A "quick" rant

Purky September 1, 2023 12:02 pm

Rindo and amane; SERIOUSLY dont belong together. Their relationship is so toxic its hard to breath
Not it (the relationship) being built on nothing but rape and un-con and stalking, but they never address it AT ALL.
Idk if anyone can notice this but i think (dont quote me on this) rindo is developing anxiety.
Imagine you are dating this stalker who has severe mental issues and you have to be their therapist 24/7, rindo's whole actions revolve around amane and thats seriously is a bad situation to be apart of.
Amane in this state of life REALLY needs a long session of therapy not a boyfriend.
I like how the author compared their relationship to walking hand in hand while having a cliff behind them, but in my point of view (as a reader) everytime amane slips rindo also gets hold back.
I am not a physcartist and i am not very familiar with mental illnesses, and how they develop in people, but i am pretty sure rindo is having a hard time overthinking about every little action bcuz his ill bf might think awfully of this.

I want to talk about the girl and rindo situation.
She did an awfull thing by kissing someone who is already in the realtionship; we got that very clearly in the comments ofcourse
But i srsly cant see a single person talking about how amane reacted to this whole thing, he sexually abused rindo very badly, and poor rindo thinks since amane has a mental illness he has no right to feel bad and is talking it all on himself, the poor guy's only concern is to get the drunk girl home safe and sound, so his messed up fiance doesnt un-alive her.
Amane didnt only put rindo's and the girl's well-being in danger, he also put rindo's career and reputation on the line too.
i might be fucked up to say this, but i srsly think this whole entire thing is just so over-dramatized, its just him getting pecked on the lips while he was un-willing, this whole thing could have been solved so quickly if amane let rindo speak.
This also shows how fucked up in the head amane is, how a person like him shouldnt be in a relationship at all.
And i want to mention one more thing; amane's "love" doenst seem like love at all. He seems severely obsessed with rindo since he was the first ever person to show any kind of kindness towards him in THAT state of his life.

At the end; I just wish they'd break up, and rindo can go to a relationship counselor so he can understand the realtionship he had been apart of.
This realtionship is so damaging to both of them, (but mostly rindo)
At last; thank you for reading my **very** short rant

    Duckielive September 2, 2023 7:39 am

    For real dawg

    Yunomi September 2, 2023 8:33 am

    I mean amane needs to go to therapy and yes I'm not justifying his actions but that doesn't mean they need to break up. Rindo can still support him while hes in therapy. Cuz regardless of what we feel , rindo's feelings matter the most. Hes in love with amane and he wants to be with him. Honestly when it comes to couple we outsiders sometimes should not say anything cuz sometimes things might feel wrong to us but not to them. This is why most people don't comment so someone's marriage issues. Humans can be quite complicated. As someone who has a mentally ill parent, i can assure you mental illness should not be an issue why you'd wanna leave a loved one. We can get them the help they need while still be there for them.

    Purky September 2, 2023 10:28 am
    I mean amane needs to go to therapy and yes I'm not justifying his actions but that doesn't mean they need to break up. Rindo can still support him while hes in therapy. Cuz regardless of what we feel , rindo's... Yunomi

    I agree to the part where you say that mental illnesses arent a reason for a break up cuz i have a mental illness and i have a partner too, but the problem in their relationship isnt that amane is ill its bcuz he effecting rindo negatively in many ways.
    And we are reading a story
    If this was a real life situation; it would still be toxic but i eouldnt interfere, but since this is fiction i can express how fucked up their relationship is.
    And btw, just bcuz rindo thinks he is inlove with someone doenst mean he is.
    But in the end this debate is going no where since the author eill pair them together.

    Yunomi September 2, 2023 3:53 pm
    I agree to the part where you say that mental illnesses arent a reason for a break up cuz i have a mental illness and i have a partner too, but the problem in their relationship isnt that amane is ill its bcuz ... Purky

    I mean yeah of course since its fiction. But i think after amane gets the help he needs, their relationship can become pretty healthy cuz despite how the story started, their relationship was healthy till amane snapped. Amane is pretty loving when his brain isn't sabotaging him and i believe rindo can feel that as well. Of course it has become toxic and started as toxic but i believe rindo's feelings are quite genuine towards amane since he sees how amane prioritise him and treats him

    Purky September 2, 2023 6:53 pm
    I mean yeah of course since its fiction. But i think after amane gets the help he needs, their relationship can become pretty healthy cuz despite how the story started, their relationship was healthy till amane... Yunomi

    Well i dont agree with you, but its fiction so we can have diffrent opinions on this.
    Have a good day.