
ami August 29, 2023 12:43 am

whats with yall brushing off trauma like it's nothing.. as if trauma doesn't stick with you for YEARS and literally changes you as a person................ i wish none of yall have any loved ones dealing with trauma bc you're not exactly the best support a traumatized person should have in their lives yikes

    comfymisa August 29, 2023 1:57 am

    it's more like people are annoyed from the uke not being able to communicate very well on how they feel, with the seme being worried on how to help and not knowing how to, and the uke being very antsy and not knowing how to communicate since trauma and I think everyone gets that but since there's a lot of manhwas with this kind of uke it gets annoying after a while ^^ i don't think most of these people would actually treat a traumatized person like this obviously, im pretty sure most people can tell the difference from fiction and reality. but i can totally get where your coming from!

    Emichan August 29, 2023 2:01 am

    Finally someone with common sense... I don't know what's worse this sad excuse for a love story or the comments...

    ami August 29, 2023 8:25 am
    it's more like people are annoyed from the uke not being able to communicate very well on how they feel, with the seme being worried on how to help and not knowing how to, and the uke being very antsy and not k... comfymisa

    it's a trauma side effect. not being able to voice out your feelings and thoughts very well. and if people have become desensitized by this since theyve read multiple books of the same trope as you have indicated then might i suggest reading something different for once until they regain a little bit of their sense of humanity back. the absurdity that majority are frustrated at the actual victim here sends a message that this story might just be for a target audience

    ami August 29, 2023 8:32 am
    Finally someone with common sense... I don't know what's worse this sad excuse for a love story or the comments... Emichan

    fr. it's one thing to express dismay on how the story and character development is going, but it's another when people start dismissing everything uke's been through just because they like the seme ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