I'm astonished

Paola September 2, 2023 6:56 am

1st chapter greeted me with " Like how africans are savages", the author in his stupid era~~. Racist as fuck, stupidest statement I had seen all day. It's not a crime to not be knowledgeable but it's a crime to share that stupid statement with all the readers who are going to read this. An advice please, do more researches on a subject before writing about it

    Elio September 26, 2023 8:12 pm

    I actually think the author is hinting at prejudices! Because it’s stating a lot of other prejudices and it ends with “like omega are….”, and the scene moves to Ali facing discrimination because he's an omega

    Sac of ramen noodles September 27, 2023 1:07 am

    Pretty sure the author was just like listing a bunch of stereotypes or some thing