I just got my nails done and it’s a sheer problem for me so i can’t even text long but...

Tsunmimi August 27, 2023 4:16 pm

I just got my nails done and it’s a sheer problem for me so i can’t even text long but y’all need to quit it about shin leaving gren like he himself didn’t go through his own fair share of problems and isn’t still suffering plus living in a shithole, before Shin made a decision to help Gren escape and told him to get his act and leave him, what did Gren do? Get involved in stupid shit and killed someone, he even shot our ML, and then what!!! he wants Shin to fix his shit, are you kidding me? And what did y’all say “he should take him to rehab” lmao does shin look like he can afford anything, Y’all seem to miss the point that Shin is also trying to survive through poverty and a hard life as much as Gren, and just because he decides to not deal drugs doesn’t mean he’s capable of taking care of Gren. He’s not even in the position to feed himself well or take care of himself, things were only starting to look up and then Gren shows up a druggie, dealing with a deadly gang, expecting Shin to do what!!!, Gren needs to grow up and fix his shit himself, he made a mess all his life and all of a sudden when he finds Shin he wants him to be his savior and “save him” you’ve got to be kidding me. And even when Shin accepted him and brought him home, he still went out and got involved in shit that blew up in his face, and is causing problems everywhere. Let’s not even get started on his creepy way of gaslighting shin and the way he looks at him. So what are y’all on about.

    Moon12 August 27, 2023 5:58 pm

    Nah but I hella agree with you!! It’s obvious in that particular chapter where Shin took him outside the city and left him that it was a painful realization for Shin that the Gren he knows is gone. Him seeing his eyes and seeing a druggie, him finding out how heavy his involved in the drug trade and when he shot Jay… it’s not that Shin didn’t try, he did. But he’s realistic about the situation. And even in the most recent chapter it shows that Shin wants to help, but it’s almost a Gren or him type or scenario.
    So I’m glad Jay keeps getting in the way so to speak. Gren wants to be saved and Shin literally just wants to live as normal a life as he can.

    I think we can all agree that Gren is going to royally fuck up and put either Shin or Jay in danger. I feel like either, he’ll go off the deep end and try to do something to Shin for abandoning him, or kind of go crazy and try to take Shin back by force.


    He’ll blame Jay for stealing Shin from him and try and get back to Jay or try to kill him.

    Either way, Gren is going to be the climax of this story and complicate things for our couple.

    Kinchy August 27, 2023 5:58 pm

    Couldn't agree more.
    Shin, like Gren, is trying his best to survive when faced with hardship. Shin even tried to provide Gren with a way out of his criminal lifestyle. But Gren still messed up, and he messed up horribly. Gren is a grown man, if he wants his life to change then he must work towards that change. Gren needs to take accountability for his own choices to actively try to change for the better. He is not Shin's responsibility.

    Moon12 August 27, 2023 6:07 pm
    Couldn't agree more. Shin, like Gren, is trying his best to survive when faced with hardship. Shin even tried to provide Gren with a way out of his criminal lifestyle. But Gren still messed up, and he messed up... Kinchy

    Not to mention you can only do so much to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. And while Gren may say he wants to be saved… he has done absolutely nothing to change, messed up the help Shin did try to give him, and takes no accountability because he decided to obssess over Shin and putting literally all of the responsibilities and blame on him vs taking ownership of his own shit.

    Kinchy August 27, 2023 6:17 pm
    Not to mention you can only do so much to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. And while Gren may say he wants to be saved… he has done absolutely nothing to change, messed up the help Shin did try t... Moon12

    I also think that the story is clearly setting up Gren to be a huge problem for Shin and Jay. Gren wants a free ticket out of his own messed up circumstances. Shin is not his sacrificial lamb. I predict that after messing up greatly again, Gren is either going to get himself killed or institutionalized.

    Tsunmimi August 27, 2023 7:10 pm
    Nah but I hella agree with you!! It’s obvious in that particular chapter where Shin took him outside the city and left him that it was a painful realization for Shin that the Gren he knows is gone. Him seeing... Moon12

    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!! Glad someone understands I’m seeing people take a piss at Shin and I’m like hell no he didn’t do anything wrong.

    Tsunmimi August 27, 2023 7:10 pm
    Not to mention you can only do so much to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. And while Gren may say he wants to be saved… he has done absolutely nothing to change, messed up the help Shin did try t... Moon12