I just cannot with Gren's sympathizers like he was in a gang, killed ppl, shot Jake. and n...

whatevermans September 10, 2023 9:39 pm

I just cannot with Gren's sympathizers like he was in a gang, killed ppl, shot Jake. and now he needs a guardian? a grown ass man who killed. pls. I mean everyone's free to like whomever, but picturing him as a little lost puppy is a bit too much lol

    Tsunmimi September 11, 2023 9:24 pm

    Exactly, I’m done with them sympathizers at this point they might as well say Shin should spoon feed Gren since he’s such a baby. Guu-guu-ga-ga and shiii

    whatevermans September 11, 2023 9:27 pm
    Exactly, I’m done with them sympathizers at this point they might as well say Shin should spoon feed Gren since he’s such a baby. Guu-guu-ga-ga and shiii Tsunmimi

    lmao yes dedicate himself to Gren, break up with Jake, be a full-time single father

    Tsunmimi September 11, 2023 9:32 pm
    lmao yes dedicate himself to Gren, break up with Jake, be a full-time single father whatevermans

    I’ve decided to call them the “Guilt tripping guild” lol

    whatevermans September 12, 2023 10:00 am
    I’ve decided to call them the “Guilt tripping guild” lol Tsunmimi

    I guess they relate to Gren somehow (feeling helpless, abandoned, hopeless in some way), so they want to see him being rescued... ok now I'm sad

    Tsunmimi September 12, 2023 7:35 pm
    I guess they relate to Gren somehow (feeling helpless, abandoned, hopeless in some way), so they want to see him being rescued... ok now I'm sad whatevermans

    how did we get here

    whatevermans September 12, 2023 7:50 pm
    how did we get here Tsunmimi

    idk srry

    just_a_sad_song September 14, 2023 6:21 am

    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake

    whatevermans September 14, 2023 8:42 am
    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake just_a_sad_song

    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy.

    just_a_sad_song September 14, 2023 10:23 pm
    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy. whatevermans

    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He might kill himself if left alone. Look just saying even if he is a grown man he has plenty of mental illness problems. Attachment issues, paranoia,trauma,drug addiction

    whatevermans September 14, 2023 10:57 pm
    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He mi... just_a_sad_song

    Of course everyone deserves love, care and salvation. You, me and Gren! You know why I seem to be hard on Gren? Not because I can't empathize, it's because I believe that people like Gren are not broken and beyond fixing, I believe that they are whole and worthy but due to bad experiences they forgot it. So I can't pity someone I believe is my equal, I don't look down on them, I know they can turn their life around, I believe in their inner strength. He needs professional assistance - therapy, also prison sentence served, life choices contemplated...he needs a new start in life, a clean slate. he absolutely doesn't need Shin's pity due to the fact they're foster siblings.

    Tsunmimi September 14, 2023 11:54 pm
    Of course everyone deserves love, care and salvation. You, me and Gren! You know why I seem to be hard on Gren? Not because I can't empathize, it's because I believe that people like Gren are not broken and bey... whatevermans

    Well said

    Tsunmimi September 15, 2023 12:02 am
    He isn't a puppy but he is a mentally damaged brain fried by drugs person. He has issues so don't expect him to be normal and not toxic. Gren needs therapy and support by his family,he only has a brother. He mi... just_a_sad_song

    His brain isn’t fried as long as Gren knows to walk, eat, handle a gun and doesn’t wear his shoes on his head or his sweater on his feet, his brain is perfectly fine, and yes he needs his brother but not after the shit he pulled, or have you forgotten that shin took him in and even after he was still involved in dubious stuff and killed someone that Jake even in all his bad-assness didn’t harm, what are you on about.

    Now what Gren needs is to get his act together for that same only brother he supposedly all of a sudden needs, the same way he deliberately did shit that put him out, Let the same attachment make him change for the better. We’re only asking he take responsibility for his actions and not try to guilt trip Shin by acting like a lost puppy barking you said you’d take of me, it gets old ya know.

    Tsunmimi September 15, 2023 12:02 am
    Well Jake did the same and worse. So idk if you like Jake just_a_sad_song


    whatevermans September 15, 2023 8:48 am
    His brain isn’t fried as long as Gren knows to walk, eat, handle a gun and doesn’t wear his shoes on his head or his sweater on his feet, his brain is perfectly fine, and yes he needs his brother but not af... Tsunmimi

    You get me! And oh my god you are right, Shin did take him in and then he said that Gren needs to go FOR HIS OWN SAKE. Shin made him leave so Gren'd have a better chance to stay alive. broo how tf did I forget that probs thanks to many pro-Gren comments on this site that present Shin like he's abandoned Gren bc he didn't want to deal with him. brooo

    Daemon October 1, 2023 7:35 am
    He kills for a different reason, he is hired by the government. Also his whole character is different, my main point was that Gren is no poor lil puppy. whatevermans

    ??? Doesn't make it in any way OK. Y'all know how many human rights violations are carried out by governments? Jake did outright murder a man but he'll be protected not because he was in the right, but because the government will bat for him. Same way they'd bat for their soldiers who killed children in the Middle East and laughed about it.