I admit others find him handsome, I don’t.
I don’t defend him. I defend the story.
I don’t try to find good points because the story makes it clear he has them.
Please face reality he is not the worst.
He is toxic but the not worst.
Is this one of those lame “jokes” to not take “seriously”. Lol I can’t tell anymore. Maybe Toilet (another reader) would tell me. Lol
Yea he is the worst he chokes Dan as they have sex to where Dan passing out and threatens to kill him if he lives him and forces him to quit his job, wait that is not Jinx. That is Dispar
Yea he is the worst he beats and makes Dan bleed each time they have sex…… that is not Jinx.
Yea he is the worst he trained Dan to be a sex slave and prostitute him out to gangs to be gang rape. Wait that is not Jinx.
He slammed him on the bed, slammed his head in a pillow, he made a threat but told him to leave after. He has not beat him. He has not bruised him. He allows Dan his individuality and to have a job. There is some SA (not rape, if you see rape that is your pov) and some abuse issues but he is not necessarily bad. Compared to the ones that are bad, he is a Disney land version.
While it looks like I am defending him. I am defending the story. He is toxic. He is not the worst. I wouldn’t respond to you if you didn’t have your last sentence as the rest don’t apply to me or most here. The last sentence goes against the story. I subscribe to the story, not your fan fictions.

No, I think it is too early to conclude that his character is bad or cannot be fixed. I think the plot might be misleading all of us right now thinking that he is such a douche but I don't think we have the rights to portray him as such even without knowing his backstory or reasons as to why his actions are immoral to many. You guys should not deduce such judgements when you don't even know the full story especially when most of you are talking about reality or whatnot, how can people judge a person for just knowing the prologue of his life. Pshh...

Ive had a similar conversation just read this, im being genuine. If your opinion doesn't change thats fine hut its better if you understand this.
There isnt a simple term for a bad person, its very subjective. There isnt a "logical" way to tell whether someone is a bad person because your belief system, values and religion background influence it a lot. The only way to objectively look at it is if we view it from perhaps the way their actions impact others, highly destructive behaviours like, self-centeredness, exploitation, manipulation and dishonesty can be a sign of being a "bad person". Or perhaps, breaking the law, though whether breaking the law makes you a bad person can often be subjective to a lot of people depending on what law was broken (petty theft compared to violent assault). In general, people can view you as a bad person if your actions harm other people or impact them negatively. This is again subjective because situational factors can come into play.
Jaekyung can be viewed as a bad person depending on what you view as bad or good depending on what you view as good but there is a general consensus that continuously harming other people makes you a bad person. Of course some people think that this is dependent on whether the person being harmed 'deserved it'. So lets first debunk that sort of narrative if someone would ever think that relating to Jinx. To be deserving of something is to be "worthy of being treated in a particular way". Objectively speaking there isn't anything Dan has done other than perhaps not communicate his feelings very well, which only impacted him, i dont believe and most people don't believe that makes you deserving of harm.
Moving forward, what has Jaekyung done wrong to be called a bad person? According to https://www.verywellmind.com/are-you-a-bad-person-why-you-might-feel-this-way-5221569 there is a D-factor, personality. People who exhibit these characteristics could be seen as a bad person because of harmful behaviours such as, Entitlement, Immorality, Neuroticism, Psychopathy, Sadism, Self-centeredness, Self-interest and Spitefulness. I'd like you to think for a second, has Jaekyung ever expressed a large amount of these behaviours? The answer would be yes. He is often neurotic (easily irritated, a complainer, having a hard time regulating his anger and emotions), Self-centered (often extremely inconsiderate to Dan's feelings and careless about his discomfort), Immoral (disrespectful, rude, aggressive towards others, inconsiderate), self-interested (selfish and only just started treating Dan with some sort of regard) and somewhat psychopathic (lack of empathy in general). These all point to the idea that Jaekyung is a bad person of course though, being a bad person doesn't mean you never do good things.
Here are good things Jaekyung has done (objectively not subjectively), he housed dan, paid off all his debt, improved his behaviour treatment of Dan after being told of his weak constitution, saved him from being gang raped and he visited and spoke to him grandma. These are all very positive behaviours however, for lack of better words, the bar is low. When having his debt paid if Dan was greatful get very anxious about how long he would have take care of Jaekyungs sexual needs to pay of his debt. So rather than his being freed of his money problems, the person who would be acquiring the payout was transferred. Not to say that it wasn't a better option, Jaekyung obviously is compared to gangsters who would probably traffick Dan to NK if he didnt pay up. Jaekyung housed Dan for his health but also rather...interesting reasons (booty call). And when visiting his grandmother he stated that he 'wanted to check if she was actually real' or something to that degree, though its arguable that he has more positive intentions we cant assume.
So while Jaekyung has done very good things objectively speaking, his bad actions are more prevalent and frequent. Intermittent kindess cant make Jaekyung a better person but there is room for change (personally i think hes irredeemable but its my opinion im trying to be unbiased). Whether Jaekyung isnt 'necessarily' a bad guy will ultimately be your opinion because what people view as bad can be different. The general idea is that the actions and reactions make the person, from this generalised idea Jaekyung IS a bad person. He CAN change but realistically speaking things like that wouldn't make sense, this is in the relm of fiction so human psychology isnt taken properly. For now Jaekyung is a bad person, again, he can change because he has shown change already to a somewhat minimal degree but its there.
Thats my unbiased observation, personally though, i hate him, i have high moral standards lol and i think his actions are disgusting. Thank you for reading all this bs if you did. i didnt proof read so forgive any grammar errors.
Here lol, its cnped from another comment i made.

