Is it just me

Cinnamon September 1, 2023 6:22 pm

I just cant seem to like carcel idk y even tho he's being nice now.
Its like a bitter sweet feeling like i feel like the mc deserves someone better but now he's being better but thats just not ittttt
The art's immaculate tho

    Nanaohg September 9, 2023 3:46 pm

    i like that he has a personality

    Ore no Jack September 9, 2023 4:34 pm
    i like that he has a personality Nanaohg


    Cinnamon September 13, 2023 3:45 pm
    i like that he has a personality Nanaohg

    Yeah its true that the characters have dimensions but what i meant to say was that the fl deserved a timeline where she wasn't berated in any aspect. Even in this timeline the ml started off with being an ahole and after marriage it was all about dominating her with the "responsibilities of being her husband" farce. Even tho its going better now its not very satisfying

    snapplecider October 7, 2023 8:45 pm
    Yeah its true that the characters have dimensions but what i meant to say was that the fl deserved a timeline where she wasn't berated in any aspect. Even in this timeline the ml started off with being an ahole... Cinnamon

    Aren't you reading it from ur own pov? FL chose him and got him. Say she deserve better, then she could've chose some other guy. ML is the best for her. He not even dominating her with the resposibilities of being her husband. He just having sex bc he enjoy it and she wants to be pregnant so it's a winwin for both? You talking like she don't want to do it with him but she wants a child. How else she going to get pregnant then?

    Cinnamon October 28, 2023 9:40 pm
    Aren't you reading it from ur own pov? FL chose him and got him. Say she deserve better, then she could've chose some other guy. ML is the best for her. He not even dominating her with the resposibilities of be... snapplecider

    Umm thats exactly what i wanted to say. That she deserved better and hence could have been happier with smone else. And the rest is ofc me stating my opinion from my pov. Ur take on that might sound right to u and mine sounds right to me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    snapplecider October 29, 2023 4:04 am
    Umm thats exactly what i wanted to say. That she deserved better and hence could have been happier with smone else. And the rest is ofc me stating my opinion from my pov. Ur take on that might sound right to u ... Cinnamon

    My take is on what the author writes and the author says they're perfect for each other. She is happiest with him. He also nvr even dominate her with the responsibilities of a husband. He told her mother he got no say in that. He's only have sex with her bc she wants a child and he enjoys sex. They deserve each other. They're happiest with each other so everything you say is 100% your opinion.
    She looked around the sea and Cárcel as if for the first time, only now, all of her life and the current self were different. In an instant, she became aware of all the new things she possessed. Like her life, Ivana and Ricardo. Her father and only brother. Juan and Isabella. Cute Miguel and Delfina. Juana and Raul. All the lovely people on Logorño Hill. Her kind friends in Calztela. Her sailing ship.

    Cárcel Escalante, who gave her everything in this life. So, her man who would not let her waste her whole life.
    “So being regrettable is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it’s just proof that there are many happy things in life.”

    “So what about going to Pita Peve with your husband?”

    “Happy, Cárcel.”

    He lowered his head with his back against the sun. Inés let out a small laugh at the kiss that tickled her lips and caressed his blond hair that was brilliantly tinged by the sun.

    “I am the happiest right now.”

    “Is that so?”

    “I’m a fool, so even though I’ve lived numerous times, I’ve never once lived like this.”

    “But in the end, you came back to me.”


    Don't know about you but she sounds very happy with Carcel.

    snapplecider October 29, 2023 4:09 am
    Umm thats exactly what i wanted to say. That she deserved better and hence could have been happier with smone else. And the rest is ofc me stating my opinion from my pov. Ur take on that might sound right to u ... Cinnamon
    ..The first life she was able to love because she loves him. It was the most unfamiliar feeling in her regressed life that even she could be precious because the people in front of her were precious. Inés finally came to love her life. She could even love herself. She could look into her bottomline from time to time, without hating or loathing herself any longer. Even if it was painful, she could not turn her eyes away. Now she could not run away.

    Such a life was a wonderful and good thing. Because she was willing to love herself, Cárcel Escalante’s long name could now be shortened to the short words of her life. My life. My breathing life. My human life. Only that short word was his name, but further from that, it was love. The best always suited him....

    He's perfect for her. He'll help her heal. Obviously your opinion is just yours bc you alrdy didn't like him from the beginning so everything he does just look bad to you but not to Ines and not to me and not to the author. If he can make her love herself and love life, he deserves her.

    Cinnamon January 6, 2024 9:22 pm first life she was able to love because she loves him. It was the most unfamiliar feeling in her regressed life that even she could be precious because the ... snapplecider

    Ohoo that makes sense thanks for explaining it so well ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