i cant tell if yall being delusional or just plain stupid but...

^_^ September 12, 2023 7:19 am

im sorry to tell yall this but the ending of ch 90 was the end for them. they both died together. it literally says in the beginning of ch 91 "few months prior" meaning a few months before the incident, and its very obvious too. from how jooha lost his memories and was the younger version of himself and kept calling dooshik mister and then in ch 90 dooshik mentions that jooha calls him mister. ch 90 truly was the ending for them and the epilogues were just showing how they got there and what happened to the others.

    Twinkiepharm September 13, 2023 2:37 pm

    People keep calling me delusional but I know im right, they're still alive. It's clear that Jooha regained his memories at the last scene of chapter 90, and also the author won't just kill them off she just did this to make the readers be confused and shocked.

    Twinkiepharm September 13, 2023 2:54 pm

    https://m.en.j-meeshop.com/product/pre-order-pearl-boy-episode-acrylic-stand-dooshik-jooha/494/category/158/display/1/ this acrylic stand includes a photocard of the real ending unfortunately they're sold out

    Frenchfries September 13, 2023 4:14 pm
    https://m.en.j-meeshop.com/product/pre-order-pearl-boy-episode-acrylic-stand-dooshik-jooha/494/category/158/display/1/ this acrylic stand includes a photocard of the real ending unfortunately they're sold out Twinkiepharm

    You are definitely right… idk why people keep thinking they died like the author literally said they’re planning side stories too like ???

    ^_^ September 13, 2023 4:56 pm
    People keep calling me delusional but I know im right, they're still alive. It's clear that Jooha regained his memories at the last scene of chapter 90, and also the author won't just kill them off she just did... Twinkiepharm

    Yea i know he did it's clear from how he said it's good to see you again but how could they survive? They drowned under ice cold water. They can't just swim back up i doubt they'd be able to thats why they hugged and kissed eachother, and they can't be saved bcs the only witnesses that were there were the cats, they hugged eachother in their last moments bcs they knew this was the end for them. That's the whole reason why jooha regained his memories. so they could die together remembering eachother. I too would of loved them alive and together It's clear the author wanted a tragic ending for them. Tbh i hope I'm wrong I hope they're alive and well I hope jooha is the one to save them (since dooshik cant swim) both yk like survivors instinct type of thing. It'd be very interesting to see jooha save them this time. But rn imma think they died until that photo card from the acrylic stand gets revealed and actually shows them bcs so far it only shows a blurry pic/ when the side story comes out bcs i don't want to get my hopes up of them being alive and then all of a sudden being disappointed if they're not. I hope I'm wrong I hope the side stories come out and it shows them together living happily. I hope it shows them surviving and them getting married in America or smth (since I'm pretty sure same sex couples still can't get married in Korea)

    Twinkiepharm September 13, 2023 5:42 pm
    Yea i know he did it's clear from how he said it's good to see you again but how could they survive? They drowned under ice cold water. They can't just swim back up i doubt they'd be able to thats why they hugg... ^_^

    Its a probably a picture of Dooshik spooning Jooha