the author is making shit up as the chapters go one I SWEAR

mangotea September 8, 2023 5:36 pm

Cain needs to tell jooin to fuck himself.
yawhi and jooin can end up together because the authors isn't even trying to say "HEY maybe jooin will end up with Cain" thy are making it so obvious what the fuck is going to happen.

Cain better fall in love with someone hotter richer and overall smarter then jooin (let's make sure they don't look 12 like jooin does)

    rack September 8, 2023 5:42 pm

    omg u chewed thank you for not being a jooin and yahwi apologist

    Just September 8, 2023 5:47 pm

    I agree with you.
    The author has stopped trying since he came back from the hiatus. When I saw him sending Cain away, to make those two brainless kids talk and took a whole month to cover the arc just to come up with a lullaby story: "Well I guess, he just making up stories as he goes based on how the readers react to each chapter."

    Those two knuckleheads can end up together and I don't care.
    People like Cain deserve to be with someone who knows how to love them. Jooin is not that someone anymore.