Tak x Sanho is not rape

BL Army August 31, 2023 10:00 pm

For those people who think that Tak and Sanho's relationship started with rape....let me tell you.....It was just aggressive sex...kinda like in the Manhwa "Jinx" but not to that extend.....Sanho gave consent after some persuasion......and if Sanho really wanted to stop then he could've kicked tak or even hurt him a little because he does have a strong hit....but he didn't and he even liked kissing tak. So in conclusion, it is not rape....♡

    Flower October 9, 2023 12:29 am
    Hey...it's me again.....I kinda noticed that chapter 7 has a little rape too according to the logic "saud no but didn't stop"....But like these type of rape scenes can be overlooked,right? I mean it's not that ... BL Army

    Hmm... I read it back and you're right there was lack of full consent and he was told to stop. In real life this would essentially be up to their partner whether they will forgive the situation or not. At the end of the day, it is nobodies decision but the person who experienced the crossing of boundaries.

    I think you may be approaching this all wrong so I'm going to try and explain to help make this less confusing. In your original comment, you dismissed the idea that it was rape. That was the issue I had with it. If you see something in a manhwa that resembles SA, then you don't have to stop reading or stop enjoying their relationship, but you should at least acknowledge that what was done was wrong. Instead, you decided to make a comment about how people who were calling it rape were wrong.

    In real life, I don't believe it is possible or right to forgive a rapist for what they've done and continue with a relationship because it is an unacceptable action. No matter what feelings may have overcome someone, forcing them into any type of sexual situation without their consent is abhorrent. However, in fiction, it is possible to look past what was done and continue enjoying the story because again it isnt hurting anybody. When you mention toxic relationships evolving, it is possible, but toxic should not involve any type of abuse. For chapter 7, I do see this situation as one where it could be a situation that can be forgiven IF the person chooses to. But that doesn't mean they have to. I say these things because if god forbid you were ever in a situation where someone forced you into something just because they were jealous or angry, that is not okay behavior and you should not put up with that.

    The comments you see of people complaining about rape are totally valid. People are allowed to critique something they deem unacceptable in terms of their reading because it is personal preference. If several people are calling something rape, chances are that's what it is. Read the scenes again if you're unsure about it yourself and put yourself or someone you love in the position of the one being taken advantage of. If you wouldn't be okay with you or the person being put into that position, that's how you know it would not be okay irl.

    BL Army October 9, 2023 7:29 am
    Hmm... I read it back and you're right there was lack of full consent and he was told to stop. In real life this would essentially be up to their partner whether they will forgive the situation or not. At the e... Flower

    ....So to sum it all up....Fiction agressive sex is rape in real life......and Fiction has nothing to do with real life.....and we can read whatever we want in fiction without caring what it is as long as we know it is wrong in real life? Well some fictional manhwas are rape in fiction and real life tho.....like darkfall and PLACEBO and pearl boy.....but we can read them because they are characters and not real life people so us reading it doesn't hurt anyone.....right? People really should not accuse the author when they see rape in Fiction because even the authors know this is fiction and that's why they make plots like that.....Many people can't separate fiction and real life.....But you can.....so thank you again for explaining it to me so nicely....I now understand it clearly.....and will try to separate fiction and real life better in the future.....♡

    BL Army October 9, 2023 9:16 am
    Hmm... I read it back and you're right there was lack of full consent and he was told to stop. In real life this would essentially be up to their partner whether they will forgive the situation or not. At the e... Flower

    Hey what are your thoughts on this https://www.mangago.zone/thing/656/ .....♡

    Flower October 9, 2023 3:08 pm
    ....So to sum it all up....Fiction agressive sex is rape in real life......and Fiction has nothing to do with real life.....and we can read whatever we want in fiction without caring what it is as long as we kn... BL Army

    I think that if people want to criticize the author it is okay to do so. I personally am able to separate fiction from reality especially as someone who has experienced SA, but I know many cannot and I know many people who have been SAed may disagree with me. I would say you shouldn't try to argue with people who have differing opinions than you because they are valid in feeling any way that they do. There is a line that I find unacceptable such as threatening the author with violence or other things but it is true that many people use fiction to cope with their own feelings as well as explore dark topics in a comfortable setting, but that doesn't mean they support it. I think that there is a bit too much dubious consent and nonconsent that comes from any genre in literature and I think it's important to teach people what shouldn't be done. The thing that worries me about SA being portrayed in an okay light is that children often find their way to these stories and children who's brains are less developed should not be reading those as they can definitely warp the idea of what is and isn't okay as they grow older.

