JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 6:10 am

I LIKE SEEING RAPISTS GOT RAPED ESPECIALLY BIG MUSCLE OR FAT MAN WITH FAT AND BIG MUSCLE SEME AND UGLY MAN(UKE AND SEME). I AM PISSED OFF BECAUSE IN REAL LIFE THERE are so MANY RAPE. man rape woman news .so watching RAPISTS got raped i feel satisfied .sorry no offense but this is how i feel.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA August 29, 2023 1:26 am

    ANYONE THAT READ THIS ALSO LIKE IT RIGHT?man rape man.you will not read it if you hate it .

    Oikawa September 1, 2023 10:00 pm
    ANYONE THAT READ THIS ALSO LIKE IT RIGHT?man rape man.you will not read it if you hate it . JINLOVEMITSUYA

    it depends on what kind of thing it is while I'm reading.
    this is a hentai/porn so even if it's R*pe it is made for people to enjoy in a dirty way.

    And ur first comment is really bad bcoz u r saying that u enjoy any men getting r*pe bcoz other men r*pes people like just bcoz some people do bad things doesn't mean everyone related to them deserves to be put in jail even tho they didn't do anything.
    ur saying it like if one of ur sibling kills someone than ur whole family deserves to be put in death sentence, which doesn't even makes sense u dummy.

    Either ur like any other person who likes reading stuffs like this which is understandable or u literally have a r*pe fetish which is gross.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 3, 2023 3:23 am
    it depends on what kind of thing it is while I'm reading. this is a hentai/porn so even if it's R*pe it is made for people to enjoy in a dirty way.And ur first comment is really bad bcoz u r saying that u enjoy... Oikawa

    i don't have rape fetish i hate it ,for me it's death penalty for rapists .they all deserve death and i want they comic about rapists got rape. like i said i like seeing ugly and fat man got raped because that's a rapists figure for me. actually i just hate rapists and most rapist are male so that's why i said that .

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 3, 2023 3:24 am
    it depends on what kind of thing it is while I'm reading. this is a hentai/porn so even if it's R*pe it is made for people to enjoy in a dirty way.And ur first comment is really bad bcoz u r saying that u enjoy... Oikawa

    i don't have rape fetish i hate it ,for me it's death penalty for rapists .they all deserve death and i want they make comic about rapists got rape. like i said i like seeing ugly and fat man got raped because that's a rapists figure for me. actually i just hate rapists and most rapist are male so that's why i said that .

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 3, 2023 3:55 am
    it depends on what kind of thing it is while I'm reading. this is a hentai/porn so even if it's R*pe it is made for people to enjoy in a dirty way.And ur first comment is really bad bcoz u r saying that u enjoy... Oikawa

    gang rape exist ,i have read the news about 20 men rape a woman .man are naturally beast ,out from these 20 men none of them report the police and save the woman .they all raped her.it's disgusting,i know that not all men are rapist but sometimes i am really mad with this.

    you said hentai porn is made for people to enjoy ,rape is rape no matter what you said ,you said like it's reasonable for you to like the rape scenes in this comic. most of the time the victim/uke in yaoi they are innocent cute guy ,i do realize man and woman no body deserve to got raped and rapist is rapist .maybe i should write i hope rapists all got rape instead of man got rape.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 3, 2023 4:06 am
    it depends on what kind of thing it is while I'm reading. this is a hentai/porn so even if it's R*pe it is made for people to enjoy in a dirty way.And ur first comment is really bad bcoz u r saying that u enjoy... Oikawa

    during the world war 2 there are many women got raped ,japanese and chinese soldiers .i don't know if all the soldiers back at that time are rapists or not but at least 80-90% them are rapists and why there are so many rapists ?they are common people too before they become soldier, are they train to become rapist? no way, it's just the desire in their mind they are naturally beast .

    gross you reading this and saying you enjoy it because it's hentai ,my first comment i said that because i am mad with the rapist .i describe it in the wrong way .

