Seth is my fav.

Purky September 6, 2023 6:23 pm

Okay this story is filled with all the fun things.
Incest, rape, sexual violence and so on, yk. My fav :D (sarcasm)
Anyways this shit is aids fr. The story is really good but it reeks.
I like how Seth in s1 was this cool ass Devine god that noone dared to cross paths with, but now in s2 he is just getting violated by everyone in existence.
I miss s1 seth so much, the sarcastic fucker who killed ppl, that persona of his is much more funner to read than the twink based act he is doing now
Anyways, everyone sucks in this story, orisis isis and horus and the beardman and the goddess of peace (i am not sure if i am writing their names correctly)
Even tho orisis is the one i hate the most between all of them, isis has a special place in my hate scale. She didnt only victim-blame seth and put ALL the blame of the whole entire thing on seth even though she knows he was peer pressured into this.
In conclusion; she sucks, orisis sucks, they all sucks. And tbh i dont even think seth has any interest in romance after all that, i mean shit. I wouldnt be after all that. So the idea of him ending up with his nephew would seem forced if it happens, unless the author writes it so?? (I dodnt think it would work too especially after he was raped by him)
Anyways, ill continue this for the sake of curiosity even tho the incest physically makes me sick, not to mention the violent rape every couple of chapters is just disgusting.
Good story tho, very captivating writing and art, and its gen intresting.

    Heu77 September 7, 2023 12:17 am

    I think it would work out somehow because Set knows Horus didn’t rape him willingly, Set asked Sekhmet: “Did you do all this?”
    After he was raped by Horus and he glared at Sekhmet and asked her that. Because Sekhmet used her mirror to pass Set’s bad intentions to rape Horus onto Horus and so Horus suddenly got up and raped Set. Before Horus raped Set, Set came to Horus’s room after being encouraged by Sekhmet to rape him to put Horus in his place, he tried to rape him and Horus was like: “Uncle? Are you okay?”. Something along the lines like that. Horus was genuinely confused and concerned, only after the mirror showed, Horus changed and raped Set. Then Sekhmet stopped controlling him.

    And Horus and Set’s relationship kinda develops in upcoming chapters so it isn’t forced, I really doubt it, I feel like those that get together fast is forced.

    This is a good amount of slow burn and slow development but not the worst either.

    Purky September 7, 2023 9:16 am
    I think it would work out somehow because Set knows Horus didn’t rape him willingly, Set asked Sekhmet: “Did you do all this?”After he was raped by Horus and he glared at Sekhmet and asked her that. Becau... Heu77

    Just bcuz sekhmet caused it doenst mean seth hates also who did it to him.
    I mean youd hate the tool and the controller too right?
    But any ways IMO it would feel forced and to this chapter seth is still pushing horus away and calling him disgusting whenver he tried to make advances.
    Not to mention; orisis is horus's dad, so wouldnt it be painful reminder everytime they are together. Even seth said: "like father like son"

    Heu77 September 7, 2023 10:15 am
    Just bcuz sekhmet caused it doenst mean seth hates also who did it to him.I mean youd hate the tool and the controller too right?But any ways IMO it would feel forced and to this chapter seth is still pushing h... Purky

    Why does it feel forced to you? You say it’s forced but don’t clarify how it’s forced.

    And no I wouldn’t because Horus was not in his right mind and he was forced to rape, he’s a victim as well. Set clearly isn’t bothered, he’s still the same to Horus as he was like he was even before the rape. Also Set’s rape intentions passed onto Horus which Sekhmet did by using the mirror, I don’t see you blaming Set for trying to rape in the first place. And in my opinion, Set is also controlled by Sekhmet.

    I’d be more mad if someone did it willingly and did it with a clear mind. That was their true purpose then. But Horus didn’t and that wasn’t his true purpose.

    Anubis is also a tool for Osiris and nearly kidnapped Set to take him to Duat where Osiris most likely is, I wouldn’t hate him because he’s a victim.

    And Set has pushed Horus away because that’s always been him, he’s affected by Osiris so of course he would, however I doubt it’s the DNA as he doesn’t care Anubis is Osiris’s biological first son. Horus is clearly nothing like his dad, sure he’s obsessed but he’s not attempted to do what Osiris has done and ruined people’s lives. Horus isn’t the standard but I’m pretty sure no one in this story is supposed to be a standard considering all in this story are victims and villains, for example, Set.

