y'all better buy all the legal weed and get gay married to the max before trump outlaws ci...

5t3L November 9, 2016 4:50 am

y'all better buy all the legal weed and get gay married to the max before trump outlaws civil liberties in 2017 lollll

but forreal, as a canadian of minority-descent, who is currently living in america... Us snow-mexicans are equally afraid of being deported. Middle america is about to become a really hostile place.... i'm joking but damn it sounds like impending reality.

    kyra 23 November 9, 2016 4:54 am

    I'm a S. african muslim who just became a citizen of the USA. I'm biting my nails because I'm terrified that my family and I will get deported due to some loophole.

    5t3L November 9, 2016 4:58 am
    I'm a S. african muslim who just became a citizen of the USA. I'm biting my nails because I'm terrified that my family and I will get deported due to some loophole. kyra 23

    The amount of absolute hate and vitriol this election cycle has been astounding. The Crazy Right and the Crazy Left are equally ruining this country. There is no place for the moderates to go. Once upon a time, North America used to be the barometer of global stability.. sigh

    Babo November 9, 2016 5:01 am

    I actually don't like trump (or Clinton equally) but it seems like you got mislead my media or chappy Internet news. Trump is actually one of the most "pro" gay among Republican (if you can even call it pro...) and he's mostly against illegal immigrant, a stand that has been certainly distort into trumps hates all immigrants. Still I don't like either candidates and I'm voting third party haha

    5t3L November 9, 2016 5:17 am
    I actually don't like trump (or Clinton equally) but it seems like you got mislead my media or chappy Internet news. Trump is actually one of the most "pro" gay among Republican (if you can even call it pro...)... Babo

    lol, it was partially a joke and partially a comment about the all-repulican senate and house. I know trump's flip-floppy policies and that he has historically been a social liberal :)

    LadyLigeia November 9, 2016 8:36 am

    I'm European -living in Usa with green card -with my little family, but I'm afraid now. I don't like Trump, Clinton would be the lesser of two evils, just my opinion. Sob Sob