    To sum it up, and this is just how I see things and my thoughts are not perfect nor are they the RIGHT ones they are just how i feel, I think rape is inexcusable in any setting but that pertains to the characters and the people who are involved.When I say I can look past SA in manhwa's it's not that I'm condoning it, I'm acknowledging that it's rape and it's not okay but I move on with the story. Other people do not feel okay with what is being portrayed and they are allowed to feel that way so don't diminish their feelings just because you do not see it the same way. It would be ideal if SA was used as a negative thing in manhwa instead of using it and then pretending like it's okay because some authors do make light of it and it can be frustrating.

    Flower October 9, 2023 3:12 pm
    Hey what are your thoughts on this https://www.mangago.me/thing/656/ .....♡ BL Army

    I think what most people are saying is totally valid. I much prefer accurate depictions of rape to romanticized rape. I think romanticized rape is uncomfortable to read and it should definitely be used less or not at all. When you use rape in a story it should be used as a trauma or a past trauma rather than something silly that happened and people can easily move past. Like I said you shouldn't argue with how people feel because you disagree. Invalidating others feelings does more harm than good. In the future I would just say refrain from commenting whether or not something is rape and let people feel the way they do about it.

    Flower October 9, 2023 5:49 pm
    Hey what are your thoughts on this https://www.mangago.me/thing/656/ .....♡ BL Army

    I was able to think about it a bit more and put my thoughts into words a little better because my thoughts were pretty all over the place. My opinion is that romanticized rape should not be used in stories. I don't think there's any reason to have it in there as it does essentially discredit people who have experienced SA in real life. HOWEVER, if it is already used I can sometimes look past it and still enjoy the story because at the end of the day it is fiction. But I think the most important thing in real life is education on SA so people are able to differentiate between what is and isn't okay. Though I know fiction doesn't make someone into something that they're not already, it can still blur the lines of right and wrong for those who are not fully aware of it, especially for victims who may struggle with whether or not what happened to them was okay. This is why I mentioned that kids should not be anywhere near this stuff because it can have a negative impact on their views.

    I think that accurate depictions of SA are okay. Depictions that show SA for how it really is which is absolutely terrible, if done correctly, can add many things to a story and the characters. I often dislike stories where there is clear rape and the rapist experiences absolutey no repercussions and the victim easily forgives them. Waterside Night is an example of this. I couldn't personally continue reading because right after the seme started to show some character improvement, he brutally raped the uke (which literally led him to want to take his own life again) and was forgiven because he begged and cried. It just rubbed me the wrong way. A good representation of SA portrayed correctly would be something such as Missing Love. It's a hard read and it's sick to see what things are done to the uke, but it also shows the reality of what someone who experiences such awful things can experience after.

    This subject in general is very delicate and everybody is allowed to feel a certain way about it. That doesn't make them wrong or right. It certainly isn't worth it to argue with some strangers on the internet. At the end of the day, I cannot make the decisions for you. It is up to each individual to assess the situations. Yes, it's important to understand something is fiction, but it is also important to acknowledge that fiction can portray things in a way people do not find acceptable.

    BL Army October 9, 2023 6:16 pm
    I was able to think about it a bit more and put my thoughts into words a little better because my thoughts were pretty all over the place. My opinion is that romanticized rape should not be used in stories. I d... Flower

    You are right.....it really is a very delicate subject and even if everyone knows what rape is in real life.....they have different opinions of it in Fiction....we shouldn't even argue because it's fiction but some do and it's useless to reason with them because their opinions are not right or wrong......I can read romanticised rape and those rape scenes that are rape in disguise.....but I never found myself rereading real rape depictions here....like Darkfall....I just forced myself to read it once because I love torturing myself and was traumatized but then realised it's fiction and was part of the plot that isn't realistic and the characters arn't realistic too.....Jinx also has rape at an extreme point and I was disgusted with ch 34....but I know PLACEBO is rape but the sex scenes are shown in such a way that it looks like concent even when he is clearly hyptonised.....and the plot is very slow so kinda just using it for graphics.....At the end....if we know what is wrong in real life then lets just overlook hidden rape scenes and avoid actual rape scenes.....Peace...♡....I wont think about this anymore and just read what I am comfortable with just not read the ones I am not.....gonna go watch non-toxic stuff for some time.....♡.....Thank you so much for your patience and help you really helped me a lot....I love you,dear....♡

    Flower October 9, 2023 8:41 pm
    You are right.....it really is a very delicate subject and even if everyone knows what rape is in real life.....they have different opinions of it in Fiction....we shouldn't even argue because it's fiction but ... BL Army

    I’m happy I could help! Love you too you are a very reasonable person and I appreciate you going out of your way to try and educate yourself.

