This manga needs an anime adaptation!!!

Bluemoon14 September 10, 2023 12:49 am

I've been reading this manga from when it only has like 20+ chapter and not one chapter has been a let down. I just really love this story and can't wait for it to be picked for an anime adaptation. Let's keep the fandom growing even more and spread the story so that more people know about this manga!!!

    charged September 15, 2023 9:33 am

    it received an anime adaptation announcement last March under Cloverworks! no further announcements after that tho, and I believe this manga is pretty famous in Japan :)

    Joybug September 27, 2023 2:58 am
    it received an anime adaptation announcement last March under Cloverworks! no further announcements after that tho, and I believe this manga is pretty famous in Japan :) charged

    It is popular I saw some merch for it when I visited Japan a few weeks ago. They had like keychains and little stand things with different characters. Of course it wasn’t as present as other things but I was surprised to see stuff for it there.