Big plot spoiler (w/ my translations): ANGST

vasya September 6, 2023 9:37 am

Y’all, I read the raws and the angst is about to begin. In ch 13 the ml’s brother reveals the ml is getting married/engaged (I forgot I think it was engaged tho).

In ch20 it REALLY gets going tho bc that’s when the mc casually brings it up to the ml and is still in disbelief and doesn’t think he’s gonna actually do it, but the ml is like yep.

Ch 20 dialogue I quickly translated when mc finally brings it up (with a lot of hope for his relationship still):
Mc: “Do you plan to live as your family expects you to?”
Ml: “yep”
Mc: “So, are you going to marry the person your family expects you to marry?”
Ml: “yep” (he says this with a completely neutral expression too like a ‘I see nothing wrong with this’ expression)
Mc: “…What?”
Ml: “What does it matter?” (Still unbothered expression and wondering why the mc is shocked)
… etc
Mc: “Was I just a toy* to you?!??” (Alt tl: was I just a plaything* to you) (he’s crying atp)

This seems to be the main angst point in this manhwa bc the ml can’t rlly understand the issue and even when he figures out the mc is upset that he’s getting engaged to another woman (he considers it part of his duty and just business yk they were raised in different worlds so his idea of an engagement is different and it’s not about love etc), he can’t/doesn’t stop it and it escalates further.

So in ch30 (yes this doesn’t get resolved for fucking ages lol) ml is meeting with the woman in a restaurant beneath a hotel. He DOESN’T tell the mc about this, and has handed his phone to his secretary before he goes into the restaurant. Mc has been with the ml’s brother and they’re talking about the ml. Ml’s brother is saying how the ml doesn’t normally do stuff like renting out an amusement park when dating (emphasising to the mc that he’s special to the ml) and how the ml really just sees marriage as business and didn’t understand mc’s feelings. Basically the brother is encouraging them to talk it out and giving him hope. So the mc, with a renewed sense of hope, decided to call the ml thinking he’s probably finished work by now. The secretary picks up, as the ml has handed his phone to him by this point and gone to meet the woman.

Summary of the phone convo between mc and ml’s secretary:
Secretary: basically ml is busy and he asks if he can take a message for the ml
Mc: no it’s ok
Secretary: well if it’s urgent do u want me to tell u where he is?
Mc: ahh but wouldn’t I get in the way of his work?
Secretary: Is that what he told you? He’s at work?
Mc: …it’s not work?
Secretary: he’s on a blind date/meeting his prospective marriage partner* (*맞선: a blind date specifically to meet the future marriage partner in an arranged marriage type of thing)
Mc: sorry?
(Tldr mc asks the secretary for the location and decides to go and talk to ml face to face)

The mc catches the ml there collecting clothes ? or buying clothes for the woman? I forgot, but she had some wine spilled on her. Tldr mc is miserable and storms out and tells the ml not to follow him, thinking that he (himself not the ml) is like an idiot.

A lot of the readers at this point are saying they just want the mc to break up with the ml bc it’s just disrespectful and the mc keeps getting hurt and “a lover who doesn’t discuss these things with you isn’t your lover”. The ml kept the truth from him and silently went on the date and he had to find out that way lol

    Fuyunghai September 6, 2023 11:11 am

    (⊙…⊙ ) what?

    how many chapters they have?

    vasya September 6, 2023 11:25 am
    (⊙…⊙ ) what?how many chapters they have? Fuyunghai

    I read up to ch33 but I’m not sure what the total number of chapters is

    Mar September 8, 2023 10:50 am
    I read up to ch33 but I’m not sure what the total number of chapters is vasya

    God damn it's gonna be a painful ride. Irl many people really wouldnt be able to forgive someoke who would call a blind did "work" LMAO. Truthfully, he really does see it as work probably smh, but it's even worse he gets caught buying clothes then MC can really never catch a break with this dunce of a 30 year old cement block bf. It still seems cute (the comic) and unlikely the cement block idiot will end up actually getting married for business like that by the time it all gets resolves bc he learns what it means to love etc., so I will just patiently wait until I see ch 50 and beyond uploaded before continuing to read it

