Yooo what this is so crazy?!! Honestly, please take your time and REST! Your health as well as your family members health is more important than translating a manhwa. Thank you for uploading chapters for us and please take your time and don’t give into the pressure of people asking for new chapters, but again thank you for uploading chapters for us, we love you for this

Please take down "Our Sunny Days", I've already informed the author and send them the ss of the site and the uploader. It's the way you people illegally upload things and this will lead to serious actions if you donot take it down. You're making it hard for the legal ones and the author who's only income is this.
This’ll be updated this week.
My uncle was told he had cancer this month and I was told my tumors have increased in size so I just went on hiatus both with my personal projects and the scan teams I’m in.
I already announced this in my server though