why even do this

varthias September 5, 2023 8:41 pm

ngl the mtl is dogshit, at least clean the script up and maybe use a few different apps so it actually makes sense?
every time i see something like this I have more and more respect to actual scan groups

    Thewallflower August 15, 2024 3:42 am

    Ik it's been a year but bro stfu they're doing it literally for free and you didn't even pay a penny for this you have no right to complain. Just think about all the effort they put into this. I hate ppl like you the most. Why don't you read this LEGALLY instead of whining here

    Ritsu September 28, 2024 5:16 pm

    if you don't like it translate it yourself or at least pay them to do better
    the entitlement is crazy