
I don't read smut for moral lessons either... But I can't figure out what is so enjoyable about reading a story about k-pop looking Andrew Tate and a pushover. Also isn't smuts point to at least having a fantasy of this happening to you or imagining how good it feels for the character, meantime the sex in this manhwa sucks , its only nice artstyle
I don't read smut for the moral lessons. If I wanted that, I'd read a bedtime story for kids or watch a Disney movie. There's a reason these types of stories are for adults only bc it expects an adult to be wise enough to differenciate fiction and reality, and think "I don't want this to happen IRL but this is interesting/enjoyable to read"
Why don't y'all just cancel people who enjoy watching slasher films while you're at it bc according to your logic, they're glorifying homicides. This is just the videogames cause violence argument agane. If you're so concerned about morals and ethics, why are you even using this kind of website?
I just feel pity for y'all who only consider wholesome uwu fictional stories the only story that should exist. That's such a boring way to live tbh. The great thing about fiction is being able to explore a story without having it happen to you ^_^
(ФωФ) Anyways, I'm glad both characters are hot here. I could never get into BJ Alex bc the bottom wasn't hot (imo) (。-人-。) Call me shallow idc if I wanted to read something for fun, I want all the characters to look like a healing elixir for my eyes (*‘ω‘ *)