I can't

Yuna September 1, 2023 8:14 am

Bruh! Sasya doesn't deserve our seme one bit i don't care about his trauma and shit if you don't love his just leave him! And now when seme is back from the dead he's chasing after him like a bitch like fuck off let him live

    Tina August 30, 2023 10:37 am

    He did leave him tbh

    Yuna August 31, 2023 5:40 pm
    He did leave him tbh Tina

    He actually didn't when I'm saying leave him I mean communicate like say that I don't love you or I'm leaving he never said anything and just left ofc seme would wait for him! he Waited till he fake died* and when he accepted the fact that sasya would never come back to him he tried living a new life but what sasya did ?? He came crying running back to him

    Tina September 1, 2023 7:56 am
    He actually didn't when I'm saying leave him I mean communicate like say that I don't love you or I'm leaving he never said anything and just left ofc seme would wait for him! he Waited till he fake died* and w... Yuna

    That's communication? Leaving is leaving? What else do u use? What word do u use? I'm genuinely confused with your choice of word. Like since when an action of leaving someone behind is linked with communication also

    Tina September 1, 2023 7:57 am
    He actually didn't when I'm saying leave him I mean communicate like say that I don't love you or I'm leaving he never said anything and just left ofc seme would wait for him! he Waited till he fake died* and w... Yuna

    Also he didn't wait

    Tina September 1, 2023 7:58 am
    He actually didn't when I'm saying leave him I mean communicate like say that I don't love you or I'm leaving he never said anything and just left ofc seme would wait for him! he Waited till he fake died* and w... Yuna

    He literally forgot about him until his life was miserable enough for him to remember, lmfao point out when he did wait, like???

    LocoGurl September 4, 2023 1:19 pm

    Typical person who sees only sides with one person and is completely biased. Lmao u honestly think Karel wasn’t also mentally unstable? Cause it’s seems to me he was obsessed with Sasya. I mean cmon Karel only liked him cause of his body and since Sasya knew that was the catch he took on with it. Also Sasya was quite literally forced to be depended on Karel for everything because if you actually go back and read, you would know how much obsessed and control freak he really was. It’s obvious how you fail to acknowledge the psychological impact of what Sasya has to endured seeing as how much of a simp you are lmao