About usagi no Mori, I swear!!! It's so frickin good, why are there no updates??

Captain Kilian September 2, 2023 11:49 am

About usagi no Mori, I swear!!! It's so frickin good, why are there no updates??

    mfxchic September 2, 2023 1:45 pm

    aghhhh right !! I said it once over a manga but i hate reading them when they are still publishing cause it can, no jokes, take YEARS for chapters

    Captain Kilian September 2, 2023 1:54 pm
    aghhhh right !! I said it once over a manga but i hate reading them when they are still publishing cause it can, no jokes, take YEARS for chapters mfxchic

    Whenever I read smthg that is still at the start of publication and it seems actually interesting I'm always annoyed cuz it takes ages to update

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