I avoid this last time you posted this for a few reasons. One is because I know something. You will see. Not here or now.
Since we didn’t respond, doesn’t mean we agree or can’t debunked it.
You hate him. That is a biased opinion on him and the story. You saying the bar is low is a biased opinion to what he could be.
You just for the second time made many people on this page bad and unredeemable, including you (sometimes).
“He is often neurotic (easily irritated, a complainer, having a hard time regulating his anger and emotions),”
That isn’t JK but the haters on this page.
“Self-centered (often extremely inconsiderate to Dan's feelings and careless about his discomfort), “
He cared about Dan’s feelings a few times. He is not self centered. You are misreading his character and actions.
The haters on this page are.
“Immoral (disrespectful, rude, aggressive towards others, inconsiderate)”. He is that but…. Nothing compared to the haters on this page. I will have to read your link to see what it says. Because there is being disrespectful that happens. Then there is the deep rooted hateful disrespect. This doesn’t describe him all the time. You are being dishonest here.
“self-interested (selfish and only just started treating Dan with some sort of regard)
and somewhat psychopathic (lack of empathy in general)”
Are you sure about that? Fits with the haters again. You are describing the haters on this page, not JK. The story does debunked this.

I've tried my best to keep my personal opinion out of it but my standard mightve influenced some of what i said but my original point still stands haha. From the generalised standard of being a 'bad person' im pretty sure Jaekyung ticks the boxes. Of course whether you personally think hes a 'bad person' or not is an opinion just like the many others, i think he is, you dont. If anything one things for sure and thats hes not a good person, as they say, actions maketh man. Unless i got the analogy wrong. Also, im sure a lot of people on thia website can be considered 'bad people' but again its an opinion there isnt really a 'true definition' of a bad person. I do hate Jaekyung, I've tried to be unbiased as much as i can which is why i pointed out his good actions too. Its more like his bad actions overwhelm them lol. Im not trying to combat your opinion on the haters of this website but i dont think its relevant to the point i was making about Jaekyung nor is it a way to well...for lack of better wording, defend him??? Not sure if you were doing that but it kind of felt like you were minimising his actions or something. Probably unintentional but whatever, it doesnt really matter. You might not see these traits in him but i for sure do, maybe i humanise his character more than i should which is why i take it more seriously. My issue

This is true. I do often wait and see if there is any change and true... Genuine change. Like Yahwi from Yours to Claim. Just because they change for a couple of chapters doesn't mean they're not toxic af. He still has temper issues but to other people that get in his way of being with Jooin.
Just like in Painter of the Night, Seungho is very toxic and often raped Nakhyum. He changed for a few chapters but as soon as he made assumptions of Nakhyum instead of hearing him out he went right back to being abusive. And even during his good times he's still pretty violent with those around him, minimum verbal.
It's not right. Even if he is extremely traumatized from his past of what his father did to him. The man needs therapy.
So I'm waiting to see if Jaekyung is really going to change for real and control his temper. He's right now a light pink turning to yellow but he can switch back to solid red any time. #-.-)

