I didn't like this :/ I just didn't.

xokiminightmare November 6, 2016 10:08 pm

I'm getting tired of yoais where one guy is so cold and mean and abusive, really. Obviously the uke wasn't okay with being forced and the seme only did it because of his own insecurity.

And the uke still blames himself and thinks everything is because he can be a perfect bride? Like what even. This story annoyed me. It's not okay to force people. It's not okay that the uke always blames himself and has to sympathize. Like he is literally being taken from his country. From his friends and everything he knows.

Why is this story okay?

    Momo November 24, 2016 4:42 pm

    Thanks for saying what I've been literally thinking of after reading this.

    Rabi November 26, 2016 10:31 am

    Whale he did have trust issues and he thought that the Uke was a cunning bitch who only approached him for status and money. After that he felt like he couldn't just suddenly change overnight and turn all lovey dovey and nicey nicey