thank you haha, to be honest at first I was like " the art is good" I kept reading .."I love time travel and all but damn its his father though" I kept reading and reading feeling disgusted and touched in a way and somehow I forgot they are father and son (not entirly forgetting but I kept telling myself , (lets just think they are not blood related) i kept making excuses , but in the end I loved it but felt creeped out of how much I loved it so my feelings are conflicted plot was good if you replace "blood relation" with adoption in your head

yeahh we sooo nasty , along the lines I wished that the mom is gonna be like (sorry I cheated on you and got pregnant with another guy but that didn't happen but hey at least its a happy ending, it helped that the father looked young that my visual senses won over my conscious but whatever with yaoi everything seems fine and our logic goes down the drain at least they said something like " the world reasoning and our reasoning are not equal but our happiness is equal ...cant fight that logic in my opinion as its consensual in the end its not like old perverted dad raping his son ...as ...long...its ///consensual ...yeah...thats right....keep telling yourself that LOL

yeah the youngish looking uke dad was fine as hell though even the son looks older makes me think there is something deeper with that story why time travel? nothing has accomplished? why does he still look so young I read somewhere here in mangago (or more like skimmed through comments) that the house made the dad younger or something.....anyhow I HOPE I SOO HOPE that we don't need therapy soon or later, I've been avoiding more messed up yaoi but i keep reading more stuff and I keep running out (I turned into S&M with romance) but i don't want to watch with sad endings Im afraid that I probably would go to the darker side,right now im defently avoiding shota I even avoid shota looking college students but sometimes I see something that interest me and see the "shota"tag and Im Like nope nope nope hell to the nope Im seriously need some fluff but I think I've watched all the fluff already (︶︿︶)

OMG we're so alike!!! I got into S&M plays too holy moly! I was always like ugh noway I can't do S&M but then I read Blood Bank, and now I find blood sucking S&M hot af. I stay away from most shota / pedo / or even the depressing ones. We need more healing with fluff ;~;
As for the dad being younger, I don't think it was because of the house, or actually it's more like I don't want to think about anything I just accepted what it offered.
Right now I'm crying over Never Understand, you can easily find it on the homepage here, it's the top rated series go read it <3

blood bank is goooood isnt it? consensual S&M is the best thing personally I don't like pain even mosquito bites annoy me make me dizzy but WHY IN YAOI THEY MAKE IT SO HAWWT!
most of the time rape=love doesn't bother me much , if its a 1 time deal or2 time deal but if it goes on in circles I hate it if the uke accepts his (M) awakening I won't be bothered lol ..see how dark me mind is going
as for healing fluff I keep re-reading stuff I read before in circles haha
hey have you read ( Bi no Isu? ) and its sequel ? if you didnt you really should yakuza themed and gigity gigity lol its hardcore yaoi when I first read it (at the start of my yaoi journey not to long ago) I felt disgusted and weirded out but now I think its sexy hot and sensual I don't know if it will be to your liking (assuming you haven't watched it yet)
I shall put never understand on my watch list most of the manwha I like to read like " royal servent , blood bank , and raising a bat but they are on going , I rather wait for it to complete or have enough chapters where the plot thickens and mostly is solved, since I started reading yaoi almost 2 months ago non stop I still didn't read manwha im stuck on manga
now I havent slept for 2 days straight my mind keeps wondering off I spend most of the time reading manga and downloading various manga chapters incase my internet shuts off so I would have enought saved
yeah im THAT obsessed I have no life LOL

O-M-G! I hate pain too, even the smallest cuts hurt a ton, and then Blood Bank got me super excited like I'm so twisted inside we need help maybe?? XD
Rofl I understand that darkness babe, I UNDERSTAND IT ALL TOO WELL! ;~;
O-M-G I KEEP RE-READING FLUFF SERIES TOO LIKE CRAZY OVER AND OVER!!! We're so similar I found my spirit animal yo <333
Ahh Ike Reibun's other work, I haven't read it I planned to read at one point but never got to it, Not Equal is the only Ike's work that I've read, will do and read it soon xD I have seen images before and I was like nawww not my thing but who knows now I might end up liking it xD
Never Understand is just absolutely amazing, I'm so emotionally invested in it right now, along with Raising a Bat, I've been crying worrying stressing over these manga lol. Good news for you Never Understand ends 24th, that is next Saturday so lucky lucky you, you will have a completed manga. I've been even buying that series on the official website because IM SO FRIGGIN CRAZY ABOUT IT XDD
Wow you started yaoi 2months ago and you got into S&M, mate what up?! XD I've been reading yaoi for more than 4 years I'm so friggin crazy at this point XD
I keep re-reading all older manga till a new one comes out, I understand it all mate *wipes tears*.
Read Moritat as well, wait for more chapters if you want I know for sure you'll like that kinda twisted mind fkery story xD
Add "A Man like You" as well, man I'm so crazy about so many manga rn I need a friggin life XD

