yall I wanna pick this up buutt....

qu33n_chicken September 5, 2023 4:33 pm

juuusst a little observation...
I've seen the comments and y'all PRASIE Seth about how amazing he is, sexy, attentive, passionate, and how amazing he is when it comes to consent. and I love it , the ML seems amazing but when it comes to the mc, all yall say is he's hot and he got tits(lmao) . is his character THAT bad that yall have nothing to say about him besides his looks????

    WEEE September 6, 2023 12:55 am

    I think he's not used to receive love or to give it either. He's more the stoïc type so it's not about physical apparence... He's more the down to Earth type of character. Theo is blunt and I love it.

    なんでもない~ September 7, 2023 12:47 pm

    Actually, there’s work to do on his part cause he’s not an attention type of guy, we kinda see that he likes Seth, but the thing is Seth really is the sunshine of the relationship so we got things to say, the other still needs to open up a bit, so that we could make our opinion about how he really is

    qu33n_chicken September 8, 2023 6:35 am
    Actually, there’s work to do on his part cause he’s not an attention type of guy, we kinda see that he likes Seth, but the thing is Seth really is the sunshine of the relationship so we got things to say, t... なんでもない~

    aka he's still got A LOT of development waiting for him?

    なんでもない~ September 8, 2023 8:54 am
    aka he's still got A LOT of development waiting for him? qu33n_chicken

    Well development give the impression that he’s doing something bad in the first place, he just need to learn to communicate about how he feels, cause Seth can’t always be unsure about what he did wrong or walking on eggshell cause he did something and don’t know how to make up or for what he has to make up, and learn to open up a bit, to Seth, nobody else

    qu33n_chicken September 8, 2023 9:23 am
    Well development give the impression that he’s doing something bad in the first place, he just need to learn to communicate about how he feels, cause Seth can’t always be unsure about what he did wrong or w... なんでもない~

    imo development isn't just for ppl doing something bad tho. it's more like they could very much get better at doing a certain thing, doesn't always mean that they sucked at said thing at first. if u get what I mean.

    BUUTT in this case; u said that Seth has to walk on eggshells around him and is unsure of what he could have done to make his partner mad cuz of the lack communication on Theo's part, is that actually in the story???? cuz wouldn't that mean that Theo IS doing something bad to his partner???(regardless of if it's unintentional or not)