
The gramdma wasn't any better tho she literally demand one of her gradsons stay with her so they can continue the business but then suddenly she said she doesn't want miki but itsuki instead to take over. Like miki wasted his childhood with his parents just for gushy twin to have it all. Like he could travel with his dad and learn all sorts of languages, butt noooo itsuki can have it alll and miki only got what the pedo hobo
Honestly tho for me personally, the pedo sensei's so called "true feeling" prob just because he is so used to mc that the bitchy twin he was chasing becomes something he doesn't care for anymore.
And after months got back together the pedo guy starts beung indifferent and then mc got out of the relationship and find another guy in much more wholesome scenario. And later when mc got job he becomes successful and the asshy twin after taking over whatever the grandma's bizniz is, he failed it and goes bankrupt