I hate all the characters but can’t help but keep reading… help

Qxeen_zxy September 9, 2023 11:15 am

Jooin is a horrible person rn for stringing both guys along. I feel for yahwi because he’s doing the best he can with his trauma but tbh he had every opportunity to come clean and tell jooin who he is. Cain has always been sus to me. He seems kind but it feels fake. He knows jooin struggles with trust issues yet does NOTHING to calm those doubts down. Yahwi is probably the only one I feel bad for or feel anything other than resentment towards. Jooin was treated badly by yahwi so it makes sense to treat him badly back but what about cain? He has no right for that. Cain is playing a long con and I don’t know what it is which bothers me. Yahwi is the only one with an actual reason as to why he’s such a trashy person. Jooin has half a reason which only applies to one person and cain is an enigma and I don’t even think cain knows who cain is! The author is very good at getting me to hate all of the characters yet still be so invested in the story. I hope we see some progress soon because this annoyance is good for a short while but if it drags on, I don’t think finding out the end of the story will be worth the journey us readers had to go through to get to it…