    BL Army October 10, 2023 9:51 am
    I’m happy I could help! Love you too you are a very reasonable person and I appreciate you going out of your way to try and educate yourself. Flower

    Thank you so much for your kind words.....♡ I won't disturb you anymore for the time being.....but can you like confirm one thing for me? CBAW ch 146....it is rough sex and not rape,right? Like he apologized and went pale when he calmed down from being jealous and thought he had raped his husband.....Haebom's words calmed my heart down too but this question has been messing with my head because I like Taesung alot and he is one of the green flags....Inseo is a green flag to tho he apologizes whenever he sees that he hurt hyeok and even wanted to stay away as to not hurt him even more with his strong feelings....he is stupid but cute.....♡

    BL Army October 10, 2023 10:13 am
    I’m happy I could help! Love you too you are a very reasonable person and I appreciate you going out of your way to try and educate yourself. Flower

    YOU ARE READING A TREE WITHOUT ROOTS TOO?!?!?? OMG please tell me your thoughts....because some of the comments are such a turn off......like the sex is good and the manhwa is so interesting.....it has so many clues and so much suspence....I even love Heeseo even if he is a red flag because I feel sad for him and taekyung because both of them need therapy and are not at fault...I like Yandere a little...in Fiction of course....I don't actually care if the sex scenes there are considered actual rape in reality because aside from that the story is very intersting to me and I'm obsessed with their toxic relationship.....I like the sex scenes because I have seen worse and this is much better than them....and even their sex scenes are messed up like Taekyung gives Heeseo consent but he is only doing it to not lose Heeseo.....and heeseo is having sex because he has abandonment issues and gets anxiety easity.....it is messed up but I like it.....am I a bad person? I am a good person in real life tho.....I just like a little toxic drama to forget my monotonous life for once......♡

    Flower October 10, 2023 10:24 pm
    YOU ARE READING A TREE WITHOUT ROOTS TOO?!?!?? OMG please tell me your thoughts....because some of the comments are such a turn off......like the sex is good and the manhwa is so interesting.....it has so many ... BL Army

    I don't think you're a bad person unless it's something you would enjoy or be okay with in real life. I actually commented on the story if you look a bit in you can find it. I don't condone the actions but I think the story is very interesting from a psychological perspective. The author makes the relationship toxic and clearly shows it as such so the depiction so far has not been romanticized. It is obvious both their ideas of love are twisted from their upbringings. This is the type of story that is okay to enjoy because it is tagged psychological which is the correct tag as it is meant to show a toxic story. I'm a criminal psychology major so stories involving traumatic upbringings and how people cope, whether that be turning to toxic outlets or using that trauma to become a better person, are always interesting for me to read.

    Flower October 10, 2023 10:25 pm
    Hey...it's me again.....I kinda noticed that chapter 7 has a little rape too according to the logic "saud no but didn't stop"....But like these type of rape scenes can be overlooked,right? I mean it's not that ... BL Army

    Of course, yandere is a popular genre for a reason. If everybody who enjoyed yandere were considered bad people, that would be an enormous amount. I think the fact that you're worried about being a bad person tells me you're not. Bad people won't ask that question so dont stress too much.

    BL Army October 11, 2023 10:24 am
    Of course, yandere is a popular genre for a reason. If everybody who enjoyed yandere were considered bad people, that would be an enormous amount. I think the fact that you're worried about being a bad person t... Flower

    I am an overthinker....and I hate that fact about myself.....Nowadays because of so many comments calling every "said stop but didn't" rape I feel like every sex scene in here is rape even if it is just rough sex or an unintended mistake which probably they apologise later and the partner even forgives them or just trying to show the partner that they are not getting hurt and that it's not bad and to not be scared....like I am reading "Don't cry,Sunbae" and the seme is the greenest flag and never intends to hurt the uke....Read chapter 32.....the seme is actually trying to help the uke.....I love psycology and that's why I love manhwas that confuse people and make them even like the villains cause even the villains are victims.....like in Tree without roots.....and in Vivarium......I love to understand confusing and messed up things because they are interesting to me.....Because of people calling even the slighted of things rape....it kinda messes with me because they are pretty mild to even real life rape cases....like in BJ alex a person was calling it rape when it was miss communication and they was a little jealousy and they were even trying out sex toys.....here https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14543070/ ....Can you like explain rough sex to me?