started 2 months ago and got into the dark side pretty deep you could say im a fast learned "bad dum tss" hahaha , the thing is Im literally always at home 24/7 due mental problems that I have ALL the time in the world I search up manga by genre I look it up and then read the whole list that people make Im a picky chooser so usualy I go like
hmm today i want a obsessive seme then I watch like 10 manga's that have that or even more non stop until I cannot concentrate next day I feel like I want to read something about uke's with phobia's also trying to find something similar every time untill i can't find anything
or sometimes I go by authors
I keep looking for specific plotlines and I keep going back to controlling obsessive possesive semes that I somehow got across S&M
I don't remember the name of the manga but it had something to do with a doctor sadist and I don't know what the Masochist uke did maybe a nurse or something but he worked there in the hospital and had a wound and he is the type when he gets hurt he gets turned on and what I mean is literally turned on but he doesn't know or he knows but denies it and the doctor awakens it for him by "treating" him but they truly love eachother thats what caught my attention although it was one of the least liked of sm that I read because at some point it got kinda painful to read (it was not gore i just don't like when they stick something in the penis) but the uke wanted the pain and wanted to be controlled
on to the one I recommended I don't want to spoil it but you should read it its not painfull most of the time (its not real sm but you have an S and an M the rough steamy beastly sex was good and story line too kinda confusing for me when I first read it because when I was new to manga I didn't know how to read the panels
with manhua i get confused reading from left to right LOL
I skimmed through never understand to check it out and I think im going to like it, even though I have no idea what went on I went to the last chapter and cried without knowing what the hell is happening( bad habit of mine I check the end first without focusing to much so i don't spoil to much) to me most important thing to know "who ends up with who and whether it has a happy ending)
up untill now I never read tragedys although many caught my attention but reading " tragedy" I get sad without reading so naa-aah
have you read Sakyou Aya work? especially kuroneko series this was the fluff that I enjoy dearly
but guuuurl since you are my senpai in yaoi world and im your kouhai i feeeel your struggle so much right now xD

guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl tell me tell meeee
and the sequel for bi no isu
Kobi no Kyoujin
im even getting excited that you are liking it
you know the feelin when you are a fan of something and you want to push it on to your friends and when they like it you get happy thats the feeling i get right now hahahha

Pffft what mental problems, more like fujoshi problems *nudge nudge wink wink* We're just friggin nerds who enjoy to read I'm always at home too lmao.
Omg I used to search for yaoi like that, till I read and read and read and now I just re-read all the ones Ive liked like crazy. I drop a whole load of shit ones too, I don't bother ones which gimme no feels. I like when a manga makes me emotional lol. Good art is like panties drop for me XD
Hmm that doc one you described, I've read a few like that but I can't seem to remember any specifically which go like that?? Damn sorry I haven't really read much S&M yet lol.
I get the confusing with manguas / mangas, but now I just switch easily from left to right and vice versa it's like breathing air to me xDD
I hate tragedy now actually, I get so traumatized esp if I'm emotionally invested in those characters and they end up suffering so much it's just to painful esp when characters die I end up crying for hours and thinking about it for days and end up depressed for awhile. I avoid it like crazy now, I just cannot bring myself to read an tragedy tagged ones now.
SAKYOU AYA IS MY FAV, I dont even know how many times I've read Kuroneko series now xD omg wait I think I will go back and read it again now been awhile xD. Reading the sequel of Bi no isu and damn I love this couple ughhh (//~//) I just loved the part where the seme gets so scared nirasawa(the uke) might die, I quite like the seme having this kinda side no matter how cruel they seem I want them to crumble and fall apart in front of their ukes fufufu ( ° ʖ °) And then ofc the crazy hot sex mmm perfecto~ <3
Lmao kouhai-chan I feel ya baby, it's okay you have many many yaoi to read fufu. I can keep recommending and recommending xD

