just found out we can again comment

BobiTheBest September 2, 2023 12:52 pm

Can someone just explain to me what is happening?Like just spoiled it for me...

    ningguangmyluv September 10, 2023 7:52 am

    So basically the emperor treats the mc as a substitute and bullied+humiliated him,causeing his family to fall from grace. Mc couldn't take it any longer so he rebelled. The emperor was pushed out of power and his younger brother took his place. MC then supported the younger brother in hopes of bringing about a glorious dynasty that the previous MC couldn't achieve. Then the younger brother of the emperor fell in love with MC and became obsessive. This gave the minister a chance to turn him into a political puppet.

    ningguangmyluv September 10, 2023 8:17 am
    So basically the emperor treats the mc as a substitute and bullied+humiliated him,causeing his family to fall from grace. Mc couldn't take it any longer so he rebelled. The emperor was pushed out of power and h... ningguangmyluv

    Meanwhile the emperor was kept in captivity by the MC. He was neglected but the MC does accompany him sometimes but it never ended well. During this time the MC redevelops his dead feelings for the emperor. Then the minister started a rebellion which the MC helped quell. The fallen emperor came back into power and a war started. The MC who was a general went to war to redeem himself. During the campaign, he was 'assassinated' by the enemy and was declared dead. The emperor started spiralling into depression and couldn't keep up with court matters. After a few years,.... It's a HE so they reunite at the end and spent the rest of their lives together accompanying each other(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    ningguangmyluv September 10, 2023 8:20 am

    Basically the ml is shit and only realises his mistakes when he really lost the MC. Luckily the MC is a bamf and doesn't take his shit lying down. I'm pretty satisfied with the ending albeit hoping the MC got with someone else better...

    BobiTheBest September 11, 2023 1:24 pm
    Basically the ml is shit and only realises his mistakes when he really lost the MC. Luckily the MC is a bamf and doesn't take his shit lying down. I'm pretty satisfied with the ending albeit hoping the MC got w... ningguangmyluv

    Thank you!