Oh yeah I forgot he’s an even bigger scum in the novel lol. But no I agree with you to an extent, the path of either relationship is not healthy in the least bit. However, yato is a literal demon who is only knows darkness and how to kill - even he has gone out of way to make sure he doesn’t harm her and protected her from other demons. When he found what those ppl did to her, he hunted everyone of them down. Anyway, from what I read in spoilers, her ending with him seems very happy and healthy.

Though I'm not really sold on Yato either, I disagree that Jahyun is a better match (and I say this as I like his design much more than Yato's), to this day (chapter 54) he refuses to express positive feelings toward her, is quick to anger and violence, never listen to her ideas (or yell at her because they're "stupid", like at least discuss with her man...) and is alway very abrupt with her, never slowing his pace down when he walks with her, dragging her along even though she's blind...
Like, so far I don't like either love interests but reading the comments I had expected Jahyun to be at least decent and so far he's... not that.
Bro the ml is yato but why i feel like its jahun im cryin it looks like jahun cares more to fl