    Oikawa September 3, 2023 8:28 am
    gang rape exist ,i have read the news about 20 men rape a woman .man are naturally beast ,out from these 20 men none of them report the police and save the woman .they all raped her.it's disgusting,i know that ... JINLOVEMITSUYA

    Oh my gosh ur so funny and creepy at the same time.
    Ik ur trying to proof ur point but to the point this much makes it more for me to think ur definitely not

    Oikawa September 3, 2023 8:56 am

    Ur so funny and creepy at the same time.
    How old are u like u said so many things like i know nothing at all.
    And if u hate rapists why are u enjoying a man getting raped by men here like isn't he a victim too??? But it's not like he hates it too, he enjoys the sex here like if u hate rapists shouldn't u be reading something else like the rapists getting slaughtered or punished way worse???
    No matter what u say this a porn and ur thoughts doesn't even make sense. Your ok seeing and generalizing any buff big hot man getting raped by other men bcoz u hate rapists??? Lmfao that's a nice way to hide ur own fetish.
    If u hate rapists u shouldn't be enjoying this.
    And yes i enjoyed reading this bcoz it's porn and ik that. I'm not looking for big muscle handsome man getting rape just bcoz I hate rapists(yes in general i hate them too) but i don't use it as an excuse to read stuffs like this.

    Oikawa September 3, 2023 9:03 am
    during the world war 2 there are many women got raped ,japanese and chinese soldiers .i don't know if all the soldiers back at that time are rapists or not but at least 80-90% them are rapists and why there are... JINLOVEMITSUYA

    Lmao and yes again I'm saying it me and so many people enjoyed this bcoz this is hentai and fiction.
    I know the difference between fiction and real life oki.
    And if u don't want others to comment on ur opinions, u should check before what u meant in ur comment bcoz anyone can see the negativity in ur main comment.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 5:57 am
    Ur so funny and creepy at the same time.How old are u like u said so many things like i know nothing at all.And if u hate rapists why are u enjoying a man getting raped by men here like isn't he a victim too???... Oikawa

    i told you i was mad and i want to edit what i wrote there is no edit button .why you wrote a bunch of comment here OH GOD ,what i really meant is i want all rapists got raped but i was mad and just use the wrong word .why you keep insulting me although i said man in general .

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 6:00 am
    Lmao and yes again I'm saying it me and so many people enjoyed this bcoz this is hentai and fiction.I know the difference between fiction and real life oki.And if u don't want others to comment on ur opinions, ... Oikawa

    sorry for saying all man ,i want to edit to rapist but i can't anymore . do you need to keep insulting me? do you think i need to lie to you,i wrote something like that not that i come here to get like or whatever .i already said actually i meant it for rapist but you still wrote a bounce of insulting words.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 6:04 am
    Oh my gosh ur so funny and creepy at the same time.Ik ur trying to proof ur point but to the point this much makes it more for me to think ur definitely not Oikawa

    you said i am definitely not what?are you joking you think i need to proof anything to you?there is no need to lie here because no body know me and what's the point of lying after i wrote something like that above and said about all man (use your brain a bit).
    after i wrote something like that do you think i need to lie to you?for what? i told you i was mad and that's what i just said all man because the yaoi i read there is not about rapist got raped it's all innocent people .

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 6:12 am

    MY comments are gone

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 9, 2023 6:22 am
    Lmao and yes again I'm saying it me and so many people enjoyed this bcoz this is hentai and fiction.I know the difference between fiction and real life oki.And if u don't want others to comment on ur opinions, ... Oikawa

    i found the edit button ,so i already edited it .that is what i meant actually but in this yaoi he was not a rapist so it's not relevant ,he was a victim. too bad there is no yaoi about rapist.

    again you said i have a fetish why i need to hide if i have rape fetish?you think i am here to get popularity or what? again and again why would i lie to you ?are you important person for me,there is no need to lie .i edited also because that is actually not what i meant and i was mad ,you never have bad day in your life?

    i was not in good mood at that time so it's just spontaneous comment.

    Unused hole September 10, 2023 11:46 am

    I laugh everytime I read ur comments

    Unused hole September 10, 2023 11:47 am

    Keep it up I'll come back to read ur comments

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 21, 2023 9:01 am
    Keep it up I'll come back to read ur comments Unused hole

    OKAY hahahaha...

    Unused hole September 22, 2023 8:17 pm

    That wasn't a compliment incest lover.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 23, 2023 12:43 pm
    That wasn't a compliment incest lover. Unused hole

    wow you are such a hater. it's fiction ,why i can't read incest? it's not in real life.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA September 23, 2023 12:49 pm
    That wasn't a compliment incest lover. Unused hole

    it's like playing video game, in the games people can kill the target but that doesn't mean you like to kill in real life. you understand? unused hole(╯°Д °)╯hahahah....