fujoshi problems fooshooo(for sure) you know as much as I hate tragedy I read 2 one is the mistake of not checking that was a trauma for me so since then I have never ever forget and the other was also a tragedy BUUUT I don't mind if 2 die together as long as they are in each others arms i get sad but they are together I hate it when one is left behind
but like you ..omg I thought I was the only one who gets depressed for days , now I know there are many emotional people but when my mom enters sees me teary eyes and I tell her 3 days ago I read this story and I feel sad she 's like 3 days ago? move the EFFF OON (Ok she doesnt do that but I do tell that to myself)
and regarding bi no isu riiiiiiiiiiight?????
seme is rough and all but the uke is also no pushover he himself is strong doesnt give a fuck to nobody only to the seme keeep readingggggggg the sequel is longer when you finish lets talk all about it xD I think im going to re-read it now if I don't fall asleep since im entering my 3rd day without sleep hahaha
Im downloading never understand right now and you said next saturday is going to be the last im going to start it then or maybe tommorow when I wake up XD since I enjoyed what I have seen and it seems complicated (thats what you have with korean manhua)
also i found the one I was talking about

I hate it when they just up and die, I'd rather not go through those feels ;~; Esp if one is left behind omg I can't ughh ... :"(
Lmao dat moment with your mum is like moments with my bro, he knows I read yaoi and he sees me screaming squealing and going crazy all the time XDD
Please tell me you've read "Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai". That is like literally THE best yakuza BL I've read. Man the feels trip, no matter how much I re-read I always cry I'm crazy about it!! >.<
Oh oh oh Did you read Ten Count? Mannnnn you should if you haven't mmmmmmmmmmmmmm aslfhd (//~//)
OMG YES YES READ NEVER UNDERSTAND SOON. All of us in the comments section are crying and wailing our hearts out at Never Understand. Let it be your healing for the coming days :"D
Ayyyy my fujoshi friend~~ ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
Have a good night's rest, you need it xD

morning xD
OMG HAVING NIRASAWA CUT THE PANTIES I WAS LIKE SHIIIIIT i loveee his devotion he is also strong and gets shit done not like your usual uke. , like you said UIEGKJUDHFLIUEWLFDIAUSH I can't just I can't think straight panties dropped xD and I did read saezuru tori wa habatakanai the latest chapter was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg the licking my heart couldnt take it anymore
so gentle so arrrrrr
and yes I did read Ten count 4 times now goshhh we have the same tastes.
Ten count for me was one of the kind i can't believe how long Im waiting for the kiss LOL , I feel like I need to wait for it to update at least 10 more chapters to fully enjoy it
Ten count, saezuru tori..., bi no isu, , kobi no kyoujin, hidoke shinaide are my favorites (at the moment) they go at the top for me
and I also like
Honto yajuu and Warui Series
aaah also this " Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki " yakuza story its kinda different but I loved this one too you might wanna read minori no te first chapter i think if im not wrong I don't think its needed but the mc makes his appearance there
I love this author " scarlet beriko"
I have many others that I loved but im bad with remembering titles LOL

Late reply been busy all day xD Hope you slept well? xD
lmao nirasawa lost it when he was gonna be sent away, damn he went 0-100 on real sexy with his visual change I fainted XDD
Lmao we really do have the same tastes xD I friggin love Ten Count, been reading it since chapter 1 came out. Even more so because it's so relatable coz I'm mysophobic as well. I cannot WAIT for that kiss it's killing me. ALL THE MANGA WILL BE THE DEATH OF US OMG >.<
I've read everything you mention lol, I love love to re-read as you know, so I keep a track of everything on MAL I've read so I can easily go back. Here's my list myanimelist.net/mangalist/nelkk, I recently lost the whole list so I'm still in the middle of adding shounen titles but yeah that is pretty much complete at this point xD
Man we really clicked fast ehh xDD
yaoi is gonna make me twisted as fuck, now I haven't read it yet but i know its gonna be father x son buuuuuuuuut Im running out of manga and time travel is my thing and I kept avoiding it but whatever im gonna read it