    BL Army October 11, 2023 10:32 am
    Of course, yandere is a popular genre for a reason. If everybody who enjoyed yandere were considered bad people, that would be an enormous amount. I think the fact that you're worried about being a bad person t... Flower

    Thank you soooo much for saying this.....I would also take up psychology if I can because it is soooo interesting how everyone interprets one thing in various ways....how someone acts according to their past experiences and how some who have had a traumatic past still decide to leave the past behind and move on....like how Heeseo is and understanding his side instead of hating on him because he is unstable too but is controlling himself the best he can....anyways....You are such a nice person....we don't find people like you anymore.....You understand me so well....You are like my saviour in this website....♡ I wish you immense happiness in your life.....♡

    BL Army October 11, 2023 4:06 pm
    Of course, yandere is a popular genre for a reason. If everybody who enjoyed yandere were considered bad people, that would be an enormous amount. I think the fact that you're worried about being a bad person t... Flower

    Hey....I just got to know that SA and rape are different.....SA has many forms....and now that I see people calling Jinx rape....I think it's not rape....I am really sorry but it isn't rape to me...like others can see it as rape but it isn't to me....it is SA tho....Rape is something worse to me....I think Jinx can be called Sexual harrassment....like I searched in wikipedia....and rape is distinct from SA many people who are in the comments of Jinx are very less educated about SA and rape....they are only using one term "rape"....they don't even consider other SAs.....like I found this person.....please go through their replies right at the bottom of the page.....they are a rape surviver and they too don't think Jinx is rape but a type of SA....
    https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/716084/home/ .....I am sorry if anything I said made up upset....the comment section of Jinx just pisses me off.....They are using rape for everything and kinda taking it lightly.....
    And this is the wikipedia page...
    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault ....♡

    Flower October 12, 2023 1:31 am
    Hey....I just got to know that SA and rape are different.....SA has many forms....and now that I see people calling Jinx rape....I think it's not rape....I am really sorry but it isn't rape to me...like others ... BL Army

    I understand there is a difference but there's also no "better" or "worse". SA is an all encompassing term to describe any sort of sexual assault which can include rape. I can tell you that I am well versed in what both of them mean. The things that person commented are frankly pretty disgusting. They told someone they "didnt give a fuck" if that person was raped and that they should go talk to a therapist because they wouldnt be getting sympathy from them. So I will not listen to anybody who acts that way, especially towards another survivor. I am not going to debate whether something is SA or rape. They're both deplorable and disgusting. I told you that you should stop reading the comments. There will always be comments you may disagree with, but what's the point in engaging? At the end of the day it's fiction but some people wont agree with that. Let them argue all they want but stop involving yourself in it. You're just upsetting yourself for no reason. Nothing you say will change their minds because morality is a matter of personal belief and based on the emotional side of someone's personality, meaning it is one of the hardest things to change about a person.

    Flower October 12, 2023 1:33 am
    Hey....I just got to know that SA and rape are different.....SA has many forms....and now that I see people calling Jinx rape....I think it's not rape....I am really sorry but it isn't rape to me...like others ... BL Army

    Jinx is definitely not just sexual harassment. There is clear physical contact being done without consent. If you wanted to get technical with it, there are both instances of rape AND sexual assault in jinx. I'd rather not discuss what is what in jinx anymore.

    Flower October 12, 2023 1:41 am
    I am an overthinker....and I hate that fact about myself.....Nowadays because of so many comments calling every "said stop but didn't" rape I feel like every sex scene in here is rape even if it is just rough s... BL Army

    the person who you're talking with explained everything I would say very well. We view things similarly. As I said it is important to acknowledge something as not okay but still enjoy the story. To go to such lengths to try and categorize it to justify the actions is not what you should do. I need to very much reiterate that a "mistake" can still be SA. Even if the partner forgives them it doesn't change the definition. Saying something is more "mild" than something else is a terrible way to look at it. Read it, interpret it how you want, and move on. If it's wrong, it's wrong. No point in breaking it down frame by frame to figure out what it would legally be considered.

    Flower October 12, 2023 1:50 am
    Hey....I just got to know that SA and rape are different.....SA has many forms....and now that I see people calling Jinx rape....I think it's not rape....I am really sorry but it isn't rape to me...like others ... BL Army

    "Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent.[1][2] The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.[3]"

    I think it is important that you also do more research.

    BL Army October 12, 2023 9:49 am
    I understand there is a difference but there's also no "better" or "worse". SA is an all encompassing term to describe any sort of sexual assault which can include rape. I can tell you that I am well versed in ... Flower

    That person is mentally ill for cyberbullying a rape surviver....They are heartless.....You are right....I can't change them or anything but what I can do is not care so I am gonna do that from now on amd avoid the comments section....ngl but I kinda am missing when we couldn't comment....♡