    Purky September 7, 2023 4:58 pm
    Why does it feel forced to you? You say it’s forced but don’t clarify how it’s forced.And no I wouldn’t because Horus was not in his right mind and he was forced to rape, he’s a victim as well. Set cl... Heu77

    I never said seth was forgiven for trying to rape horus, they both suck.
    One for seth having the intention to rape and second because horus raped.
    Thats why i find them incompatible and forced. And also bcuz seth seems as if he had his fair share of men, and maybe he just doenst like the same sex at all.
    Thats all that i am saying.

    Heu77 September 7, 2023 6:01 pm
    I never said seth was forgiven for trying to rape horus, they both suck.One for seth having the intention to rape and second because horus raped.Thats why i find them incompatible and forced. And also bcuz seth... Purky

    Set seems as if he had his fair share of men? What does that mean?
    And I didn’t say you forgave Set, I was just saying in general.
    I don’t think it matters tbh, cause it’s fiction and it really doesn’t feel that forced, it’s not feeling forced to the point it ruins the story, nope. Set knows Horus didn’t do it on purpose so he does not care, and Horus knows Set tried to rape him, doesn’t care.

    If you feel it’s forced, that’s your opinion and I won’t try to change it. And I stand by what I said. Also I apologize if I sounded rude, I woke up cranky today.

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 7, 2023 6:57 pm

    You have to see things from the perspective of these characters who have eternal life and have already lived thousands of years: nothing affects them on a personal level quite the same that ot would affect a human, and moreover they're even warned AGAINST trying to live, think and feel like humans, on a personal level: they're NOT allowed to do that. The only point where these gods can hold values that can be similar to those of humans is when it comes to respecting the humans they're supposed to protect, and thus respecting their lives, feelings and sufferings

    Purky September 7, 2023 7:01 pm
    Set seems as if he had his fair share of men? What does that mean? And I didn’t say you forgave Set, I was just saying in general.I don’t think it matters tbh, cause it’s fiction and it really doesn’t f... Heu77

    Good excuse for wanting to eat me alive LMAO. Anyways, at the end of the day; its just a work of fiction. My opinion doenst matter, yours doesnt, lets just enjoy this in our own ways.
    And maybe next time if you feel a bit cranky in the mornin id advice something sweet like a frappe, it always makes me feel better. :D

    Purky September 7, 2023 7:04 pm
    You have to see things from the perspective of these characters who have eternal life and have already lived thousands of years: nothing affects them on a personal level quite the same that ot would affect a hu... JayJay (I'm back!)

    True, maybe thats true and its intresting take, but since this havent been completely confirmed that they "dont care"
    And i am trying to see it in their perspective, and if you ask me. Seth really seems to care IMO, we still dont fully know how he feels on the inside

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 7, 2023 7:05 pm
    You have to see things from the perspective of these characters who have eternal life and have already lived thousands of years: nothing affects them on a personal level quite the same that ot would affect a hu... JayJay (I'm back!)

    I mean, this story is Korean and is only borrowing the Egyptian mythological gods, while still depicting those gods in the same way as gods are depicted in Asian mythologies: as powerful and eternal, but still restricted by the duties and rules that the creation itself imposed on them.

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 7, 2023 7:09 pm
    True, maybe thats true and its intresting take, but since this havent been completely confirmed that they "dont care" And i am trying to see it in their perspective, and if you ask me. Seth really seems to care... Purky

    Well, yeah... But I'm quoting Ra on this, going by what their fictional leader said in the story ITSELF. Ra is their ancestor mother and she's the one who warned them against it. I'm quoting the story with this, not saying my personal opinion.

    Heu77 September 7, 2023 7:18 pm
    Good excuse for wanting to eat me alive LMAO. Anyways, at the end of the day; its just a work of fiction. My opinion doenst matter, yours doesnt, lets just enjoy this in our own ways.And maybe next time if you ... Purky

    Lmao my bad. Usually people recommend americano
    , surprised someone recommended frappe. I’ll def order it. Thanks!

    Heu77 September 7, 2023 7:20 pm
    You have to see things from the perspective of these characters who have eternal life and have already lived thousands of years: nothing affects them on a personal level quite the same that ot would affect a hu... JayJay (I'm back!)

    Well it does affect Set but he’s gonna be living thousands of years and the grudge won’t be living as long as he will, perfectly said. idk about Horus cause he’s a Demi god (he chose to be Demi god for Set since here they will lose memories if they become full god).

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 7, 2023 7:36 pm
    True, maybe thats true and its intresting take, but since this havent been completely confirmed that they "dont care" And i am trying to see it in their perspective, and if you ask me. Seth really seems to care... Purky

    Re read chapters 59 and 70: that's where Ra tells them how they're supposed to act and live, as gods, as opposed to acting and living like humans