Have yall seen tye new update of get schooled....are yall as just as surprised as me..or?

Luelle September 12, 2023 2:34 pm

Bro I did not expect the new update to be like that why did bro pull the n-word out like that? That was so surprising.

What are yalls thoughts?

    grape flavoured September 12, 2023 2:57 pm

    I remember binging it up to 6am back on 2022 (??) when there was only a few chapter thus I generally enjoyed the story and I was hoping on catching up to it.. now that I saw that update I'm so disappointed because the story had so much potential and now it's all a waste because of that offensive remark. I don't tolerate these racism in webtoons and I no longer plan on reading it.... but all in all it's just disappointment as well as surprised!! many people were hyping this webtoon as far as I remember and many people were simping for the aizawa looking guy... I didn't expect the wbetoon to go on this road sigh....Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)