    Mar September 8, 2023 10:50 am
    God damn it's gonna be a painful ride. Irl many people really wouldnt be able to forgive someoke who would call a blind did "work" LMAO. Truthfully, he really does see it as work probably smh, but it's even wor... Mar

    Blind date* no idea what happened there lol

    ta mere September 8, 2023 11:36 am

    damn so theyre basically in conflict throughout all those chapters? doesn't seem promising ngl

    Chixx September 8, 2023 3:25 pm

    Thank you for the spoilers now I can dropped

    TheMerquet September 8, 2023 3:29 pm

    why cant we have a green flag ML for once?! im changing my 5star rating. Fvk this manhwa

    vasya September 8, 2023 3:59 pm
    why cant we have a green flag ML for once?! im changing my 5star rating. Fvk this manhwa TheMerquet

    ikr like… he IS sweet, their dates are adorable, etc, and could *probably* still be considered a green flag… but he’s put the mc thru so much heartache (unintentional) that it’s just too much atp. Like the ml did have a thought bubble before going in to the restaurant in ch30 that he should’ve let the mc know in advance (aka self awareness—which is better than when he didn’t realise that getting engaged to a woman was something the mc would be upset about), but then he just handed the phone over to the secretary and went in :’)

    Mar September 8, 2023 5:26 pm
    ikr like… he IS sweet, their dates are adorable, etc, and could *probably* still be considered a green flag… but he’s put the mc thru so much heartache (unintentional) that it’s just too much atp. Like ... vasya

    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 He started feeling subconsciously guilty so he did what many people do and decided to try and not say anything huh #-.-)

    Kygnis September 8, 2023 6:58 pm

    Thank you so much for the spoilers, I can drop this with a light heart now (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    vasya September 8, 2023 8:44 pm
    (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 He started feeling subconsciously guilty so he did what many people do and decided to try and not say anything huh #-.-) Mar

    Yaa like honestly it’s just unfortunate. I think if the engagement drama never happened he would be 100% a green flag. The ml IS sweet, he’s innocent, kind to the mc (no abuse of overbearing ceo behaviour here), but he’s also ignorant in a way. This manhwa reminds me of the saying that ignorance is a sin, or ignorance CAN BE a sin. He’s ignorant of the mc’s feelings on marriage and love and just “normal people” stuff (as opposed to his life as a rich guy), so through a combo of that and unfortunate circumstances (the engagement meeting he hasn’t managed to get out of—i forgot whether this was bc he was being forced by his family or he felt obliged to go to it or what), he ends up hurting the mc. So I wouldn’t call him a red flag, but the mc doesn’t deserve all this pain

    Mar September 9, 2023 3:38 am
    Yaa like honestly it’s just unfortunate. I think if the engagement drama never happened he would be 100% a green flag. The ml IS sweet, he’s innocent, kind to the mc (no abuse of overbearing ceo behaviour h... vasya

    Ngl reminds me of my sister's college roommate. She kinda practixally has ptsd . The girl was so ignorant about how real world stuff works in the way that she literally didnt know a shower also needs to be showered and another time she literally tried PEELING a potatoe with a BUTTER KNIFE (the kind woth 0 sharp edges). Amongst some other more significant offences she did bc of her ignorance & selfishness.

    Mar September 9, 2023 3:40 am
    Ngl reminds me of my sister's college roommate. She kinda practixally has ptsd . The girl was so ignorant about how real world stuff works in the way that she literally didnt know a shower also needs to be show... Mar

    I'm just hoping this manwha somehow gets resolved better than expected since I quite literally have the bar so low bc of the experience with my sister's college roommate LMAO

    Ciel0421 September 14, 2023 8:00 am
    I read up to ch33 but I’m not sure what the total number of chapters is vasya

    U have link pls huhu