that's real i can even screenshot some of the worst comments ive seen, like its okay if you hate yahwi that's your right as a reader, but over stepping boundaries by insulting the author is so sick of them because the author is a real person who has feelings and rights too. The author has every right to do what she wants with the story because it is her own work, she doesn't force them or tell them to read her story, but they still did anyway now they are hating on her just because they don't like where the story is going? ive never seen fandom this worse before. YTC fandom are probably the worst fandoms i have ever seen. ive never felt so offender for other people before i just felt unfair for the author how she has to deal with this sickening people every single day ヽ(`Д´)ノ.
ikr? they are probably butthurt because what i said is true, like they can hate the character but not the author who is a real person, they judge her by the story she made even though they don't even know her. and even if they do no one is entitled to judge others, because no one is literally perfect.
People are the worst species to ever exist, i dont mind you guys hating yahwi or anything, but please be respectful to the author. In the latest chapters i saw many people insulting the author of the YTC saying how she is "HORRENDOUS" and that the story she makes is a piece of trash, you guys are the real pieces of trash for insulting a real person over a character, just because you dont like where the story is going doesnt mean you have the right to disrespect the author and disregard all her efforts in trying to draw the story. No wander she takes a long hiatus because of awful people like you. You hate yahwi because he is an abuser, but guess what some of you are too, yall are abuser too because you emotionally abuse someone by insulting their work.