
ZinWM September 9, 2023 10:28 am

I finished up to Chinese site and this is good I recommend. Emotional rollercoaster ahead tho

    Soobin September 9, 2023 12:37 pm

    Can you send me the link of the Chinese site??

    MYAN September 9, 2023 4:26 pm

    give me full story with spoilers

    Dia September 9, 2023 7:45 pm

    Spoiler pls

    ZinWM September 10, 2023 2:50 pm
    Can you send me the link of the Chinese site?? Soobin

    The app name is 耽美漫画 but I don't think it's available bec it's only china regional. And require Chinese ph no. to log in. I am sure you will find weisbites if you type it's Chinese name in google.

    ZinWM September 10, 2023 2:58 pm

    Full story isn't out yet, only about 20 episodes...

    Spoliers (more like summarized)

    Uke is ophan sent to seme 1 's(didn't appear yet) father who is (pedo) and you know shits happened to him, and he wants to revenge but that man suddenly died. So he decided to revenge his son by uncovering all those things. Seme 2 (appears in ch1) is helping uke to revenge (but actually no, red flag lmao) and uke got close to seme1 to get evidences and blah blah the plot goes on.

    I don't want to say all cuz this only have 1 episode here. The plot is interesting and the smug scenes are not bad at all.
    Seme1 seems to be a green flag at the moment.

    inori November 2, 2023 8:13 am
    Full story isn't out yet, only about 20 episodes... Spoliers (more like summarized)Uke is ophan sent to seme 1 's(didn't appear yet) father who is (pedo) and you know shits happened to him, and he wants to reve... ZinWM

    Wait so Hyung (redhead) isn't even in the mix? I mean, he is a proper hyung to the MC? That's great then