tbh im pretty disappointed and superrr uncomfortable w caesar's way of showing love (it's not just him, leewon too, they're messed up) but as i read further i understand that their ways to convey love is different (uncommon but just know that the love is there),, im not expecting something sweet because he's a criminal ffs,, idk bout u but i love them as a couple
Yeah i was disappointed too, before Ceasar was respectful (for a mafia boss) and didn't force Leewon into much things sexual. The rape was random and it was never addressed further, like it never happened, which is annoying. What Ceasar did to Leewon isn't a form of or a way to express his love, it was a dehumanising, disgusting, humiliating act of violence. I think the story overall is good, well structured and interesting but the rape was unnecessary and the story would've been better off without it. Do take a second to think though, Ceasar is a mafia boss, he has definetly done way worse than rape. This isnt a justification at all, the rape was totally cliché and stupid but, it was a way to show that Ceasar is not a good person at all. Its important to keep in mind that hes a rapist but i just gaslight myself into thinking it never happened and Leewon just had a huge nightmare because eveyone in the story acts like it never occured. This whole need to add rape into a story in BL is starting to fade but i dont think its gonna leave anytime soon, time will tell.
Reached chapter 42 and all I can say is that I'm really disappointed. I thought that their first time would be something special and at consensual not r*pe, I guess the r*pe thing is becoming a real cliché and it really makes me uncomfortable, what do you guys think about this ??