Yeah that means pretty much nothing to me to be honest, apologies are nothing but words and taking responsibility doesng mean much when you look at the severity of the actions. It shows that change was possible from the start and that the mc didnt have to suffer in order for it to happen. Of course if anything, i criticise the author for the abuser to lover troupe. Same troupe as BJ alex

I understand what you are saying. Trust me, I've been sexually abused and that person didn't even apologize nor admit to the truth.
People are self centered, neurotic, immoral, self interested and you can't tell me humans are naturally not any of those to any extent. You can't tell me not once in your life youve never lied because of self interest. You can't tell me you've never been angry and easily irritated. You cant say you've never been disrespectful, rude, etc... Humans have THESE things happen. Now, some of these are very subjective as in the disrespect and rude.... That is very much based on subjective opinions because me saying something that a person doesn't like can very much depend on the individual on how they take it.
Now, I'd like to add, I myself have done these things. I've lied, I had anger issues (still working on those things,) I've been immoral like slapping my sister when we got in a fight etc based on your definitions. However, have I been to therapy and worked through these things? Of course. I am not the same person I was 8 years ago when I was 23. I was immature and was un medicated, uneducated, etc... Does that still make me a bad person? Based on your definition, yes because those things I've done. But that also applies to you.
A person who has been to jail or prison for abuse and served judgment can genuinely have done pretty shitty things can have a change of heart and truly feel sorry for their wrongdoings. Does that justify what they have done? Of course not. But can they live the rest of their life treating people with kindness, respect, and love moving forward and working every single day to be all of those things; like humans. It's up to the victim to decide if they want to forgive their abuser, and they don't have to. That is their right.
Once a bad person, I don't think they continue to be a bad person. It takes time, it could take years. I think people CAN have redemption if they prove it with their actions.
These are just viewing things as someone who works has worked with law enforcement and therapist. I'm no professional, but I do thing a change of heart is possible.

Of course i experienced a similar thing as you did, i never got an apology either, sad reality of most situations where youre sexually abused.
I dont think people are unable to change i just think that authors who illustrate victims being sexually abused and staying with their abusers sends a horrific message about victims of assault. It contributes to the idea that you should stay in abusive relationships or get back with your abuser because they've changed. As i said earlier, being a bad person is subjective because of differing factors. Right now, i dont think you're a bad person, you haven't dont anything deplorable like rape or something. I dont know if you looked at the end of what i said but Jaekyung is capable of change however CURRENTLY, he is a bad person. Being willing to apologise and take responsibility for your wrong doings is a good thing but intended sexual violence is not something that can be taken responsibility for. Even if someone went to prison and did their time, the damage they have done is possibly irreparable. Of course, the victim can forgive them, i forgived my abuser without apology, the reason the victim should forgive is for themsleves though. Not for the abuser. People should forgive to move on and not live in hatred but you should never forget. There is damage that is irreversible and even if the perpetrator changed their life into a good one, i believe the burden of guilt and shame should be something carried for their whole lives. That should atleast be the price for their violence. I dont think there is a redemption for a rapist or a sexual abuser, i think there can change but calling redemption feels like too much of a privilege.
This is realistically speaking, though, i do believe it should be put into fiction, depicting a victim to staying with their rapist/abuser is harmful. It just adds to the weird narrative that 'oh sexual assault isnt that big of a deal you can move past it together!'. I think im definetly more sensitive to this though since i was a victim CSA as well as it being same sex assault. Its not hard for me to read these things but authors downplay the suffering a lot. Or dont accurately display that certain trauma responses like fawn (fight, flight, freeze fawn) arent love but a sad way to cope with abuse. Im probably biased but, its my opinion so of course i am haha.

Anyway, I respect your decision and I agree with many points you have said. But just because you claim to have an unbiased opinion doesn't mean you are. I still think Jaekyung needs to work ALOT to truly change. Many BLs the characters are still toxic all the way to the end. Red flags everywhere.
I think your definition of continuous severity is subjective. You can hurt a person even a little with any of those things you've mentioned, so the degree in which it happens is also subjective. It's all bad. Everything is bad, even a little, yes.
But like I stated in my long response. With continuous acts of kindness, respect, and love every single day and working towards it can make a person better. Again, I'm not justifying their terrible actions... The future is what's most prevalent.
No one in this world, I think, is good. We all have bad. Different degrees of bad vary. So I hope people can try to be better every single day.
Jaekyung is handsome but I am so tired of people trying to defend him or finding his good points just to make his image better. He is the worst, please face the reality