prefer people to not have to keep reading duplicate chapters.
At the end of the day it’s not going to matter because all the future chapters WILL BE uncensored.
You can read it on another website all you want but it won’t change the fact Lez has made the official release uncensored so all you’re going to see is drawn dick

LOL okay? just because i said i'll be rereading this somewhere else you got your panties twisted? thats my preference and if you like it uncensored, then go ahead and read that, not my problem. and i never addressed it in any way to jujucat since i really appreciate everything they have done to post this webtoon here. im also used to reading stuff from multiple sources but yeah, sorry for not having the same preferences as you do
Bro why get rid of the censored verision? Just add an option to read uncensored if you want don't get rid of the older version entirely